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Thursday- 14:43, 12/09/2024

Pepper prices on 09/12/2024: slight increases in some regions

(VAN) Pepper prices on 09/12/2024 domestically increased by an additional VND 500-1,000, bringing the trading range to VND 153,000 - 156,000/kg.
Latest update on pepper prices on 09/12/2024

Latest update on pepper prices on 09/12/2024

Pepper prices on September 12 globally

In the global market, pepper prices on September 12 increased across Southeast Asia.

Accordingly, black pepper from Lampung, Indonesia, rose by 0.2%, reaching $ 7,557=/ton. White pepper from Muntok increased by 0.21%, priced at $ 9,115/ton.

Malaysia's Kuching black pepper (ASTA) is priced at $ 8,800/ton, while white pepper (ASTA) from Malaysia reached $ 10,900/ton.

In Brazil, black pepper (ASTA 570) is being traded at $ 7,50 USD/ton.

For Vietnam, the price of black pepper 500 g/l for export surged to $ 7,100/ton (a 7.04% increase). Black pepper 550 g/l reached $ 7,225/ton, up by 3.11%. Meanwhile, white pepper for export now stands at $ 10,150/ton (an 8.37% increase).

Global pepper prices today have increased slightly in Indonesia and risen sharply for Vietnamese export pepper. Meanwhile, prices in other countries remain stable.

Thus, global pepper prices on 09/12/2024, have rebounded compared to yesterday.

Pepper prices on September 12 domestically

In the domestic market, pepper prices on September 12 have increased slightly in a few areas compared to yesterday.

Specifically, in Dak Lak, prices have risen by VND 500, reaching VND 156,000/kg.

In Dak Nong, prices have increased by VND 1,000, reaching VND 156,000/kg.

In Gia Lai, prices continue to trade at VND 153,000/kg.

Traders in Dong Nai are still buying pepper at VND 153,000/kg.

In Ba Ria - Vung Tau, prices remain steady at VND 155,000/kg.

In Binh Phuoc, pepper prices continue to trade at VND 152,000/kg.

Domestic pepper prices today have continued to increase by VND 500 - 1,000 in Dak Lak and Dak Nong, while other key regions remain stable.

Marcellus Giovanni, the CEO of Brazspice Spices International, stated that a quick survey of pepper gardens in key regions such as Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Binh Phuoc, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, and Dong Nai reveals that while there are quite a few pepper chains, some are sparse. Additionally, the pepper is still very young compared to the same period last year.

Due to the prolonged drought in April and May in key pepper-growing regions, Vietnam's 2025 harvest will be delayed.

It is forecasted that the 2025 pepper harvest will largely occur in February, with many areas extending into March and April, 1 to 2 months later than previous years due to the prolonged drought.

According to VPSA, Vietnam’s pepper production in the past season decreased by 10% compared to the previous year, down to 170,000 tons. This is also the lowest level in the past 5 years.

In the first 8 months of the year, Vietnam exported 183,756 tons of pepper of various types, with a turnover of 881.2 million USD; this is a 2.1% decrease in volume but a 43% increase in value compared to the same period last year.

Thus, domestic pepper prices on 09/12/2024, are trading around VND 153,000 - 156,000/kg.

$ 1 = VND 24.335 - Source: Vietcombank.

Author: Bang Nghiem

Translated by Hoang Duy

Coffee prices on 09/17/2024: Slight decrease across the board

Coffee prices on 09/17/2024: Slight decrease across the board

(VAN) Coffee prices on 09/17/2024, have reversed, decreasing globally. Domestic coffee prices have dropped by VND 500 reaching VND 123,000 - 123,500/kg.

Pepper prices on 09/17/2024: Slight decrease in some places

Pepper prices on 09/17/2024: Slight decrease in some places

(VAN) Pepper prices on 09/17/2024, decreased slightly by VND 1,000 in Dak Lak and Dak Nong. Domestic pepper prices are at VND 152,000 - 155,000/kg.

Pepper prices on 09/16/2024: Highest at VND 156,000/kg.

Pepper prices on 09/16/2024: Highest at VND 156,000/kg.

(VAN) Pepper prices on 09/16/2024, remain stable Currently, domestic pepper prices are trading around the range of VND 152,000 - 156,000/kg.

Rice prices on 09/16/2024: Markets are stable

Rice prices on 09/16/2024: Markets are stable

(VAN) Rice prices on 09/16/2024, have not shown any new changes for both paddy and rice. In terms of exports, the price of Vietnamese rice remains stable.

Coffee prices on 09/16/2024: Highest at VND 124,000/kg

Coffee prices on 09/16/2024: Highest at VND 124,000/kg

(VAN) Coffee prices on 09/16/2024, remain steady both domestically and globally. Currently, domestic coffee prices are trading around VND 123,500 - 124,000/kg.

Coffee prices on 09/15/2024: This week increased by VND 6,000/kg

Coffee prices on 09/15/2024: This week increased by VND 6,000/kg

(VAN) Coffee prices on 09/15/2024, are trading around VND 123,500 - 124,000/kg. This week, domestic coffee prices have surged by VND 6,000.

Pepper prices on 09/15/2024: Strong increase this week

Pepper prices on 09/15/2024: Strong increase this week

(VAN) Pepper prices on 09/15/2024, are hovering around VND 152,000 - 156,000/kg. Domestic pepper prices have increased significantly by VND 2,000 - 3,000.

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