September 27, 2024 | 21:29 GMT +7

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Friday- 21:29, 27/09/2024

2,000 enterprises connecting supply and demand to establish a green supply chain

(VAN) 2,000 enterprises from 45 provinces and cities are collaborating to establish a green supply chain by connecting supply and demand with wholesale markets, popular retail corporations, and e-commerce platforms.
Enterprises and cooperatives from provinces and cities join in connecting with retail systems to bring quality and safe products closer to consumers in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Nguyen Thuy.

Enterprises and cooperatives from provinces and cities join in connecting with retail systems to bring quality and safe products closer to consumers in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Nguyen Thuy.

Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces have upgraded the Supply and Demand Connection Program to a regional-level event. The objective is to establish a secure and sustainable supply chain that spans from farming, harvesting, storage, preliminary processing, and manufacturing to consumption and manufacturing.

Vo Van Hoan, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, emphasizes that the city believes that in order to establish a secure and sustainable supply chain and enhance connection activities, the connection must encompass more than just connecting buyers and sellers; it must also foster responsibility.

"The responsibility of suppliers to ensure product quality, the responsibility of retailers to guide and support production, the responsibility of consumers to supervise, and the responsibility of the industry and agricultural sectors to build a safe and sustainable supply chain," he pointed out.

The 2024 Supply and Demand Connection Conference, which will be hosted at Phu Tho Stadium (District 10) from September 26-29, is held under the theme "Connecting Responsibility - Building a Green Supply Chain," after 12 years of organization. Featuring 700 booths from more than 2000 enterprises from 45 provinces and cities across the country, it is the largest event to date.

The people of Ho Chi Minh City and tourists are introduced to a variety of regional specialties, OCOP products, and cuisine from six regions of Vietnam, including smoked buffalo meat, mac ken pepper, dong vermicelli, Ly Son garlic, Mo Duc malt, Tra Bong cinnamon, candy glass, Can Gio bird's nest, Cu Chi rice paper, Lai Vung fermented pork roll, Dong Thap lotus tea, Ben Tre coconut candy, Chau Doc fish sauce, Soc Trang pia cake, and Can Duoc sausage.

The Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee observed that the program encompasses a diverse array of activities, including the search for products from wholesale markets, 13 of the country's top retail groups, and four e-commerce platforms. Additionally, the program facilitates direct B2B connections. Additionally, e-commerce platforms facilitate online interactions.

Businesses from provinces and cities introduce local specialties to consumers in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Nguyen Thuy.

Businesses from provinces and cities introduce local specialties to consumers in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Nguyen Thuy.

Vo Hung Manh, the proprietor of the Thien Huong business in Bac Lieu, introduced products to consumers in Ho Chi Minh City that are OCOP 3-star certified and produced from the natural shrimp resources of Bac Lieu. These products include dried shrimp, wild shrimp, and prawn crackers. "I aspire to deliver these products directly to the hands of consumers in Ho Chi Minh City, allowing them to test, select, and trust my products." Additionally, I aspire to establish connections with numerous retailers in the city," he stated.

From the local perspective, Bien Tan Tai, Deputy Director of the Binh Thuan Department of Industry and Trade, disclosed that the number of local enterprises participating in the connection program has doubled from the previous year to 21.

"All participating businesses have registered to sign agreements with specific systems and enterprises to sell their products through a variety of activities." Tai stated, "We anticipate that the live-streaming on TikTokShop in collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City will facilitate the introduction and promotion of local specialties by Binh Thuan businesses to consumers in Ho Chi Minh City and throughout the country."

The inaugural "Super LIVE Vietnam Products" campaign on TikTok will be showcased at this year's event, according to Nguyen Nguyen Phuong, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade. The campaign will consist of 19 livestream sessions, each hosted by a different content creator, and will promote more than 200 agricultural products and regional specialties from 45 provinces and cities.

Livestream sessions on the Tiktokshop platform are supported by many content creators and celebrities to sell agricultural and specialty products from various provinces and cities. Photo: Nguyen Thuy.

Livestream sessions on the Tiktokshop platform are supported by many content creators and celebrities to sell agricultural and specialty products from various provinces and cities. Photo: Nguyen Thuy.

Truong Thanh Hoai, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, commended the supply-demand connection initiative between Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces for its contribution to the government's objectives for economic and social development in 2024. It also guarantees the availability of essential products to stabilize the market for the Lunar New Year and enhances the domestic supply chain.

"The program has facilitated the establishment of direct buyer-seller connections, thereby reducing intermediary costs, promoting the circulation of goods, and contributing to the development of sustainable supply chains." It supports the city's market during the upcoming 2025 Lunar New Year by sourcing high-quality, reasonably-priced products from across the country. This helps stabilize the market.

Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade Truong Thanh Hoai.

Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade Truong Thanh Hoai.

Additionally, it assists municipal and provincial businesses in identifying new markets for their specialty products, according to Deputy Minister Truong Thanh Hoai. He has pledged to provide support for the supply-demand connection initiative, which aims to facilitate the sale of goods and the promotion of trade activities. He also underscored the importance of preparing essential products for the holidays in Ho Chi Minh City and the provinces, with a particular emphasis on exports through commercial offices and embassies abroad.

Vice Chairman Vo Van Hoan emphasized that the Department of Industry and Trade should prioritize post-connection solutions, in addition to supporting goods and 24/7 online connections and brand building.

Consequently, the distribution system requires assistance with the completion of supply documentation and the resolution of issues such as inventory management, payments, delivery methods, and obligations.

Additionally, it is imperative to establish consistent online connections to assist businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, green businesses, and entrepreneurs, in promoting and introducing their distinctive products. It is important to note that this will assist businesses in recognizing the potential and opportunities to expand their markets through e-commerce, multi-channel sales, and social media platforms.

Author: Nguyen Thuy

Translated by Linh Linh

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