September 17, 2024 | 08:57 GMT +7

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Thursday- 16:02, 18/07/2024

Organic longan earns a profit of 7,940 - 15,870 USD/ha

(VAN) The agricultural industry is increasingly focusing on sustainability and environmental protection, so using microbiological organic fertilizer has become a popular trend.
Mr Pham Van Lo, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative at the cooperative's organic longan garden. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Mr Pham Van Lo, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative at the cooperative's organic longan garden. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

The longan variety is not susceptible to dragon broom disease and bears fruit all year round

Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative in Phong Dien district (Can Tho city) has successfully applied the use of microbial organic fertilizer for Ido longan trees, contributing to improving productivity and product quality. The Ido longan variety has outstanding fruit quality, delicious, thick flesh and small seeds. This longan variety is not only popular in the domestic market but also has great export potential.

There are currently 29 members of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative growing longan according to VietGAP standards with a total area of ​​nearly 23 hectares. Accordingly, on average per year, the cooperative provides to the market about 450 - 500 tons of longan. 

In 2023, Ido longan of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative was recognized by Can Tho City People's Committee as a 4-star OCOP product. The longan variety is not susceptible to dragon broom disease and bears fruit all year round. This not only brings high income to cooperative members, but many local idle agricultural workers also have a stable income of 357 - 476 USD/month for hired work of picking, sorting, and transporting longans.

Mr Pham Van Lo, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative said, cooperative members are currently harvesting longans, the average longan yield is 20 tons/ha, the selling price is from 0,6 - 1 USD/kg. The cost of fertilizers, pesticides, and labor is about 100 million VND/ha, after deducting profit costs from 7,940 – 15,870 USD/ha/crop. Besides, members are also intercropping almond trees (off trees) in longan gardens, each household’s income increasing from 1190 - 1984 USD/year.

Gardeners use microbial organic fertilizers to help improve soil and plant health and produce quality products. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Gardeners use microbial organic fertilizers to help improve soil and plant health and produce quality products. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Growing Ido longan on 6 acres of land, Mr Nguyen Van Hung, member of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative, said: In 2024, despite the hot weather, thanks to regular monitoring, careful care, and special use of organic fertilizers and pesticides, most of his gardens bear the right fruit, with productivity not inferior to 2023.

“My garden has 200 original Ido labels. This year's weather is extremely hot, but we regularly monitor, immediately promptly provide adequate water and fertilizer to the plants so the productivity is not affected, possibly even better than in 2023. I estimate that one worker will harvest about 2 tons. Although the purchasing price from traders will decrease compared to 2023 (at the same time), thanks to this year's high productivity, the longan garden is still quite profitable. With the price from 0,6 - 1 USD/kg, I earn 1,390 -  1,590 USD/work," Mr. Nguyen Van Trung shared.

Increase the "health" of Ido longan thanks to microbial organic fertilizer

Microbial organic fertilizer contains beneficial microorganisms that help improve soil and plant health. The major benefits include: improving soil structure, developing microorganisms to help soil become loose, increasing the ability to hold water and nutrients, providing continuous nutrients for microorganisms to slowly decompose organic matter, and providing long-term nutrition for plants.

Tay Do Organic Fertilizer Company Limited demonstrates the use of our microbial organic fertilizer at Nhan Nhon Nghia Cooperative. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Tay Do Organic Fertilizer Company Limited demonstrates the use of our microbial organic fertilizer at Nhan Nhon Nghia Cooperative. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

In addition, microbial organic fertilizer helps strengthen the plant's immune system, helping plants withstand pests and harsh conditions. Besides, it also protects the environment, reduces soil and water pollution, and maintains agricultural ecosystems.

Mr Nguyen Minh Tri, Director of Tay Do Organic Fertilizer Company Limited said, using microbial organic fertilizer at Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative with product lines such as Organic Viomax, Dafa My Organic… At various stages of Ido longan cultivation has helped to improve soil structure and fertility.

Periodically applying bicrobial organic fertilizer helps provide nutrients, support growth, enhance the plant's natural resistance, and reduce the need to use chemical pesticides by 15 - 20%.

Currently, members of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative are harvesting fruit, the average longan yield is 20 tons/ha, the selling price is from 0,6 - 1 USD/kg. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Currently, members of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative are harvesting fruit, the average longan yield is 20 tons/ha, the selling price is from 0,6 - 1 USD/kg. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Ms. Bien Thi Bich Chi, Deputy Head of the Plantation and Plant Protection Station of Phong Dien district (Can Tho City) said, the whole district currently has nearly 9,000 hectares of fruit trees of all kinds, of which more than 3,000 hectares are planted with longans. Recently, in addition to supporting farmers to grow longans according to VietGAP and organic, the district also actively guides and encourages farmers to increase the use of bio-organic fertilizers and gradually reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Thereby improving production efficiency, especially in the context of the current rising prices of many inorganic fertilizers.

Increasing the use of organic microbial fertilizers not only helps farmers reduce production costs but also helps longan trees age longer and produce fruit with good productivity and quality, as well as safety for users.

Author: Le Hoang Vu

Translated by Phuong Linh

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