June 26, 2024 | 14:43 GMT +7

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Sunday- 12:16, 22/10/2023

Exploiting forest and climate advantages for Lai Chau ginseng

(VAN) With Lai Chau ginseng and policies to support ethnic minorities in socio-economic development, Muong Te people have gradually escaped poverty.
Lai Chau ginseng is being preserved and developed. Photo: H.D.

Lai Chau ginseng is being preserved and developed. Photo: H.D.

According to the Chairman of Lai Chau Provincial People's Committee Le Van Luong, Muong Te district needs to focus on exploiting the local potential, advantages and favourable conditions such as forests, climate, soil and medicinal plants to grow ginseng, cardamom, amomum... Along with that, take advantage of the exploitation and development of livestock in areas with favourable conditions, aquaculture, cage fish farming, adventure tourism, and community tourism associated with promoting national cultural identity.

As a district with a very important and vital position in the Da River watershed protection forest system, the Chairman of the Lai Chau Provincial People's Committee wants Muong Te district to actively attract investment, accompany people and businesses to develop, increase forest cover area, and create livelihoods for people.

In the last 3 months of the year, it is recommended that the district perform well its public investment tasks and 3 national target programs, including carefully reviewing and calculating each project to have solutions for direct implementation. Actively remove difficulties for the 3 national target programs, arrange reasonable implementation time, give priority to important objectives; Review and report promptly to the province and make specific proposals for each content, program, and subproject; closely follow and coordinate promptly with specialized departments and branches on contents and projects.

In the first 9 months of the year, Muong Te district completed the work of planting new forests and exceeded the provincial plan, reaching 527.3 ha (exceeding 27.3 ha); industrial production - construction activities and basic service sectors meet the needs of the people. Regarding new rural areas, according to the new set of criteria, the district still ensures to maintain 3 communes that meet the standards; On average, it reached 13.69 criteria/commune (highest compared to other districts and cities)...

In particular, in 3 communes of Muong Te district, there are nearly 70 households and 7 businesses, the company invests in developing growing areas with a total area of nearly 500 ha including Lai Chau ginseng and several other medicinal plants.

Author: Hai Dang

Translated by Hoang Duy

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