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Saturday- 11:21, 02/09/2023

Celebrating ‘Eggs for a healthy future’ this October

(VAN) This year’s theme, ‘Eggs for a healthy future’, highlights the power of the egg in improving nutritional, societal and environmentally sustainable outcomes, leading to healthier futures for all.
Last year saw over 100 countries across the globe celebrate World Egg Day. Photo: Canva

Last year saw over 100 countries across the globe celebrate World Egg Day. Photo: Canva

World Egg Day 2023 will be celebrated worldwide on Friday, 13 October.

“World Egg Day celebrates the egg as an incredibly unique, accessible and affordable source of protein and essential nutrients,” said Greg Hinton, chairman of the International Egg Commission. “This year, we want to shine a spotlight on the important nutritional attributes of the egg, as well as its versatility, showcasing how it can be enjoyed in a wide variety of ways, any time of the day, all over the world.”

He continued, “Eggs can combat common nutrient deficiencies that often go unaddressed but are crucial for optimal health and performance. Beyond their nutritional powers, eggs are also one of the most environmentally sustainable animal-source proteins. They have the potential to play an increasingly important role that benefits both people and the planet – all the more reason to celebrate eggs with us this year!”

World Egg Day takes place on the second Friday of October every year, and since the first event in 1996, celebrations have grown and evolved. Last year saw over 100 countries across the globe celebrate World Egg Day on social media as well as the return of in-person events post-pandemic, including competitions, digital campaigns, and festivals to mark the special day.



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