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Wednesday- 07:34, 03/04/2024

A Ca Mau crab is sold for US$ 22 in the US

(VAN) Over 2,000 pre-steamed Ca Mau brick crabs have just been exported to the US by air, selling for US$ 22/head (about 400 grams), supported by many consumers.
Ca Mau crab is steamed with sweet meat and can be kept for a long time, so many consumers in the US like it. Photo: Anh Thu.

Ca Mau crab is steamed with sweet meat and can be kept for a long time, so many consumers in the US like it. Photo: Anh Thu.

On April 2, Mrs. Doan Thi Anh Thu - director of King Crab Company - said that the batch of steamed Ca Mau brick crabs available for sale in the US market was supported and received good reviews from many consumers.

"Norwegian brown crab is a product that directly competes with Ca Mau brick crab in the US because, on the online platform Sayweee, a steamed Norwegian brown crab weighing 500-600 grams, has an original price of only US$ 8.8 after promotion. Ca Mau brick crab has good business prospects because the demand for Ca Mau brick crab is greater than that of meat crab.

The price of Ca Mau brick crab is higher, but the meat quality is sweeter and more fragrant than Norwegian brown crab, so many consumers still favor it. It is expected that in the coming time, we will export about a ton of steamed crab to the US every week," Mrs. Thu said.

Admitting that the price of steamed crab is still high, so it cannot compete with Norwegian brown crab, Mrs. Thu further informed that she will narrow the price gap by switching to sea transport this month.

The unit will export whole containers, including steamed crabs and other items such as crab soup cakes, crab sticky rice, and sauces. At that time, the price of each steamed crab will decrease to about 19 USD.

At the end of 2023, after many years of research and legal perfection, King Crab Company is the first unit to officially export prepared Ca Mau crab to the US with many different sauce flavors, along with frozen steamed snails.

Ca Mau has the largest crab farming area and output in the country. The total value of crabs brought to this province is more than VND 10,000 billion VND each year.

Crab is identified as Ca Mau's key product, only to shrimp. Crab businesses in Ca Mau have aimed to attach traceability codes and stamps. Ca Mau fresh crabs have been exported to Chinese and Japanese markets...

Author: Thanh Huyen

Translated by Tuan Huy

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