September 14, 2024 | 07:05 GMT +7

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Friday- 14:00, 09/08/2024

VietGAP cantaloupe 'contacts' the sandy mountainous area for the first time

(VAN) The first high-tech cantaloupe growing model in the sandy mountainous area of Quang Thai commune has gradually changed the traditional way of thinking and doing agriculture of local farmers.
The leader of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Thua Thien-Hue province and the local government visited Mr. Tran Trong's high-tech cantaloupe growing model. Photo: Cong Dien.

The leader of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Thua Thien-Hue province and the local government visited Mr. Tran Trong's high-tech cantaloupe growing model. Photo: Cong Dien.

In the midst of the fiery summer noon sun, farmer Tran Trong led us to "see firsthand" the model of growing cantaloupes in the sandy mountainous area with the application of economical irrigation technology using solar energy in Trung Kieu village, Quang Thai commune (Quang Dien district, Thua Thien-Hue province).

This is the first high-tech agricultural model in Quang Thai commune, bringing superior economic efficiency compared to conventional production. At the same time, the model contributes to gradually changing the way of thinking and doing agriculture of farmers in the commune.

In 2023, for the first time in Quang Thai, there has been an investment project in high-tech agriculture. For the majority of people who have always only grown crops according to traditional practices, this is a "milestone" that creates a turning point in local agricultural production.

The high-tech cantaloupe growing model was implemented for the first time in the sandy mountainous area of Quang Thai, opening up new opportunities for many farmers. Photo: Cong Dien.

The high-tech cantaloupe growing model was implemented for the first time in the sandy mountainous area of Quang Thai, opening up new opportunities for many farmers. Photo: Cong Dien.

According to Mr. Trong, when hearing about this high-tech agricultural project, most local farmers were cautious and skeptical about the effectiveness of the project because, in this arid, sandy mountainous area, grass cannot even survive, let alone high-tech agricultural production.

But then, amidst all the whispers, Mr. Tran Trong, with the bravery of a farmer who used to "stay for a long time" in this sandy mountainous area for ten years, still boldly carried out the project. On the area where fuel melaleuca trees are being planted, with a capital support of VND 5.4 billion, Mr. Tran Trong embarked on land reclamation to implement the model.

Firstly, he builds two membrane house areas with a total area of 2,100 m2. Then, he plants 2,400 cantaloupe roots/crop in an alternating manner, with each batch being 60 days apart. The melon varieties selected for planting include Dong Phong, Ichiba cantaloupe, and Kim Hoang Hau honeydew melon.

Mr. Trong's membrane house mainly grows Dong Phong cantaloupe, Ichiba cantaloupe, and Kim Hoang Hau honeydew melon. Photo: Cong Dien.

Mr. Trong's membrane house mainly grows Dong Phong cantaloupe, Ichiba cantaloupe, and Kim Hoang Hau honeydew melon. Photo: Cong Dien.

Inside, a drip irrigation system using Israeli semi-hydroponic technology is invested to help nutrients be absorbed better. The entire growth process of the plant uses only biological organic fertilizers and fully complies with the VietGAP process.

"The membrane house system for growing cantaloupes has the advantage of helping block rain and sun, prevent insects from entering, proactively control nutrition, and control temperature and humidity in the garden," shared Mr. Trong.

According to Mr. Trong, each cantaloupe crop lasts 85–90 days. If the melon plants are properly cared for and grow well, on an area of two membrane houses, the harvest output will reach about 9.6 tons; the selling price is VND 40,000–45,000/kg; and it is possible to grow 3 crops/year.

The model of growing cantaloupe in the membrane house promises to open up many development opportunities for farmers in the sandy mountainous area of Quang Thai. Photo: Cong Dien.

The model of growing cantaloupe in the membrane house promises to open up many development opportunities for farmers in the sandy mountainous area of Quang Thai. Photo: Cong Dien.

Mr. Pham Cong Phuoc, Chairman of the Quang Thai Commune People's Committee, said: Mr. Tran Trong's application of science and technology to production in the model of growing cantaloupe in the membrane house applying drip irrigation technology has opened up promising directions in local agricultural production. Thereby, helping farmers in the area be proactive in production and reducing dependence on weather and climate, especially in the sandy mountainous area.

In the coming time, the local government will continue to mobilize, encourage, and disseminate for people to promote production in the direction of linkage and product consumption, actively searching for markets, and creating stability in product consumption.

With Israeli technology, cantaloupe-growing membrane house has the ability to diffuse light, allowing crops to receive even light distribution during the day. In addition, the membrane house is used to provide crops with a suitable environment against adverse conditions such as wind, rain, radiation, and heat and to limit harmful insects and diseases.

The drip irrigation technology is the most effective and economical method in all of today’s irrigation systems. The amount of water saved by using this method can be up to 50% compared to the traditional spray irrigation method. In principle, water is directly irrigated to the root of the plant, minimizing water loss when penetrating into the soil and evaporation in the air when spraying. The amount of irrigation water is just enough to meet the growth needs of each plant.

Author: Cong Dien

Translated by Thu Huyen

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