October 22, 2024 | 17:02 GMT +7

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Tuesday- 17:02, 22/10/2024

TH true MILK achieved Top Green Growth in Excellent Brand 2024

(VAN) TH Group (the owner of the TH true MILK fresh milk brand) was honoured as a Top Green Growth Excellent Brand Enterprise 2024.

The 21st announcement and recognition ceremony of Vietnam Excellent Brands was held on the afternoon of October 16 in Hanoi. With the theme "Pioneering Green Investment," the Vietnam Excellent Brand Program in 2024 surveyed, evaluated, announced, and honoured businesses with outstanding achievements in production, business, trade, and service activities aimed at green growth and sustainable development.

The 2024 evaluation criteria focused on strategies, action programs, and the results achieved by businesses, clearly reflecting their processes in digital transformation, green transformation, developing energy-efficient production models, prioritizing the use of clean energy, protecting their brands, and emphasizing policies that benefit workers and social responsibility toward the community.

TH’s world record-breaking farm.

TH’s world record-breaking farm.

The 2024 Excellent Brand selection committee recognized TH Group for being a pioneer in implementing circular and green economies on the foundation of sustainable development. The company applies high technology and management science and integrates digital and green transformation into its business processes to deliver internationally high-quality products while ensuring the benefits of stakeholders, with key priorities being the environment and the community.

At the program, as part of the Vietnam New Economy Forum 2024, Mr Ngo Minh Hai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TH Group, shared various initiatives aimed at integrating green economy and green transformation into the company’s digital transformation processes. These two paths complement and support each other, creating a sustainable, low-emission, and circular production process. This approach serves as the foundation for the "new economy," highlighting a revolution in digital transformation closely linked with green transformation.

TH Group was recognized among the top brands for green growth in 2024.

TH Group was recognized among the top brands for green growth in 2024.

"In fact, at TH Group, digital technology and the circular-green economy model have been implemented from the very beginning, with both processes closely interconnected. Digital and high technology have played a key role in making the circular economy and sustainable development at TH more effective and robust", said Mr. Ngo Minh Hai.

Some standout examples of digital technology applied at TH over the past 12-15 years include: the use of chips on cows' legs/necks to monitor health, milk production, and reproductive cycles, enabling effective breeding management for dairy cows; software that creates feed rations, mixes and provides food for dairy cows, all fully computerized; the SAP management system for administrative operations; and waste and wastewater treatment technologies.

Mr. Ngo Minh Hai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TH Group, spoke at the Vietnam New Economy Forum within the framework of the 2024 Vietnam Strong Brand Announcement and Awards Ceremony.

Mr. Ngo Minh Hai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TH Group, spoke at the Vietnam New Economy Forum within the framework of the 2024 Vietnam Strong Brand Announcement and Awards Ceremony.

In cultivation, some examples include: a smart app that measures soil moisture and an automated irrigation system. Information technology is applied in planning raw material zones, where all land plots are synchronized with mapping systems and Google Maps to determine the optimal cultivation direction for high-capacity farming machinery.

To this day, TH continues to update new technologies to optimize product quality and productivity, enhance work efficiency, and increase collaboration effectiveness, always ready to adapt to new market demands.

Regarding green transformation, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TH emphasized: "When we talk about green transformation, it's more accurate to refer to the green economy and circular economy model implemented at TH from the very beginning, such as the construction of a waste treatment system equipped with the world's most advanced technology and equipment. Since 2014, TH has been using a manure separator to process farm waste into organic fertilizer. Now, TH has an organic fertilizer production plant, with products not only used in the Group's farming activities but also sold on the market".

TH cows wear devices on their legs to monitor various health indicators, breeding periods, and more.

TH cows wear devices on their legs to monitor various health indicators, breeding periods, and more.

Each farm complex has its own wastewater treatment plant with a capacity ranging from 1,200 to 2,500 cubic meters per day. Since 2020, solar panels have been installed, producing about 8 million kWh per year, equivalent to reducing 5,000-6,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. TH also participates in the Vietnam Packaging Recycling Alliance, collecting packaging for recycling. Several initiatives to reduce plastic in production have been implemented, such as replacing plastic bags with environmentally friendly bioplastic bags, removing bottle cap shrink wraps, reducing plastic weight in each bottle, thinning the labels, and even reducing the amount of glue used on straws, all without affecting product quality or design while minimizing plastic waste.

"We aim for major scientific and technological achievements such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things to improve work processes, enhance customer engagement, improve user experience, and create business value. At the same time, we ensure development remains grounded in Mother Nature and follows a sustainable growth path," Mr. Hai shared.

Author: Ha Anh

Translated by Hoang Duy

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