September 14, 2024 | 07:02 GMT +7

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Monday- 14:15, 26/08/2024

Sugar prices are expected to decrease due to exceeding demand

(VAN) Domestic sugar production, combined with imported sugar, smuggled sugar, and imported liquid sugar, leads to an oversupply situation, decreasing prices.
Sugar prices are forecasted to decline due to oversupply.

Sugar prices are forecasted to decline due to oversupply.

According to the Vietnam Sugarcane and Sugar Association, the Vietnamese sugar industry completed the 2023/2024 crushing season in July. Since the beginning of the season, the cumulative production has processed 10.953 million tons of sugarcane, an increase of 13%, producing 1.147 million tons of sugar, a 22% increase compared to the same period last year.

Thus, after five years, since the 2018/2019 season, the sugar industry has once again surpassed the production mark of 1 million tons of sugar (including sugar produced from sugarcane and sugar processed from imported raw sugar).

By the end of July, the total supply of refined sugar for domestic demand reached 1.336 million tons. This amount exceeds the total supply of refined sugar for the entire year of 2023, which was 1.305 million tons.

The abundant sugar supply includes sugar produced from the 2023/2024 season's sugarcane, imported sugar from ASEAN countries (legally imported and smuggled across the Southwestern border), and imported corn syrup. The market is currently experiencing an oversupply.

Due to supply outstripping demand, a significant amount of sugar produced by factories remains in stock. As of July 30, approximately 60% of the sugar produced in the 2023/2024 season is still stored in the warehouses of sugar factories.

Because supply is higher than demand, it is predicted that in September, domestic sugar prices will decrease and remain low compared to the sugar prices of other sugarcane-growing countries in the region (Indonesia, the Philippines, and China).

Author: Son Trang

Translated by Hoang Duy

Pepper prices on 09/13/2024: Domestic prices remained flat

Pepper prices on 09/13/2024: Domestic prices remained flat

(VAN) Pepper prices on 09/13/2024 saw a slight increase in Indonesia. Domestic pepper prices remained unchanged, trading around VND 153,000 - 156,000/kg.

Coffee prices on 09/13/2024: Rise to VND 122,000/kg

Coffee prices on 09/13/2024: Rise to VND 122,000/kg

(VAN) Coffee prices on 09/13/2024 increased globally. Domestic prices have risen by VND 800, trading within the range of VND 121,600 - 122,100/kg.

Rice prices on 09/13/2024: Mixed movements

Rice prices on 09/13/2024: Mixed movements

(VAN) Rice prices on 09/13/2024 increased and decreased for paddy, while rice prices fell by VND 50-200. For exports, the price of Vietnamese rice is stable.

Rice prices on 09/12/2024: The market declines simultaneously

Rice prices on 09/12/2024: The market declines simultaneously

(VAN) Rice prices on 09/12/2024 have seen a slight decrease across the board. Additionally, Vietnam's export rice prices have dropped by $ 1-4/ton.

Pepper prices on 09/12/2024: slight increases in some regions

Pepper prices on 09/12/2024: slight increases in some regions

(VAN) Pepper prices on 09/12/2024 domestically increased by an additional VND 500-1,000, bringing the trading range to VND 153,000 - 156,000/kg.

Coffee prices on 09/1/2024: Domestic prices rise sharply

Coffee prices on 09/1/2024: Domestic prices rise sharply

(VAN) Coffee prices on 09/12/2024 fluctuated globally. Meanwhile, domestic coffee prices rose sharply by VND 1,000, reaching VND 120,800 - 121,300/kg.

Rice prices on 09/11/2024: Rice prices increase

Rice prices on 09/11/2024: Rice prices increase

(VAN) Rice prices on 09/11/2024, have increased slightly by VND 200 for rice. As for exports, the price of Vietnamese rice remains stable.

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