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Friday- 06:14, 21/06/2024

Russia to increase scholarships for Vietnamese students, researchers

(VAN) President Putin agrees with President To Lam's proposal for Russia to increase scholarships for Vietnamese students and researchers.
A round of discussion between President To Lam and President Vladimir Putin. Photo: Tung Dinh.

A round of discussion between President To Lam and President Vladimir Putin. Photo: Tung Dinh.

As part of his official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President To Lam and President Vladimir Putin held a dialogue at the Presidential Palace on the afternoon of June 20, following the State welcoming ceremony.

President To Lam welcomed President Putin and the high-level delegation from the Russian Federation on their official visit to Vietnam. This significant event coincides with the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Basic Principles Treaty on friendly relationship between Vietnam and Russia (1994-2024). President To Lam also extended his gratitude to President Putin for his congratulatory message on his election as President.

President To Lam commended the significant achievements made by the Russian people under President Putin's leadership and congratulated President Putin's overwhelming victory in the March 2024 presidential election.

President To Lam affirmed the Vietnamese people's deep appreciation for the profound support and assistance that the Russian people have extended to Vietnam in its past struggle for national independence and reunification, as well as in the current nation-building and defense efforts.

With an independent, self-reliant, peaceful, friendly, and cooperative foreign policy, Vietnam considers Russia one of its key partners on the international stage. Furthermore, Vietnam aims to strengthen the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between both countries for the benefit of their peoples, and for peace and stability in the region and the world.

The leaders of Vietnam and Russia commended the positive cooperation efforts between the two countries. Photo: Tung Dinh.

The leaders of Vietnam and Russia commended the positive cooperation efforts between the two countries. Photo: Tung Dinh.

President Putin expressed his pleasure in re-visiting Vietnam for the fifth time, and a deep gratitude to President To Lam and the Vietnamese people for their warm and respectful reception. President Putin affirmed that the Russian Federation highly values the longstanding bilateral and multifaceted relations with Vietnam in its "Look East" foreign policy.

Regarding positive developments in bilateral cooperation over the years, notably the achievements of the 30-year implementation of the Basic Principles Treaty on friendly relationship between Vietnam and Russia, both countries have made concerted efforts to maintain regular exchanges and contacts across their Party, Government, and Parliamentary channels; enhance positive economic growth through the effective implementation of the Government Commission mechanism and the Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement (FTA); and closely coordinate in multilateral forums.

President Putin emphasized that the development of a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam is a priority in Russia's foreign policy within the Asia-Pacific region. He expressed confidence that the visit would foster momentum in the bilateral relations and enhance multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

In the spirit of friendship, mutual trust, and understanding, both parties discussed views and measures to promote substantive and effective cooperation, thereby strengthening the countries' Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

The two leaders expressed their satisfaction with the positive developments in Vietnam-Russia relations over the years. They noted the frequent exchange of high-level delegations and officials, which has promoted bilateral cooperation. Both parties agreed to enhance political dialogue and exchanges at all levels, and across Party, State, Parliamentary channels. Additionally, the two countries will educate the youth on their traditional friendly relationship, with the goal of continuously strengthening political trust and establishing a foundation for bilateral cooperation in all sectors.

President To Lam and President Vladimir Putin commended the positive cooperation between Vietnam and Russia in education, training, culture, science, and technology. Accordingly, both countries agreed to enhance the connection between regions; strengthen youth exchange activities; and develop cooperation and connectivity in aviation to promote tourism.

Regarding education and training, President Putin agreed with President To Lam's proposal for Russia to increase scholarships for Vietnamese students and researchers, particularly in the fields of basic sciences and cultural arts, which are Russia's areas of expertise.

Moreover, both countries agreed to facilitate tourism through negotiations and agreements to simplify visa procedures for Vietnamese citizens; promote labor cooperation through negotiations and  agreements on vocational training and labor.

Both parties agreed to facilitate tourism through negotiations and agreements. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Both parties agreed to facilitate tourism through negotiations and agreements. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Vietnam and Russia aim to promote cooperation in defense and security, focusing on addressing non-traditional security challenges and coordinating in multilateral forums on defense and security in accordance with international law. Key forums include the ASEAN-led mechanisms, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF); the East Asia Summit (EAS); and the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM+). Vietnam is ready to act as a bridge between Russia and ASEAN; and contribute responsibly to ensuring peace, stability, and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

The two leaders exchanged opinions on several international and regional issues of mutual concern, supporting the establishment of a democratic and unbiased international relations system in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter. They emphasized the importance of refraining from the threat or use of force, non-interference in internal affairs, and resolving disputes through peaceful means.

Both parties reaffirmed their commitment to continue close coordination in multilateral forums, particularly the United Nations, APEC, and within the framework of ASEAN-Russia, ASEAN-SCO, ASEAN-EAEU cooperation. They supported ASEAN's central role in the Asia-Pacific regional structure and pledged to further strengthen the ASEAN-Russia Strategic Partnership for the benefit of both countries, and for peace, stability, and development in the region and the world. President Putin also confirmed Russia's support for Vietnam in successfully hosting APEC 2027.

Regarding the East Sea, both countries aims to resolve disputes within the East Sea through peaceful measures in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982); support the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC); and rapidly develop an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

 General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized Vietnam's hope for a dialogue, cessation of hostilities, and resumption of negotiations to achieve a peaceful solution in accordance with international law, focusing on protecting the legitimate interests of the parties involved. Additionally, Vietnam is ready to actively contribute to promoting dialogue and negotiations towards this direction.

Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, President To Lam reiterated Vietnam's stance in supporting the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, focusing on protecting the legitimate interests of the parties involved. Additionally, Vietnam is ready to participate in international mediation efforts involving relevant parties and seek sustainable peaceful solutions to the conflict in Ukraine.

Vietnam and Russia are planning various commemorative activities for their upcoming significant national anniversaries, particularly the celebration of the 75 years of their diplomatic relations and 50 years of Vietnam's reunification. President Putin extended a special invitation to President To Lam to attend the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of Victory Day in Russia's Great Patriotic War against fascism. President To Lam graciously accepted the invitation.

Concluding the discussions, President To Lam and President Putin witnessed the exchange of a series of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of education, transportation, justice, customs, finance, science and technology, including a Government-to-Government Agreement on higher education cooperation.

Author: Tung Dinh

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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