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Monday- 09:04, 01/07/2024

Binh Phuoc approaches international standards for disease-free zones

(VAN) Poultry products from six districts across Binh Phuoc province have been exported to Japan; notably, these districts are approaching disease-free standards.

A rapid increase in livestock numbers

According to Binh Phuoc province's Sub-Department of Livestock Production and Animal Health, pig and chicken farming activities within the province have seen rapid development towards large-scale, high-tech production with a closed-loop system from input to output. Additionally, local commodity chains have been operating with growing complexity.

Notably, the majority of Binh Phuoc's large-scale livestock companies focus on exporting outside the province; consequently, they show great interest and support for the policy of establishing disease-free livestock production zones and facilities.

Binh Phuoc's focus on disease-frea zones attracts investment and sustainable export-oriented linkages. Photo: Tran Trung.

Binh Phuoc's focus on disease-frea zones attracts investment and sustainable export-oriented linkages. Photo: Tran Trung.

The province currently houses 2.05 million pigs, an increase of 10.57% compared to the corresponding period in 2023; and 423 large-scale farms, which manage over 85% of the total pig population. On the other hand, the total local poultry population is estimated at over 10.2 million, an increase of 9.33% compared to the corresponding period in 2023, with 88 farms managing over 72% of the poultry total population.

Binh Phuoc features three poultry hatcheries with a capacity of 11.5 million chicks per month, four animal feed processing plants, and two poultry slaughter and processing plants with a capacity of over 120 million chickens per year.

Binh Phuoc has established three closed-loop, disease-free production chains, including: a disease-free closed-loop export poultry meat production chain belonging to CPV Food Co., Ltd., operational since 2019; a poultry meat production chain belonging to De Heus company, featuring seven chicken farms with a capacity of 1 million chickens per production cycle; and an in-development safe production chain belonging to Japfa company.

A representative from Japfa stated that, in addition to Binh Duong, the company has collaborated on contract poultry farming in Binh Phuoc. With Binh Phuoc's extensive land area, low livestock density, and the local government's strong focus on establishing OIE-compliant, disease-free zones, the company recently invested over 400 billion VND to launch the province's most modern animal feed processing and slaughtering plant.

Japfa is also in the process of estalbishing a Feed - Farm - Food supply chain that support both the domestic market and export to global markets, including the Middle East.

"Binh Phuoc continues to attract investment in high-tech livestock development projects, the construction of slaughterhouses, and the processing of livestock and poultry meat. Centralized slaughterhouses are located within industrial zones and clusters across the province.

We will continue to support livestock businesses in surveying, assessing, and selecting locations that meet veterinary hygiene and disease-free requirements to establish disease-free zones and production chains for the export of pork and poultry meat," emphasized Le Ngoc Van, Deputy Director of Binh Phuoc province's Sub-Department of Livestock Production and Animal Health.

Aiming for international disease-free zone standards

According to Tran Van Phuong, Deputy Director of Binh Phuoc province's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the province's efforts to construct disease-free zones have received the close attention of tthe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Animal Health, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial People's Committee.

Notably, Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee has issued numerous directives to implement animal disease prevention and control measures; and to establish disease-free zones and facilities for export livestock production chains in compliance with regulations.

Binh Phuoc ams to be the first province with WOAH/OIE-Compliant disease-frea zones. Photo: Tran Trung.

Binh Phuoc ams to be the first province with WOAH/OIE-Compliant disease-frea zones. Photo: Tran Trung.

To date, the province has established six avian influenza and Newcastle disease-free poultry farming zones. Similarly, classical swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease-free livestock farming zones are currently under construction in the two districts of Chon Thanh and Hon Quan.

Notably, Binh Phuoc's poultry products from CPV Food have been exported to Japan. This company currently operates poultry farms in six districts; and these districts are approaching international disease-free standards.

Binh Phuoc aims to be the first province in the country to establish disease-free zones in compliance with WOAH/OIE standards. Accordingly, six out of eleven districts within the province are projected to meet WOAH/OIE disease-free standards by 2030.

"In order to effectively implement animal disease prevention and control in the province, Binh Phuoc's agricultural sector requests the Department of Animal Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to provide support and issue detailed guidelines for the development of biosecurity plans, disease surveillance plans, and disease response plans according to Vietnamese and OIE standards; and to provide instructions on the establishment of inter-district and inter-provincial disease-free zones. Additionally, regulations and guidelines are essential to controlling the transportation of animals and animal products between districts within the province, and between disease-free and non-disease-free zones in order to ensure safety and traceability," emphasized Deputy Director Tran Van Phuong.

Authors: Tran Phi - Tran Trung

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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