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Release of 9 endangered wildlife species back into nature

(VAN) The endangered wildlife species have been released back into nature by Kon Ka Kinh National Park (Gia Lai province) in cooperation with the police.
Endangered wildlife species are released back into nature. Photo: Tuan Anh.

Endangered wildlife species are released back into nature. Photo: Tuan Anh.

On July 16, Kon Ka Kinh National Park, in collaboration with the Economic, Corruption, Smuggling, and Environmental Crime Investigation Police Department (Gia Lai Provincial Police), the Forest Protection Department, and the Provincial People's Procuracy, released nine wildlife individuals into the wild to preserve valuable genetic resources.

Previously, the nine individuals, including eight clouded monitors and one reticulated python, were evidence in a case of violations of regulations on the protection of endangered, precious, and rare animals discovered and seized by the Economic, Corruption, Smuggling, and Environmental Crime Investigation Police Department in Ia O commune (Ia Grai district) on June 13.

It is known that the clouded monitor is classified under Group IB, which includes endangered and rare species that need priority protection, and the reticulated python is classified under Group IIB, which includes endangered and rare species. The release site for the nine individuals was an evergreen forest area in sub-area 5, compartment 432 (managed by Kon Ka Kinh National Park, within the jurisdiction of Ayun commune, Mang Yang district). At the time of release, the individuals were healthy.

According to a representative of Kon Ka Kinh National Park, the environment for releasing the animals back into the forest was suitable for the individuals. Therefore, upon being released into the wild, the nine individuals adapted well to the natural habitat.

Author: Tuan Anh

Translated by Hoang Duy

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