October 10, 2024 | 15:36 GMT +7

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Thursday- 15:35, 10/10/2024

Quang Nam Province to address '3 no' fishing vessels

(VAN) Quang Nam Province instructed its sectors and local governments to collaborate and effectively address the issue of 3 no' fishing vessels.
Numerous fishing vessels in Quang Nam Province are still categorized as '3 no'. Photo: L.K.

Numerous fishing vessels in Quang Nam Province are still categorized as '3 no'. Photo: L.K.

United efforts to address '3 no' fishing vessels

Statistics from the Quang Nam Province's Sub-Department of Fisheries indicate that the province houses a total of 3,389 fishing vessels, including 2,220 registered vessels. Conversely, 1,169 vessels lack registration, inspection, and licensing, classifying them as '3 no' fishing vessels. The majority of these vessels measure between 6 and 12 meters in length, accounting for nearly 93% (1,086 out of 1,169) of the total.

The lack of licensing for fishing vessels can be attributed to several factors, including: transactions that occurred without a complete ownership transfer procedure; vessel owners independently replacing engines or modifying their vehicles, thus failing to meet inspection criteria; and damaged vessels that fail to undergo the necessary deregistration process.

Additionally, many fishing vessels dock at informal beaches and engage in fishing activities without passing through border control checkpoints, which prompts local fishermen to neglect the registration procedures. Notably, several vessels measuring over 15 meters in length operate without Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) and licenses, constituting a violation under the Law on Fisheries.

Consequently, relevant authorities and local agencies in Quang Nam Province have immediately taken drastic action to address the issue. Moreover, the Quang Nam Province's Sub-Department of Fisheries has continuously collaborated with local governments to visit fishermen who own unlicensed inshore vessels, assess their current status, and identify the reasons for non-compliance to provide them with instructions to complete the registration and licensing process.

Nui Thanh District has the highest number of '3 no' fishing vessels in Quang Nam Province, with a total of 952 vessels. This figure includes 195 registered vessels, 658 unregistered vessels, and 99 modified vessels. Le Van Sinh, Chairman of the Nui Thanh District People's Committee, noted that progress in resolving the issue of '3 no' fishing vessels is relatively limited due to a shortage of manpower.

As a result, Nui Thanh District recently requested its Department of Agriculture to establish four task forces. Three of these teams will visit households to collect information and complete the necessary paperwork for registration, with the ultimate goal of immediately resolving the issue of '3 no' fishing vessels in the district.

Le Dinh Tuong, Deputy Head of Economic in Hoi An City, reported that the city is urgently completing the registration and licensing process for local vessels that measure between 6 and 12 meters in length. Subsequently, the city will report the results to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for entry into the VNfisbase national fisheries database.

Local authorities in Quang Nam Province inspecting fishing vessels docked at Tam Quang Port in Nui Thanh District. Photo: L.K.

Local authorities in Quang Nam Province inspecting fishing vessels docked at Tam Quang Port in Nui Thanh District. Photo: L.K.

According to Tuong, Hoi An City has identified the reasons for the local fishing vessels' failure to register and obtain licenses. The city has located the specific docking sites of each vessel and developed a management and monitoring plan, thereby encouraging vessel owners to complete the registration and licensing procedures. Additionally, the city will submit a list of vessels that have been decomissioned, sunk, or damaged beyond operation to the Sub-Department of Fisheries for deregistration in accordance with regulations.

Alongside relevant authorities, the Quang Nam Provincial Border Guard Command has allocated its resources and strengthened inspection efforts at coastal border control stations to prevent non-compliant fishing vessels from departing. Subsequently, vessel owners are directed to local district and commune authorities to complete the registration and licensing process.

Preventing the emergence of additional '3 no' fishing vessels

Despite actively implementing various measures and enhancing coordination among local agencies, Vo Van Long, General Director of the Quang Nam Province's Sub-Department of Fisheries, noted that local efforts to eliminate '3 no' fishing vessels are still facing challenges. Notably, the initiative is progressing slowly in several regions, and local governments are unable to facilitate the registration and licensing of fishing vessels. Furthermore, local fishermen often fail to voluntarily report and complete the necessary registration and licensing.

Additionally, engines purchased without invoices, quality certificates, or inspection certificates further exacerbate the '3 no' fishing vessel issue in Quang Nam. Certain vessels are equipped with engines that are not suitable for maritime use, preventing inspection authorities from issuing safety certificates. Consequently, these vessels fail to meet the required documentation for registration, rendering them ineligible for fishing licenses and vessel inspections.

Quang Nam Province has instructed local governments and relevant authorities to implement various solutions with the aim of eliminating '3 no' fishing vessels. Photo: L.K.

Quang Nam Province has instructed local governments and relevant authorities to implement various solutions with the aim of eliminating '3 no' fishing vessels. Photo: L.K.

According to Circular No. 06 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development May 6, 2024, which amended several provisions under Circular No. 23 concerning the registration and inspection of fishing vessels, the recognition of fishing vessel inspection facilities, and the registration and deregistration of fishing vessels, Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee has instructed local agencies to urgently raddress '3 no' fishing vessels. The Provincial People's Committee has also issued Notification No. 224, listing 1,169 '3 no' fishing vessels that require immediate assistance. Furthermore, they have requested the Quang Nam Province's Department of Taxation to waive financial invoice requirements for engines and hulls, thereby facilitating the tax registration process for vessel owners.

To date, the province has supported all owners of '3 no' fishing vessels listed under Notification No. 224 from the Provincial People's Committee in registering, obtaining fishing licenses, and completing the inspection process. General Director Vo Van Long reported that the Sub-Department of Fisheries is compiling data on the processed vessels for entry into the VNfisbase national fisheries database.

Pham Viet Tich, General Director of the Quang Nam Province's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, highlighted that the province is gradually eliminating '3 no' fishing vessels to facilitate the development of sustainable fisheries. Accordingly, the province aims to transition from traditional fishing practices to responsible fishing, whereby fishermen are required to follow necessary steps to register, inspect, and obtain fishing licenses for their vessels.

The Sub-Department of Fisheries has compiled a list of vessels measuring over 12 meters in length that have not completed inspections or possess expired fishing licenses within the province. Subsequently, the Sub-Department will submit this information to local governments, notifying each vessel owner and requesting that they complete the necessary inspection and licensing procedures as soon as possible.

Ho Quang Buu, Vice Chairman of the Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee, has also requested local departments, sectors, and relevant agencies to focus on addressing '3 no' fishing vessels. On the other hand, the province must maintain strict control over its fishing fleet to gradually implement the European Commission’s recommendations and remove Vietnam's "yellow card" for illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Consequently, coastal districts, towns, and cities must quickly register and license vessels measuring between 6 and 12 meters in length and report their results to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for entry into the national fisheries database.

"We must prevent the emergence of additional '3 no' fishing vessels in the province. District and commune-level chairpersons will be held accountable if new unregistered and unlicensed vessels are found within their jurisdictions," remarked Vice Chairman Ho Quang Buu.

Author: Le Khanh

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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