July 1, 2024 | 10:14 GMT +7

President To Lam holds talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Thứ Năm 20/06/2024 , 14:17 (GMT+7)

(VAN) After the welcoming ceremony at noon on June 20, President To Lam and President Putin held talks and discussed important measures to strengthen relations between the two countries.


Following the official welcoming ceremony at noon on June 20 at the Presidential Palace, President To Lam and Russian President Vladimir Putin took a photo together before engaging in talks with many high-ranking officials from both sides. This marks the first direct conversation between President To Lam and President Putin in his new position.


Congratulating Russia on achieving significant milestones and consolidating its position on the global political stage, President To Lam affirmed that the people of Vietnam and Russia, as well as himself, believe that the relationship between the two countries plays a very important role. He always supports and appreciates the role President Putin has played in consolidating and maintaining the strong Vietnam-Russia relationship.


President To Lam emphasized that Vietnam pursues an independent, peaceful foreign policy with a diverse and multilateral approach, yet always considers Russia an important traditional friend. Friendly relations with Russia are a priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy.

The President expressed his desire to discuss key areas and topics related to strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and Vietnam within the framework of today’s talks, which would benefit both countries and promote peace and development in the region and the world.


For his part, President Putin said Russia attaches great importance to developing dialogue with ASEAN, of which Vietnam is a leading member. The Russian President also mentioned regular contacts between Vietnam and Russia through channels such as the National Assembly, ministries, branches, parties, and civil society organizations. He noted the progressive development of trade and economic relations between the two countries.

Additionally, President Putin highlighted that the Russian Federation will celebrate many significant holidays in 2025, including the 75th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Russia and Vietnam, and the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the South and reunification of Vietnam. He also invited President To Lam to visit Moscow on the occasion of Russia’s 80th Victory Day anniversary on May 9, 2025.

Translated by Quynh Chi