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Thursday- 12:26, 13/06/2024

Vietnam and Russia aim to expand trade relations in agricultural and aquatic products

(VAN) On the morning of June 13, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam met with Mr. Gennady Bezdetko, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Vietnam.
Meeting between Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam and the delegation of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Vietnam on June 13 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Photo: Quynh Chi.

Meeting between Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam and the delegation of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Vietnam on June 13 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Photo: Quynh Chi.

The two leaders agreed that cooperation between their countries in the agricultural sector has been progressing well in recent times. The trade turnover of agricultural products has doubled over the past five years, currently reaching about 1 billion USD per year.

The meeting took place ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Vietnam. To ensure the event proceeds smoothly, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has been working closely with the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Vietnam to review and enhance agricultural cooperation between the two countries.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation in the agricultural sector. “Vietnam always values and wishes to develop a cooperative relationship with the Russian Federation, especially in the context of new opportunities and challenges in the global market,” the Deputy Minister stated.

The two leaders noted that while cooperation has been fruitful, trade turnover is on a downward trend due to difficulties in payment and transportation. Therefore, creating a clear and effective cooperation mechanism between the two sides is essential to meet the trade needs of both countries. This would not only provide more favorable conditions for businesses to collaborate in the agricultural sector but also ensure the sustainable development of the market.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam wanted to create a clear and effective cooperation mechanism between the two sides. Photo: Quynh Chi.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam wanted to create a clear and effective cooperation mechanism between the two sides. Photo: Quynh Chi.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam remarked, “Currently, the number of Russian export enterprises granted rights to Vietnam has increased significantly compared to the number of Vietnamese enterprises granted rights to Russia, especially in the field of meat products. We understand that building trust between businesses of the two countries is essential.”

Responding to the Deputy Minister, Ambassador Gennady Bezdetko noted that while the potential for cooperation remains substantial, both sides have not fully leveraged their traditional historical friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership.

The Ambassador stated, “Currently, both sides face challenges in accessing and opening import-export markets to each other, which significantly impacts the potential to increase bilateral trade turnover. However, Russian and Vietnamese agricultural products do not compete but rather complement each other, creating favorable conditions for businesses to thrive.”

To address these challenges, leaders from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development emphasized the necessity of establishing a close cooperation mechanism. Such a mechanism would enable both sides to support each other more effectively. By creating systematic chain links - from management levels to businesses - and considering payment capacities, they aim to foster conditions that promote trade between the two countries.

Furthermore, the Russian Ambassador to Vietnam highlighted the robust development of the fisheries industry, which has become a vital pillar in promoting bilateral trade.

Mr. Gennady Bezdetko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Vietnam, is interested in supporting the Vietnamese fisheries industry. Photo: Quynh Chi.

Mr. Gennady Bezdetko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Vietnam, is interested in supporting the Vietnamese fisheries industry. Photo: Quynh Chi.

To enhance seafood trade, Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam requested that the Russian side swiftly consider recognizing additional seafood facilities authorized to export to the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development leaders also expressed hope that Russia would support technology transfers for marine farming, contributing to the sustainable development of Vietnam's fisheries industry and guiding the growth of the country's marine economy.

Mr. Bezdetko acknowledged the recommendations from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and pledged to encourage specialized agencies to coordinate closely with their Vietnamese counterparts. He affirmed that Russia is ready to share the latest research and meet Vietnam’s specific needs.

Regarding education and training corporation, Ambassador Bezdetko expressed the interest of Russian universities in welcoming Vietnamese international students through self-funded training programs or scholarships. He hopes that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will provide information on the areas of interest for Vietnam in training, so Russia can offer better support.

Ambassador Bezdetko said that Russia is open to share the latest research and meet Vietnam's needs.

Ambassador Bezdetko said that Russia is open to share the latest research and meet Vietnam's needs.

In discussions with representatives of the Russian Embassy in Vietnam, Prof. Dr. Pham Van Cuong, Deputy Director of the Vietnam University of Agriculture, emphasized the importance of Russian support in helping domestic students access new technology and improve their skills.

“Through student exchange programs, summer courses, conferences, and seminars, Vietnam wants its students and experts to have the opportunity to access and learn from the latest scientific and technological advances from Russia. This will contribute to improving professional capacity and promoting sustainable development in the agricultural industry, meeting the increasing needs of the market,” proposed the representative from the Vietnam University of Agriculture.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development suggested that the Russian side consider granting scholarships directly to Vietnamese students through Russian institutions or the Ministry of Agriculture to facilitate coordination and distribution.

In the first four months of 2024, the total bilateral trade turnover between Vietnam and Russia reached 1.57 billion USD, an increase of 55.9% over the same period in 2023. During this period, Vietnam’s export turnover to Russia reached 762 million USD, an increase of 49% compared to the same period in 2023.

Author: Quynh Chi

Translated by Quynh Chi

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