June 24, 2024 | 19:08 GMT +7

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Thursday- 19:14, 13/06/2024

Phu Tho has sent more than 88,000 cats to catch mice

(VAN) Scientists have determined that within a span of one year, a pair of mice can go through exponential reproduction, leading to population of up to 15,000 individuals, including their offspring and following generations.
Cats are the best natural enemies for controlling mice. Photo: Reference material.

Cats are the best natural enemies for controlling mice. Photo: Reference material.

Due to their exceptionally fast reproductive rate, mice pose a huge threat to agriculture, particularly in abandoned fields and fragmented areas such as industrial zones and residential areas, where they may easily find abundant food and shelter.

To address this danger, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Phu Tho province initiates targeted efforts to eliminate mice at the start of every planting season, aiming to safeguard productivity. At the district level, municipalities and districts launch targeted programs to eliminate mice and assign tasks to communes, wards, and townships to mobilize all involved groups.

Local towns and townships implement targeted campaigns to eliminate mice and delegate responsibilities to production teams, households, and organizations such as agricultural extension groups and service cooperatives.

According to data from the Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine Bureau of Phu Tho province, during the spring planting season of 2024, the province has utilized 88,200 cats, 1,663 kg of biological rodenticides, and 2,904 kg of chemical rodenticides to participate in a focused campaign to eliminate mice.

Consequently, the harm inflicted by mice has considerably diminished in terms of the extent of the afflicted region and the severity level. By spring 2024, a mere 101 hectares of crops across the entire province have suffered mild harm from mice.

Author: Van Dinh

Translated by Linh Linh

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