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Saturday- 15:38, 25/05/2024

Ngoc Linh ginseng forest worth billions of VND in the center of Ho Chi Minh City

(VAN) 400 ginseng plants from 2-15 years old, worth billions of VND, were first transported to Ho Chi Minh City for display under the 200 m2 "ginseng forest" model on May 24.
Customers visit the ginseng garden at the morning festival on May 24. Photo: Thi Ha.

Customers visit the ginseng garden at the morning festival on May 24. Photo: Thi Ha.

The largest Ngoc Linh ginseng "forest" was recreated for the first time in Ho Chi Minh City during the ginseng and medicinal herbs festival from May 24-26 in District 1. This festival has 57 international and local trade booths with nearly 70 fresh ginseng products processed from ginseng.

Besides the fresh Ngoc Linh ginseng from the provinces of Kon Tum, Quang Nam, Lai Chau, etc., displayed on the shelves, the most impressive thing for visitors is the miniature ginseng forest, which belongs to Ngoc Linh Kon Tum Ginseng Joint Stock Company.

Mr. Nguyen An, the company's Communications Director, said these 2-15-year-old ginseng plants were transported from Kon Tum province to Ho Chi Minh City over several days. The company sells each kilogram of Ngoc Linh ginseng for VND 130-300 million VND.

According to Mr. An, the company's recreated ginseng forest is 99% similar to the natural Ngoc Linh ginseng forest at an altitude of 1,200m. The forest is full of ancient trees, tangled mistletoe, gurgling streams, chirping birds, spreading dew, and Ngoc Linh ginseng trees planted under the forest canopy with complete growth cycles.

The dragon-shaped ginseng bottle costs more than VND 5 billion. Photo: Thi Ha.

The dragon-shaped ginseng bottle costs more than VND 5 billion. Photo: Thi Ha.

Besides real ginseng trees, the forest displays ginseng vases worth billions of VND. In particular, the 1-meter tall ginseng vase that took artisans a week to shape into a dragon is worth more than VND 5 billion. This ginseng vase was shaped by artisans within a week with ginseng roots over 10-15 years old.

According to businesses, bringing billions of VND ginseng jars to this fair aims to introduce Vietnamese ginseng to Ho Chi Minh City consumers and international customers.

Mr. Vo Trung Manh, Chairman of Tu Mo Rong District People's Committee, Kom Tum province, said buying and selling fake Ngoc Linh ginseng is increasing. Many consumers lost billions of VND when purchasing fake Ngoc Linh ginseng. Therefore, he believes that through this exhibition, consumers can approach businesses and growers that supply natural Ngoc Linh ginseng with traceability stamps.

Mr. Manh informed us that the whole district has 2,300ha of Ngoc Linh ginseng, an increase of 500 hectares compared to last year. Although this is a precious medicinal plant, according to him, it has yet to be heavily commercialized, and the purchasing power of this product in the past year has also been affected by the economic recession.

Participating in this exhibition will help growing households and businesses consume more products and have more stable output.

Author: Thi Ha

Translated by Huong Giang

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