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Monday- 07:51, 17/06/2024

Net Zero Vinamilk Forest in Ca Mau welcomes flocks of birds back

(VAN) In less than 10 months from the date of implementation, the ecosystem where Net Zero Vinamilk Forest was nurtured in Mui Ca Mau National Park has miraculously regenerated.

Inside the fence protecting 25 hectares of forest, more than 71,000 baby mangrove trees have grown to 40–50 cm tall, becoming a breeding ground for fish and shrimp and attracting flocks of coots, swallows, etc. to return to nest.

The Net Zero Vinamilk Forest in Mui Ca Mau National Park has miraculously regenerated.

The Net Zero Vinamilk Forest in Mui Ca Mau National Park has miraculously regenerated.

Located deep in the core area of Mui Ca Mau National Park, Net Zero Vinamilk Forest has been implemented by Vinamilk, along with the Gaia Nature Conservation Center and Mui Ca Mau National Park, to nurture and promote regeneration since August 2023. The project has an area of 25 hectares, with the goal of regenerating 100,000–250,000 trees in 6 years (2023–2029).

In less than 9 months since the fence was erected, the forest has welcomed more than 71,000 first-time 'residents.'

In less than 9 months since the fence was erected, the forest has welcomed more than 71,000 first-time "residents."

In less than 9 months since the fence was erected, the forest has welcomed more than 71,000 first-time "residents." These are black mangrove trees that sprouted from the seeds of "mother" mangrove trees that fell last August. With a unique lung root system that grows bottom-up, mangrove trees are likened to brave "soldiers," helping to stabilize mud and creating conditions for other plants such as Aegiceras corniculatum, Bruguiera, etc. to encroach towards the sea. Each year, the alluvial land can encroach nearly 100 m into the sea.

25 hectares of forest regenerated in cooperation with Vinamilk will soon be greened, faster than the initially set goal.

25 hectares of forest regenerated in cooperation with Vinamilk will soon be greened, faster than the initially set goal.

Up to this point, more than 71,000 baby mangrove trees have grown to 40–50 cm tall. Mr. Nguyen Van Su, Head of the Department of Science Technology and International Cooperation at Mui Ca Mau National Park, said that the density of regenerated mangrove trees in Net Zero Vinamilk Forest is quite thick. "With the current rate of development, we believe that the 25 hectares of forest regenerated in cooperation with Vinamilk will soon be greened, faster than the initially set goal," he said.

The Net Zero Vinamilk Forest area is bustling thanks to flocks of swallows, coots, etc., with hundreds of heads flying around.

The Net Zero Vinamilk Forest area is bustling thanks to flocks of swallows, coots, etc., with hundreds of heads flying around.

Going by boat from afar, it is easy to recognize the Net Zero Vinamilk Forest area thanks to flocks of swallows, coots, etc., with hundreds of heads flying around, bustling the whole area. According to her many years of experience in nurturing mangrove forests, Ms. Huyen Do, Founder and Director of Gaia Nature Conservation Center, said that this is a very happy sign. Because flocks of birds and storks show that the vegetation and forest biota are developing well.

Many species of fish and seafood have come to Net Zero Vinamilk Forest to reproduce.

Many species of fish and seafood have come to Net Zero Vinamilk Forest to reproduce.

Thanks to being protected, countless species of fish and seafood have come to Net Zero Vinamilk Forest to reproduce. Swiftly moving on the alluvial ground are giant mudskippers, Boddart's goggle-eyed gobies, sesarmid crabs, snails, etc., looking for food.

Around the tall mangrove trees, there are countless white mangrove seeds that are sprouting.

Around the tall mangrove trees, there are countless white mangrove seeds that are sprouting.

The special thing is that around the tall mangrove trees, there are countless white mangrove seeds that are sprouting. According to Ms. Huyen Do, Founder and CEO of Gaia, this is quite strange when the season of mangrove trees shedding seeds and regenerating in Mui Ca Mau National Park is usually around August–October every year.

The white mangrove seeds that fell around last May have stayed and sprouted.

The white mangrove seeds that fell around last May have stayed and sprouted.

"This is a very good sign when the white mangrove seeds that fell around last May have stayed and sprouted. For many years of promoting mangrove forest regeneration, we have rarely seen so many mangrove seeds sprouting in May," said Ms. Huyen.

A lot of fish seeds sprout in the Net Zero Vinamilk Forest area.

A lot of fish seeds sprout in the Net Zero Vinamilk Forest area.

The area that is currently empty land will gradually be filled with the green of mangrove trees in the next few years, contributing to the expansion of mangrove forests, sea encroachment, and land preservation.

Every year, Vinamilk, Gaia, and Mui Ca Mau National Park will jointly implement works such as reinforcing fences, closely monitoring tree growth, and preventing risks such as diseases and adverse weather to ensure forest regeneration achieves the set goal after 6 years.

Net Zero Vinamilk Forest is deployed with the goal of building a 'sink' with a capacity of 17,000–20,000 tons of carbon.

Net Zero Vinamilk Forest is deployed with the goal of building a 'sink' with a capacity of 17,000–20,000 tons of carbon.

With the ability to absorb carbon 4–10 times more effectively than terrestrial forests, Net Zero Vinamilk Forest is deployed with the goal of building a "sink" with a capacity of 17,000–20,000 tons of carbon, equivalent to 62,000–73,000 tons of CO2e. This is one of Vinamilk's specific actions towards the goal of achieving Net Zero by 2050.

Net Zero Vinamilk Forest is deployed with the goal of building a 'sink' with a capacity of 17,000–20,000 tons of carbon.

Net Zero Vinamilk Forest is deployed with the goal of building a 'sink' with a capacity of 17,000–20,000 tons of carbon.

Author: Duc Trung

Translated by Thu Huyen

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