April 28, 2024 | 20:45 GMT +7

Từ khóa: management

Click to update the newest articles, photos, video clips on the management subjects on vietnamagriculture.nongnghiep.vn

Using biological agents for sustainable fall armyworm management

Using biological agents for sustainable fall armyworm management

Hanoi On December 19, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in collaboration with FAO, convened a conference to review the project titled ‘Scaling up the sustainable management of the fall armyworm in Vietnam.’

Decentralization of planting area codes management to the locality

Decentralization of planting area codes management to the locality

(VAN) The Department of Plant Protection advocates gradually handing over assigned planting area codes to localities for management.

Proposing new rule on classification of irrigation works management

Proposing new rule on classification of irrigation works management

(VAN) MARD is now developing a Circular that amends and complements the previous one issued in 2018 that regulated some provisions of the Law on Irrigation.

Adapting regulatory frameworks for functional food management

Adapting regulatory frameworks for functional food management

(VAN) MoH has opened voting on a draft Circular modifying, augmenting, and repealing many legal documents on food safety, including several provisions in the previous Circular issued in 2014 addressing the management of functional foods.

Management of mealybugs on dragon fruit trees as China gears up checking

Management of mealybugs on dragon fruit trees as China gears up checking

(VAN) Mealybugs are a serious pest on dragon fruit trees and are strictly managed by China for exports to this country.

Solve the problems of agro - forestry farms

Solve the problems of agro - forestry farms

(VAN) The MARD Party Personnel Committee presented a thematic summary on land use management at agro - forestry farms owned by the State, forestry companies, and forest management boards.