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Từ khóa: Live pig price

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Each quintal of pig sold resulting in loss of VND1.5-2 million for Mekong Delta farmers

Each quintal of pig sold resulting in loss of VND1.5-2 million for Mekong Delta farmers

(VAN) Prices of live pigs in some Mekong Delta localities have decreased by 50% since the start of 2021 and have remained at an all-time low for the last two years.

The central region's largest pig hub pushed into a precarious situation

The central region's largest pig hub pushed into a precarious situation

(VAN) There has never been a moment when pig farmers in Hoai An, Binh Dinh province - the biggest pig hub in the central region, have been in such a precarious situation.

The price of live pig on Nov 11: an overall decrease

The price of live pig on Nov 11: an overall decrease

The price of live pig today Nov 11 was decreasing slightly in many localities across the country, with some areas in the North even decreased up to VND 3,000/kg.

Live pig price on Nov 10 remained stable in the north

Live pig price on Nov 10 remained stable in the north

In most areas in northern Vietnam, the prices of live pigs levelled off on November 10; while that in central Vietnam witnessed a marginal decline.

Live pig price on Nov 9: slight increase in all localities

Live pig price on Nov 9: slight increase in all localities

Live pig price on Nov 9 slightly increased from VND 1,000 to VND 2,000 per kilogram in many localities across the nation. The price in the North was still under VND 70,000 per kilogram.

Live pig price on Nov 8: a sharp fall of VND 6,000 per kilogram

Live pig price on Nov 8: a sharp fall of VND 6,000 per kilogram

Live pig price on Nov 8 in the North fell sharply by VND 4,000 - VND 6000 per kilogram. While that in the Central region and Highlands experienced opposite fluctuations.

Live pig price today Nov 7: stand still in all three regions

Live pig price today Nov 7: stand still in all three regions

Live pig price today Nov 7 came to a standstill in many localities nationwide. The price in the North currently is the lowest.

Live pig price today Nov 6: Continuous decrease in the North

Live pig price today Nov 6: Continuous decrease in the North

Live pig price today Nov 6 experienced opposite trends in the Central region and the South. While that in the North recorded a continuous decrease by VND 3,000 per kilogram.

Live pig price today Nov 4: A downward trend nationwide

Live pig price today Nov 4: A downward trend nationwide

Live pig price today Nov 4 fell slightly, some at VND 1,000 – VND 2,000 per kilogram in 3 regions. The North remained the lowest.

Live pig price today 3/11: Sharp fall in the North

Live pig price today 3/11: Sharp fall in the North

The price of live pig today 3/11/2020 in the North fell sharply, some at VND 4,000 per kilogram. The Central region remained stable.

Live pig price today, Oct 29: Slight soar in the South

Live pig price today, Oct 29: Slight soar in the South

The price of live pig today (Oct 29) has continuously soared in many localities in Vietnam. Notably, the North recorded a gradual soar in many days.