September 17, 2024 | 19:25 GMT +7

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Thursday- 09:15, 15/08/2024

Expanding export opportunities through the cultivation of organic fruits

(VAN) Fruits in Can Tho city have experienced a surge in market expansion and are now exported to a variety of countries as a result of the shift to organic production.
Currently, the city has nearly 24 thousand hectares of fruit trees of all kinds, of which over 500 hectares meet VietGAP and GlobalGAP standards. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Currently, the city has nearly 24 thousand hectares of fruit trees of all kinds, of which over 500 hectares meet VietGAP and GlobalGAP standards. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Many farmers in Can Tho City have been able to offer their products at extremely high prices, although the area of fruit cultivation has grown continuously in recent years. The agricultural sector and the city's departments have made substantial contributions to this accomplishment by providing guidance, support, and encouragement to producers to improve the production of organic agricultural products and to establish connections with businesses to guarantee consistent product consumption.

Furthermore, the city has promptly established cooperatives that are associated with the establishment of specialized fruit-growing areas that adhere to the quality and safety standards of importing countries and have planting area codes that follow these standards. Consequently, the city's farmers have expanded their export markets to a wide range of countries worldwide, with a particular emphasis on high-demand markets that enable them to sell their products at a premium, including the United States, Japan, South Korea, and European countries.

According to Mr. Pham Van Lo, Director of the Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative in Phong Dien District, the longans have satisfied the export requirements by concentrating on off-season production and adhering to the regulations and guidelines established by the appropriate authorities. Farmers in the cooperative sold longans at a high price this year, with prices occasionally ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 VND/kg or more. Consequently, the cooperative's producers have the potential to generate profits that surpass 300 million VND per hectare. The cooperative presently has 29 members and develops over 22 hectares of Ido longan organically. The planting area codes are designated for export to the United States, South Korea, and Japan.

Thanks to organic production, fruits of farmers in Can Tho City have expanded their export markets to many countries around the world. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Thanks to organic production, fruits of farmers in Can Tho City have expanded their export markets to many countries around the world. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

According to Mr. Chau Thanh Trieu, a member of the Thai Thanh Fruit Cooperative in Thoi Hung Commune, Co Do District, his 5 hectares of Thanh Nhãn longan have joined the cooperative to implement the VietGAP standard production model and establish planting area codes for export. The cooperative has received active support from the local and city agricultural sectors. The entire longan crop from his garden was sold to a purchasing company for export in 2024, for 55,000 VND/kg or more. This price was at least 15,000 VND/kg higher than the price at which it was sold to local vendors for domestic consumption.

At present, the Thai Thanh Fruit Cooperative comprises 24 members and cultivates over 133 hectares of fruit, including over 100 hectares of Thanh Nhan longan. The cooperative has been granted planting area codes for its longans, which are intended for export to China and numerous other markets, including the United States, Japan, and Australia. A ceremony was recently conducted by the Can Tho Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, in partnership with the Co Do District People's Committee and Vina T&T Group, to commemorate the export of a stock of Thanh Nhan longans to the U.S. market. The 1.2-ton cargo of longans was exported by air under a signed contract between Vina T&T Company and the Trang Ti Garden Cooperative Group in Co Do District.

The company purchases Thanh Nhan longan for export at a price of 70,000 VND/kg, which is approximately 20,000 VND/kg higher than the "market-grade" longan sold locally. The selling price of Thanh Nhan from the Trang Ti Garden Cooperative Group remains consistently high due to the collaboration with export companies. A profit of approximately 200 to 250 million VND per hectare can be achieved by farmers if the Thanh Nhan crop is fruitful after expenses are deducted.

Can Tho City has been granted 199 growing area codes for more than 2,677 hectares of key fruit trees such as mango, longan, star apple, durian, etc. for export to world markets. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Can Tho City has been granted 199 growing area codes for more than 2,677 hectares of key fruit trees such as mango, longan, star apple, durian, etc. for export to world markets. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Mr. Tran Thai Nghiem, the Deputy Director of the Can Tho Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, stated that the agricultural sector in Can Tho is committed to enhancing the efficiency of fruit orchards and stabilizing output in the face of increasing acreage and production. This is achieved by providing market information, technical training, and support to farmers in the application of advanced organic farming techniques, as well as expanding successful production models.

To satisfy market demands for environmental protection, safety, and quality, the sector promotes the adoption of good agricultural practices and the strengthening of partnerships among producers, including VietGAP and GlobalGAP. Furthermore, it assists producers in the establishment of planting area codes and the standardization of production to satisfy the demands of export markets.

Mr. Pham Van Lo, Director of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative, Phong Dien District, thanks for paying attention to producing longan in different seasons, and off-season, and paying attention to implementing regulations and instructions of the relevant authorities so that longan fruit can meet export requirements. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Mr. Pham Van Lo, Director of Nhon Nghia Longan Cooperative, Phong Dien District, thanks for paying attention to producing longan in different seasons, and off-season, and paying attention to implementing regulations and instructions of the relevant authorities so that longan fruit can meet export requirements. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

At present, the city is home to nearly 24,000 hectares of a variety of fruit commodities, of which more than 500 hectares satisfy VietGAP and GlobalGAP standards. In Can Tho City, 199 planting area codes have been granted to cooperatives, cooperative groups, individual farmers, and fruit production businesses to provide export markets worldwide with over 2,677 hectares of essential fruit crops, including durian, star apple, longan, and mango.

Author: Le Hoang Vu

Translated by Linh Linh

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