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Tuesday- 11:16, 30/07/2024

Enterprises actively support tea cooperatives in brand promotion

(VAN) The new website of Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative, supported by Nui Phao Company, aims to enhance the cooperative's tea brand recognition.

Nui Phao Mining and Mineral Processing Limited Liability Company (Nui Phao Company) recently handed over a new website to Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative (Khuon 2 village, Phuc Linh commune, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen) at the address

The new website was developed to enhance the cooperative's brand recognition, strengthen online business on digital platforms, and effectively promote products. With a modern design, attractive interface, and intelligent features, Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative's website incorporates advanced technology to improve customer experience. This marks the beginning of further projects that Nui Phao Company and its parent company Masan High-Tech Materials will support and collaborate on with the cooperative this year.

Ms Dao Thi Thuc, Director of Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative, shared: “Digital transformation is happening vigorously, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, choosing to promote products, link consumption, and connect output through the website and online sales channels has become an inevitable trend. With support from Nui Phao Company, we have built a professional website. From now on, the cooperative can be more proactive in reaching customers, conducting marketing campaigns, and selling online by providing complete product information and attractive promotional programs for customers on the website”.

The new website of Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative at promises to contribute to spreading the cooperative's brand.

The new website of Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative at promises to contribute to spreading the cooperative's brand.

Previously, following the principle of providing a "fishing rod" rather than a "fish," Nui Phao Company actively supported the promotion of Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative by offering consultancy, product design, and funding for packaging printing. The company also frequently provided opportunities for the cooperative to showcase its products at company events, trade promotion programs, and the OCOP fairs in Thai Nguyen province. Notably, with the support and connections of the Nui Phao Company, several documentaries about Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative were produced and broadcast on local and national television channels.

“We are very impressed with the website and the television documentaries that Nui Phao Company helped create and connect for the cooperative. This is an exemplary economic development model in Phuc Linh commune. In the future, we hope to continue receiving support and cooperation from Nui Phao Company and jointly help Phuc Linh achieve the new rural standards,” emphasized Mr. Nguyen Van Linh, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Phuc Linh Commune, Dai Tu District.

Since its establishment in 2013, Nui Phao Company has been accompanying Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative. The company encouraged cooperative members to develop a VietGAP standard tea cultivation area on 100 hectares and later supported the establishment of the VietGAP Tea Cooperative Group. Community officers from the company also organized visits for cooperative members to learn from renowned craft villages and coordinated with specialists to conduct tea processing technique training classes.

Moreover, the Nui Phao Company helped Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative access preferential loans from the Nui Phao Economic Recovery Loan Fund to develop production and invest in equipment. The company also supported the cooperative with the installation costs of an automatic irrigation system and connected with the QUACERT Certification Center to advise the cooperative on converting from VietGAP tea to organic tea in an area of 7.8 ha.

Currently, Nui Phao Company continues to actively support, promote, and strengthen the market connections for many tea products of Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative. The aim is to unlock the potential of Dai Tu tea and assist Nhat Thuc Tea Cooperative in becoming one of the famous tea brands in Thai Nguyen.

Author: Quang Linh

Translated by Hoang Duy

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