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Thursday- 21:28, 30/05/2024

EC maximizes impact of its interventions and projects in Vietnam with 'EU together' approach

(VAN) MARD Minister Le Minh Hoan received and talked to Ms. Myriam Ferran, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission (EC)’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships on May 30.

During a business trip to Vietnam, Ms. Myriam Ferran and her delegation witnessed the implementation of green transition and green energy transition in Ninh Thuan province to fulfill the Prime Minister's commitments at COP26.

Minister Le Minh Hoan stated that in order to meet the EU's initiatives on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), and food safety, Vietnam's agricultural sector has made efforts to transform its internal structure. This transformation aligns with the changes of the green planet and builds a responsible, sustainable food system.

MARD Minister Le Minh Hoan received and talked to Ms. Myriam Ferran, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission (EC)’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships on May 30.

MARD Minister Le Minh Hoan received and talked to Ms. Myriam Ferran, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission (EC)’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships on May 30.

Regarding sustainable forest development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development highly appreciates the EU's support in implementing the Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT) with the aim of improving forest governance and the legal framework governing Vietnam's wood and wood products. Regarding the EUDR, the Ministry has established a technical team to work with EU partners in Vietnam and has submitted an action program to the Prime Minister to adapt to the first three products: coffee, rubber, and timber and timber products.

The Minister affirmed that Vietnam actively participates in the EUDR with initiative and without hesitation, under the technical support of the EU. He hopes to continue receiving technical access support so that products related to the EUDR from Vietnam can be exported to the EU market more smoothly.

Sharing with Ms. Ferran, Minister Le Minh Hoan noted that the sustainable development of the fisheries sector has greatly improved. Regarding IUU issues, the Minister requested EU support in marine aquaculture. "With the three pillars of the fisheries sector being reduced exploitation, increased aquaculture, and marine conservation, we need technical advice," the Minister said.

The Minister affirmed that Vietnam actively participates in the EUDR with initiative and without hesitation, under the technical support of the EU. Photo: Linh Linh.

The Minister affirmed that Vietnam actively participates in the EUDR with initiative and without hesitation, under the technical support of the EU. Photo: Linh Linh.

For the part of the European Commission, Ms. Myriam Ferran said one of the main goals of this trip is to share the implementation of the Global Gateway Strategy, focusing on global connectivity, sustainable connectivity, green transition, and digital transformation.

According to Ms. Ferran, the EC is also concerned with sustainable agricultural value chains that add value, where related products can reduce emissions and combat climate change impacts. The EC has two projects currently collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: a forestry project and a smart agricultural ecological transition project.

Regarding the proposal on marine aquaculture, the EC representative suggested that two teams sit together, but with an ongoing project with the FAO, which maybe could accommodate aquaculture on this new project on responsible, smart, and green economic programs.

Ms. Ferran shared that the EC's orientation is to maximize the impact of its interventions and for this they work in a tenured manner. That means EC working with all EU member states in a certain field and working together with all their national development banks. 

"And our collaboration goes even beyond members of the European Union, and in particular in the framework of the G7, where we attach a lot of importance to the implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership, which is also an important part of the European Union.

We have a lot of impact in our portfolio, and there we collaborate with the G7, with Denmark, and Norway, to try to mobilize resources to support the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, to the extent possible, and compensating for the social impact such transition will have," Ms. Ferran said.

Ms. Ferran shares EC's orientation to maximize impact of its interventions and projects in Vietnam with Europe teamwork approach.

Ms. Ferran shares EC's orientation to maximize impact of its interventions and projects in Vietnam with Europe teamwork approach.

Responding to Ms. Myriam Ferran's comments, Minister Le Minh Hoan affirmed that in the process of institutional change towards integration, technical advisory teams have worked with the European delegation in Vietnam on fisheries laws and the management of the forestry and fisheries sectors. Vietnam has absorbed the EU's initiatives, recommendations, and suggestions, and proposed that both sides continue to work and cooperate effectively.

The Minister suggested that the EC continue to support Vietnam's agricultural sector in developing a circular economy, and a blue-green economy, with particular attention to sustainable, responsible, and environmentally friendly aquaculture and fisheries exploitation, protecting, regenerating, and developing fishery resources.

Minister Le Minh Hoan also proposed that Ms. Myriam Ferran pay attention to adapting to EU regulations, including the EUDR, and transitioning to a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food system. He also requested support for cooperative research, innovation, and digital transformation in the field of climate change adaptation, green growth, rational use of natural resources, circular economy, and digital transformation.

Author: Linh Linh

Translated by Dieu Linh

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