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Tuesday- 17:39, 28/05/2024

Dak Lak's OCOP products reach out to the world

(VAN) Dak Lak's OCOP products not only affirm their position in the country but are increasingly reaching out to the world market.

After nearly 6 years of implementing the One Commune One Product (OCOP) program, typical regional products of Dak Lak province have gradually built their brand and position in the market. From village-scale products, these OCOP products have begun to reach out to the world, contributing to improving the value of Vietnam's agricultural products.

OCOP products are increasingly affirming their position

Dak Lak currently has 237 OCOP products with 3–4 stars and 2 potential 5-star products. Many products have affirmed their quality and reputation not only with domestic consumers but also internationally.

Typically, the OCOP product of premium Dak Lak macadamia nuts from Damaca Nguyen Phuong Joint Stock Company, Krong Nang district, has just been requested by this locality to be recognized by the Central Government as a 5-star OCOP.

Dak Lak currently has 237 OCOP products with 3–4 stars and 2 potential 5-star products. Photo: Quang Yen.

Dak Lak currently has 237 OCOP products with 3–4 stars and 2 potential 5-star products. Photo: Quang Yen.

To achieve this result, the business overcame initial difficulties with its own efforts and the support of the functional agency. In 2021, the company's Premium Dak Lak Macadamia Nuts product achieved 4-star OCOP certification. After 3 years and passing many rounds of strict evaluation, the product is now re-evaluated with an absolute score of 100/100 points, becoming a potential 5-star product of the province.

Similarly, the Kien Cuong Civet Coffee product of Kien Cuong Company Limited, Buon Ma Thuot City, is also on the list of potential 5-star products of Dak Lak, which was recently requested for recognition by the Central Government. In 2021, for the first time participating in evaluation, Kien Cuong civet coffee was certified as a 4-star OCOP product by the Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee. This means that the product has passed strict requirements on quality, design, origin, market accessibility, etc.

Dak Lak is now focusing on promoting its existing strengths with key products such as coffee, avocado, durian, cocoa, macadamia, etc. At the same time, this locality also aims to develop rural tourism services and sales, promoting the traditional cultural foundation of ethnic groups.

The Kien Cuong Civet Coffee product of Kien Cuong Company Limited was unanimously recommended by the People's Committee for 5-star recognition by the Central Government. Photo: Quang Yen.

The Kien Cuong Civet Coffee product of Kien Cuong Company Limited was unanimously recommended by the People's Committee for 5-star recognition by the Central Government. Photo: Quang Yen.

With beautiful, eye-catching designs and packaging and guaranteed quality, OCOP products are trusted and used by people inside and outside the province and are gradually affirming the Dak Lak agricultural product brand in the market.

According to the Dak Lak Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, to develop key agricultural products into OCOP products, the locality will prioritize the application of science and technology, especially high technology, in the production, trading, and service development of agricultural products in a sustainable direction; consider market demand as an imperative for production.

OCOP products reach out to the world

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong, Director of Damaca Nguyen Phuong Joint Stock Company, since the product achieved 4-star OCOP certification, the consumption market has expanded, and the product has been present in all provinces and cities nationwide.

By the end of 2023, the Premium Dak Lak Macadamia Nuts product was officially exported to the Japanese market. Currently, along with improving quality, the business continues to focus on promoting and introducing products to potential export markets.

"The company's product has been present in 47 provinces and cities in Japan. For the South Korean market, the business also brought the first sample shipments for evaluation. Currently, the business is working with the Chinese market and some markets in Arab countries, hoping to receive some good signals from these markets in the coming time," Ms. Phuong said.

The Premium Dak Lak Macadamia Nuts product from Damaca Nguyen Phuong Joint Stock Company is exported to many countries around the world. Photo: Quang Yen.

The Premium Dak Lak Macadamia Nuts product from Damaca Nguyen Phuong Joint Stock Company is exported to many countries around the world. Photo: Quang Yen.

Mr. Hoang Manh Cuong, Director of Kien Cuong Company Limited, said that the company's product has stable quality thanks to control and management from breeds, food, and sanitary conditions to their coffee fruit eating and harvest that all follow a clear and precise process through the stages of time, pre-processing, preservation, etc.

However, civet is an omnivore species; coffee is only a supplementary food that accounts for a very small part of its food group, and the number of fruits eaten depends on the needs of each individual.

Therefore, on average each year, the business only collects about 400 kg of finished civet coffee (on a scale of nearly 4 hectares of coffee with about 100 civets). Currently, Kien Cuong civet coffee has been exported to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Australia at a price of VND 10 million/kg.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan visited the macadamia factory of Damaca Nguyen Phuong Joint Stock Company. Photo: Quang Yen.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan visited the macadamia factory of Damaca Nguyen Phuong Joint Stock Company. Photo: Quang Yen.

Mr. Nguyen Hoai Duong, Director of the Dak Lak Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said that the province’s current OCOP products are still quite modest for a locality with many advantages in agriculture and rural areas.

According to Mr. Duong, to better promote these potentials and advantages in the coming time, the Department will coordinate with related branches to continue supporting OCOP entities to improve the quality of existing products as well as develop new products along the chain from production, processing, and consumption, aiming to achieve the national OCOP product brand.

Author: Minh Quy

Translated by Thu Huyen

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