September 20, 2024 | 01:54 GMT +7

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Wednesday- 17:32, 27/09/2023

C.P. Vietnam participates in cleaning Long Hai beach

(VAN) Volunteers of C.P. Vietnam has just participated in the activity of collecting waste and cleaning Long Hai beach in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province.
Volunteers of C.P. Vietnam collects waste on Long Hai beach.

Volunteers of C.P. Vietnam collects waste on Long Hai beach.

Responding to the "International Coastal Cleanup Day" week on September 23, 2023, C.P. Vietnam Livestock Joint Stock Company (CPV) coordinated with Ho Chi Minh Youth Social Work Center (YSW) to carry out the activity "Coastal Cleanup" at Long Hai beach in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province.

Volunteer C.P. Vietnam is eager to participate in the 2023 Sea Cleanup Campaign.

Volunteer C.P. Vietnam is eager to participate in the 2023 Sea Cleanup Campaign.

Participating in the sea cleaning activity, on the local side, there was Mr. Nguyen Trong Huy - the Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Vietnam Youth Union of Long Hai town, on the side of C.P. Vietnam has Mr. Worawit Arunraksa - the Assistant Deputy General Director in charge of the Sustainable Development Department, and 55 company officials and employees participating, in the spirit of joining hands to propagate and raise awareness of preserving the clean and beautiful beach, together contributing to reducing marine waste.

Garbage is picked up and classified according to garbage bag color.

Garbage is picked up and classified according to garbage bag color.

In a morning of enthusiastic activities, volunteers collected a total of 147 kg of waste and classified it into: reusable waste, non-degradable waste, dangerous waste... Afterwards, the volunteers handed over the waste to the waste treatment company.

In a journey of more than 30 years of investment and development in Vietnam, C.P. Vietnam always operates with a sustainable strategy, emphasizing the importance of environmental protection and community support that must go hand in hand with business development.

Collecting trash on Long Hai beach.

Collecting trash on Long Hai beach.

"Cleaning the ocean" is also one of the activities aimed at realizing the company's sustainable commitments in the "Natural Balance" pillar including biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, Protect and use natural resources effectively. This is also one of the efforts of C.P. Vietnam, accompanying the goal of "Zero Waste" from C.P. Group. Thailand.

Through the program, C.P. Vietnam wants to create conditions for each of its employees to participate in the Company's sustainable development activities, from the smallest actions, but when done together, they will create great positive impacts on protecting the environment.

The local representative thanked and awarded the certificate to C.P. Vietnam.

The local representative thanked and awarded the certificate to C.P. Vietnam.

Long Hai Beach is one of the tourism and seafood fishing development spots of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. Therefore, local authorities are actively implementing communication activities, raising community awareness, linking with sectoral organizations on marine clean-up activities and saying no to plastic waste, promoting pushing the goal of reducing 50% of plastic waste in seas and oceans by 2025 according to Decision No. 1316/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister approving the "Project to strengthen plastic waste management in Vietnam ”.

Author: Son Trang

Translated by Bao Ngoc

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