October 6, 2024 | 07:48 GMT +7

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Wednesday- 13:47, 13/03/2024

Consuming Khanh Hoa garlic faces many difficulties

(VAT) Due to a lack of production links, Khanh Hoa garlic (originating from Ly Son, Quang Ngai garlic varieties) is unstable, and garlic growers here are still struggling to sell.
Khanh Hoa farmers enter the garlic harvest season 2023 - 2024. Photo: KS.

Khanh Hoa farmers enter the garlic harvest season 2023 - 2024. Photo: KS.

Khanh Hoa garlic is the same garlic variety that was first planted by some people in Ly Son (Quang Ngai) in Ninh Phuoc commune, Ninh Hoa town (Khanh Hoa), since the early 1990s, due to its suitability for the soil. Due to the cultivar and weather conditions, the Ly Son garlic variety has grown well in this land, bringing economic efficiency to the local people.

From Ninh Phuoc and Ninh Van communes (Ninh Hoa town), garlic also quickly spread to other localities such as Ninh Son (Ninh Hoa town), Van Hung (Van Ninh district)…

In Van Hung commune, where the garlic area is up to 120 hectares, the harvest season of 2023 - 2024 has now entered. Mr. Tran Trung Thong, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Van Hung commune, said that up to now, people have harvested about 80 - 90% of the total area. Last year, due to favorable weather and little rain, garlic plants grew well, and productivity ranged from 8 - 10 tons/ha (fresh garlic), an increase of 2 - 3 tons/ha compared to last year. The current price of fresh garlic is from VND 35,000 - VND 40.000/kg (depending on type).

Mrs. Luong Thi Hoa, a garlic grower and buyer in Xuan Tay village, Van Hung commune, said that compared to last year, this year's garlic price is VND 5,000 - VND 10,000/kg lower.

Garlic farmers in Van Hung commune said that garlic consumption is currently slow. Photo: KS.

Garlic farmers in Van Hung commune said that garlic consumption is currently slow. Photo: KS.

Ms. Hoa believes this is also the market rule: "When a good harvest loses its price, a good price loses its harvest." However, it is worth mentioning that even though garlic prices are low, consumption is still slow due to the absence of traders. Furthermore, not everyone can sell at a good price if there is no consumer.

Typically, Mr. Le Van Thanh's household, also in Xuan Tay village, planted 8 sao of garlic this season (500 square meters), basically the harvest has been completed, the average yield is 6 quintals/sao, but only fresh garlic can be sold with prices ranging from VND 21,000 - 25,000/kg (depending on the type). After deducting all expenses, he only made a profit of VND 3 million/acre.

We continued through Ninh Son commune, where garlic growers harvest in full bloom. Mr. Dao Quang Hoc, Head of Ninh Son Commune's Garlic Growing Cooperative Group, said this year's garlic crop had achieved a high yield and large bulb quality. However, garlic prices have dropped about 65% since the beginning of the year.

Mr. Dao Quang Hoc said that currently garlic output in Khanh Hoa is not stable. Photo: KS.

Mr. Dao Quang Hoc said that currently garlic output in Khanh Hoa is not stable. Photo: KS.

Specifically, garlic prices range from VND 90,000 - 110,000/kg before the harvest season. After the season begins, the price gradually decreases, currently only an average of VND 35,000/kg (fresh garlic). Mr. Hoc calculated that there would not be much profit at this price because the cost of input materials last year was relatively high.

Just like in Van Hung commune, Mr. Dao Quang Hoc said, garlic output depends entirely on traders from Quang Ngai who come here to collect. However, traders have not gone there yet, so most of the fresh garlic has not been consumed, and the price of dried garlic is unknown.

"Currently, traders who buy garlic from us also buy it on credit without paying. Only big traders who come here to buy garlic pay immediately but with lower prices," Mr. Hoc said. Also, according to Mr. Hoc, garlic output has not been stable in recent years. Every year, when growing garlic is productive and the price is stable, farmers earn a profit of VND 15 - 20 million/1,000m2, while the average profit is only VND 10 million/1,000m2. Therefore, garlic growers are eager to link with purchasing businesses to stabilize prices and consumption output.

Farmers dry garlic so that the bulbs are dry and convenient for preservation. Photo: KS.

Farmers dry garlic so that the bulbs are dry and convenient for preservation. Photo: KS.

Mr. Mai Xuan Binh, Vice Chairman of Ninh Son Commune People's Committee, said that this year's garlic crop was planted in the entire commune on 90 hectares. By now, farmers have harvested over 20 hectares, with an average yield of 7 tons/ha.

Regarding the price of Ninh Son's garlic being lower than in other places, Mr. Binh said it might be because there is no brand. For example, the selling price of garlic in Ninh Son is still lower than that of Ninh Van garlic.

Faced with the above situation, Ninh Son Commune People's Committee provided funding to build a VietGAP garlic production model to trace the origin. It is expected that this March, Ninh Son garlic will be VietGAP certified with an area of more than 5 hectares. Once garlic has been certified, the locality will support farmers in bringing garlic to the electronic trading floor to increase product value.

According to the Khanh Hoa Department of Crop Production and Plant Protection, this year's garlic crop is grown in the whole province on 385 hectares, mainly in Van Ninh district and Ninh Hoa town.Mr. Tran Trung Thong, Vice Chairman of Van Hung Commune People's Committee, said that recently, to improve product quality, the locality has coordinated with specialized agencies to guide farmers in growing garlic using integrated pest management (IPM). Currently, Van Hung Garlic has been certified with 3-star OCOP. However, garlic output in the area is currently unstable due to a lack of production links. Therefore, the locality will continue to invite and associate with units to transfer technologies, impart experiences to help people apply, gradually improve the quality of garlic products in Van Hung commune and seek a stable consumer market.

Author: Kim Chi

Translated by Tuan Huy

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