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Monday- 06:00, 06/12/2021

Assessing satisfaction level in administrative proceedings

(VAN) MARD agencies and units have assessed the satisfaction level of organizations and individuals in the process of handling administrative procedures.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien during an inspection of animal quarantine and importation of frozen pork in Hai Phong.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien during an inspection of animal quarantine and importation of frozen pork in Hai Phong.

Establishment of the National Single Window (NSW) department

According to the report "Results of inspection of administrative procedure control" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) dated November 29th, 2021, most units have established the National Single Window (NSW) department, appointing civil servants and public officials to participate in receiving dossiers and returning administrative proceedings results. Units also set up equipment to meet the requirements following the NSW mechanism.

Several units have issued "NSW Decision of Establishment" and "NSW Work Regulations” such as the Northern Pesticides Control and Testing Center, National Fertilizer Testing Center, or National Agro - Forestry - Fisheries Quality Assurance Department - Branch 3. Particularly the Sub-Department of Animal Health Region 1 has two addresses that receive and handle administrative procedures: one at the unit’s headquarters and the other at the Noi Bai Animal Quarantine Station at Noi Bai International Airport (Hanoi).

Units have constructed internal procedures, ISO procedures, and electronic procedures on the NSW portal to effectively handle administrative procedures. The publicity of administrative procedures is made adequately, comprehensive, accessible, and easy to benefit from. It also follows the "Decision to announce administrative procedures" at units that directly receive and handle administrative procedures for organizations and individuals. Some other units have the public listing on the information board on administrative procedures posted on the unit’s website.

No quarantine needed for processed and airtight-packaged fisheries products.

No quarantine needed for processed and airtight-packaged fisheries products.

Receiving, processing and returning results: all at the NSW department

Information from the MARD showed that from January 1st up to the present date, agencies and units have received a large number of dossiers at the National Single Window department:

Sub-Department of Animal Health Region I received 7538 dossiers; zero late record or Apology and Results Reschedule Form.

Sub-Department of Animal Health Region V received 175 dossiers; zero late record or Apology and Results Reschedule Form.

Sub-department of Plant Quarantine Region V received 25891 dossiers; 595 dossiers are on time; 90 overdue dossiers mainly related to living microorganisms as the analysis often takes longer than usual (the unit has informed organizations and individuals to coordinate in settlement).

National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department - Central branch received 13 dossiers; zero late record or Apology and Results Reschedule Form.

Northern Pesticides Control and Testing Center received 697 dossiers; zero late record or Apology and Results Reschedule Form.

National Fertilizer Testing Center received more than 200 applications; zero late record or Apology and Results Reschedule Form.

National Agro - Forestry - Fisheries Quality Assurance Department - Branch 3 received 5419 dossiers, zero late records or Apology and Results Reschedule Form.

For dossiers performed on online public services on the National Single Window portal, civil servants and officials receive and process the dossiers in accordance with the prescribed order and stored on the system. Paper records received at the NSW department are stored at specialized units after processing.

Agencies and units have assessed the satisfaction level of organizations and individuals in the process of handling administrative procedures by sending evaluation sheets when organizations or individuals come to request settlement of administrative procedures at the SWD or via email address.

Author: Minh Phuc

Translated by Samuel Pham

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