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Monday- 10:37, 19/08/2024

A hydroponic vegetable farm applying the most advanced technology from Israel

(VAN) 188 Green Farm invested 15 billion VND to build 12 greenhouses for growing hydroponic vegetables and various types of fruits using the most advanced recirculating hydroponic technology from Israel and the Netherlands.
Currently, 188 Green Farm produces 300 tons of various vegetables and fruits per year. Photo: Nguyen Thanh.

Currently, 188 Green Farm produces 300 tons of various vegetables and fruits per year. Photo: Nguyen Thanh.

In 2016, the Investment Construction and Trading Joint Stock Company 188 (located in Mao Khe Ward, Dong Trieu Town, Quang Ninh Province) launched a high-tech agricultural model named "188 Green Farm." The company established 12 greenhouses for hydroponic vegetable and fruit cultivation on a 1.5-hectare area, along with 1 hectare dedicated to growing vegetables and fruits in soil. The initial investment totaled 15 billion VND.

Mr. Phan Minh Hieu, the company's Deputy Director, stated that 188 Green Farm made significant investments in production, with all equipment, seeds, growing media, nutrients, cultivation processes, care, harvesting, and packaging being imported. The technology used is an authentic recirculating hydroponic system, featuring the most advanced hydroponic techniques from Israel and the Netherlands.

Notably, the crops are grown in greenhouses and net houses, ensuring that the products are largely free from pests and not excessively affected by adverse temperature and light conditions. This creates a safe and optimal environment for plant growth.

"Particularly, the plants receive nutrients from a recirculating water system, with the nutrient levels carefully mixed and regulated according to standard production processes. This minimizes the risk of nutrient excess or deficiency, ensuring that the products are safe for consumer health," Mr. Hieu emphasized.

The nutrient formula is calculated based on analyses of water, soil, and growing media samples to provide a complete nutrient profile that best supports plant development. This technique ensures that the vegetables are supplied with all necessary nutrients, with monitoring and control of nutrient sources according to strict procedures, while being isolated from pathogens, chemical fertilizers, and polluted water sources, avoiding toxins from chemicals. The nutrients are replenished every month.

188 Green Farm uses modern technology in the cultivation and care of various vegetables and fruits. Photo: Nguyen Thanh.

188 Green Farm uses modern technology in the cultivation and care of various vegetables and fruits. Photo: Nguyen Thanh.

For 1 hectare of land used to grow fruits and vegetables, according to Mr. Hieu, the land for safe vegetable production must not be negatively affected by industrial waste and must not be contaminated with harmful chemicals that pose a threat to humans and the environment. The nutrients used for watering the plants are sourced from recirculating hydroponic nutrients.

The amount of fertilizer used is based on specific standards defined in the production processes for each type of vegetable. The water used for irrigation comes from well water, which is filtered through a filtration system. The seeds are also selected with a clear origin.

The main products at 188 Green Farm are various types of lettuce such as green lolo lettuce, purple lolo lettuce, butterhead lettuce, iceberg lettuce, Batavia lettuce, along with vegetables like water spinach, mustard greens, sweet cabbage, Chinese kale, spinach, jute, Malabar spinach, amaranth... The fruits and vegetables include cucumber, melon, tomato, eggplant, bell pepper, French beans, carrot, pumpkin, potato, kohlrabi, cabbage, and cauliflower.

The main markets for the products of 188 Green Farm are restaurants, hotels, clean vegetable stores, schools, factories in the area, as well as the Vinmart supermarket chain; Go supermarket chain; Intermex system; and the Lotte system within Quang Ninh province.

Mr. Tran Van Thuc, Director of the Department of Crop Production and Plant Protection in Quang Ninh province, stated that the province is currently promoting the application of biotechnology, new materials, mechanization, automation, water-saving irrigation technology, and the application of new scientific and technological achievements, as well as smart agriculture in agricultural production.

Additionally, there is encouragement for the production and use of new, high-yield, high-quality plant and animal breeds that are adaptable to climate change and have strong resistance to pests and diseases in plants and livestock. The province is also pushing for the widespread adoption of safe and high-quality production processes, expanding the scale and output of organic-standard products.

Author: Nguyen Thanh

Translated by Mai Quang Huy

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