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WOAH warns for the risk of sub-standard ASF vaccines

(VAN) In a press statement, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) has warned pig industries around the globe to take care only to use high-quality vaccines against ASF with proven efficacy and safety.
Producers shouldn't be opting for sub-optimal ASF vaccines, says the WOAH. Photo: Henk Riswick

Producers shouldn't be opting for sub-optimal ASF vaccines, says the WOAH. Photo: Henk Riswick

In addition, the WOAH said, the vaccines should have been subject to regulatory evaluation and approval in accordance with WOAH international standards.

Use of non-compliant ASF vaccines

The WOAH wrote: “The use of non-compliant and poor-quality vaccines may not confer any protection against ASF and risks spreading vaccine viruses that could result in acute or chronic disease. Additionally, these vaccine viruses could also recombine with field strains to generate novel strains that could evade detection and result in acute, chronic and persistent ASF infections on farms.”

The organisation stresses that any attempt should be part of a bigger plan. “Regardless of vaccine efficacy, vaccination programmes should be implemented as part of a comprehensive prevention and control strategy, which should include other important control measures such as strict biosecurity, import measures and movement controls.”

Well-designed vaccination programme

“Vaccination, if used, should be conducted under a well-designed vaccination programme that takes into account, among other factors, the local epidemiology of the disease, the expected objectives of vaccination and the adequacy and sustainability of the relevant technical, financial and human resources. They should always include post-vaccination surveillance and monitoring as well as an exit strategy for the cessation of vaccination, as mentioned in WOAH international standards on vaccination.”



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