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Sunday- 10:33, 19/05/2024

What are the features of the greatest biodiversity region in Vietnam?

(VAN) Vu Quang National Park can be accurately described as a treasure trove of novel species in Vietnam, given the wide range of unique and uncommon species found there.

The gene resource archive dedicated to conservation

Vietnam is acknowledged as one of the 16 countries that possess the highest level of biodiversity globally. However, the biodiversity of Vietnam has been experiencing a severe decline. The natural ecosystem is facing escalating problems due to the rapid pace of urbanization, expansion of infrastructure, and the excessive exploitation and utilization of natural resources.

The Vu Quang mountainous region is an area with high biodiversity and still holds significant scientific and practical value that remains largely undiscovered. Photo: Thanh Nga.

The Vu Quang mountainous region is an area with high biodiversity and still holds significant scientific and practical value that remains largely undiscovered. Photo: Thanh Nga.

The crucial roles of governments, communities, organizations, and individuals are indispensable in reversing the decline of biodiversity. While it is evident that conservation efforts encounter various obstacles, difficulties, and arduousness, it is crucial to maintain consistency and determination. By prioritizing the enhancement of biodiversity value, we can ensure that future generations will inherit a pristine environment both literally and figuratively.

The Vu Quang National Park in Ha Tinh province stands out as a majestic terrain, untouched by human hands and industrialization, with a variety of distinctive scenery and a pristine ecosystem of wild plants.

Somehow, in a short time, a collective effort by management personnel, scientists, and contract workers has successfully preserved and safeguarded a total area of 57,000 hectares of forests and forestry land in the hilly districts of Vu Quang, Huong Son, and Huong Khe.

The forest coverage rate is steadily increasing, providing an optimal habitat for numerous endemic animals and plants in Vietnam and Laos. Among these species are endangered and rare ones that require prioritized conservation efforts, such as the saola, large-antlered muntjac, Annamite striped rabbit, Owston's civet, brown-shanked doucs, Northern white-cheeked gibbon, Vietnamese pheasant, and Vietnamese mossy frog.

The diversity of the animal and plant systems in Vu Quang National Park is in no way inferior to any other area within the country's territory. Thanh Nga.

The diversity of the animal and plant systems in Vu Quang National Park is in no way inferior to any other area within the country's territory. Thanh Nga.

Based on evaluations from both local and international specialists, the biodiversity of the animal and plant species in Vu Quang National Park is comparable to that of other locations within the same territory.

More precisely, the plant life in this region consists of 1,829 different types of vascular plants that are classified into 813 genera and 202 families. Out of these, 131 plant species are classified as endangered and rare. These species are listed in the Vietnam Red Book (2007), the IUCN Red List (2017), and Government Decree 06/2006/ND-CP.

The wildlife in the area is quite remarkable, consisting of a total of 94 mammal species from 26 different families, 315 bird species, 58 reptile species, 31 amphibian species, 88 bony fish species, 316 butterfly species, 73 ant species, and 28 spider species. A total of 46 mammal species, 21 bird species, 20 reptile species, 2 amphibian species, and 1 bony fish species have been identified as conservation priority in both the IUCN Red List (2017) and the Vietnam Red Book (2007).

The identification and proclamation of several species to the global community in recent years, such as Ran tuyen tea (2016), Vu Quang Yellow Camellia, Ha Tinh Yellow Camellia (2018), Vu Quang soft bollygum (2019); Vu Quang Indochinese dwarf frogs; Beilschmiedia danhkyii, etc., have confirmed the inherent richness and distinctiveness of the biodiversity in Vu Quang National Park that remains unexplored.

Strict protection is enforced for wild animal species. Photo: Thanh Nga.

Strict protection is enforced for wild animal species. Photo: Thanh Nga.

Mr. Nguyen Danh Ky, Director of Vu Quang National Park, reminisced about the days of basing in makeshift camps, sleeping in the wilderness, and transporting food while collaborating with experts from Vietnam and Japan to investigate the species "Beilschmiedia danhkyii." Ky revealed that the park and the experts dedicated almost two years to gathering samples, conducting research, analyzing pertinent documents, collaborating with specialists to analyze DNA samples, and addressing feedback from scientists during the submission of the associated paper to announce this newly discovered species. Thus, the identification of a new species is the outcome of an extensive scientific investigation supported by a solid legal framework, necessitating substantial contributions from numerous individuals.

He conveyed his strong emotion and satisfaction at discovering that the species Beilschmiedia danhkyii had been given his name. For individuals engaged in biodiversity protection, there is no greater satisfaction than witnessing the preservation of their contributions to the advancement of the forestry sector as a whole, specifically in the realm of biodiversity.

The camera trap system records many endangered and rare animal species living in Vu Quang National Park. Photo: Thanh Nga.

The camera trap system records many endangered and rare animal species living in Vu Quang National Park. Photo: Thanh Nga.

The research findings reveal that the newly discovered plant species have been classified as Beilschmiedia danhkyii, and it belongs to the Lauraceae family. This family is known for its rich variety of species, both in Vietnam and specifically in Vu Quang National Park. The plant possesses valuable properties that make it suitable for medicinal purposes and the extraction of essential oils.

The research team published the findings and outcomes of their study on the newly discovered species Beilschmiedia danhkyii in the December 2021 issue (Volume 527, Issue 3) of the international journal Phytotaxa. This scientific publication is well regarded and is featured in the ISI list.

Furthermore, the dragonfly species discovered in Vu Quang National Park was named "danhkyii" as a tribute to Nguyen Danh Ky's efforts to preserve biodiversity in the region.

Embracing a responsible lifestyle in harmony with wilderness

To commemorate World Biodiversity Day on May 22, and to show support for the country's efforts in fulfilling significant global obligations, such as meeting the objectives of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) at COP15 in 2022 and committing to attaining net-zero emissions at COP26.

In 2024, Vu Quang National Park will launch the "Act for Wildlife" campaign, with the primary goal of extensively raising awareness about the significance of biodiversity preservation, showcasing the park's natural splendor, and highlighting its diverse plant and animal life. The program urges the people to adopt responsible behavior towards wild nature and collaborate in preserving the park's rich plant and animal life.

Vu Quang National Park calls on people to join hands in protecting wildlife. Photo: Thanh Nga.

Vu Quang National Park calls on people to join hands in protecting wildlife. Photo: Thanh Nga.

For the past five years, Vu Quang National Park has gained recognition for its expertise and reputation in conservation efforts. As a result, it has been selected by multiple organizations and individuals as a dependable site for coordinating and transferring endangered and rare animal species, with the ultimate goal of reintroducing them into their natural habitats.

Between 2019 and 2023, the park successfully received and saved around 1,480 wild creatures, out of which 722 were categorized as endangered and uncommon species at high risk of extinction according to conservation rankings and government regulations. The species encompass the white-cheeked gibbon, red-faced monkey, stump-tailed macaque, pig-tailed macaque, slow loris, reticulated python, and several civet species.

Specifically, several species such as the spoon-billed stork, Javan hawk-eagle, and Laos langur, which are not indigenous to Vu Quang National Park, were swiftly transferred to the relevant authorities for relocation to their respective habitats.

From 2019 to 2023, the park received and rescued more than 1,480 wild animals. Photo: TN.

From 2019 to 2023, the park received and rescued more than 1,480 wild animals. Photo: TN.

"In addition to receiving and providing care for wild animals given to us by organizations and local residents, we have been actively collaborating with national parks throughout the country to successfully rescue species and reintroduce them to their natural habitats, ensuring optimal living conditions for them," Nguyen Danh Ky explained.

Ky states that Vu Quang National Park monitors and safeguards all released wild animals in order to assure their protection.

Authors: Thanh Nga - Vo Dung

Translated by Linh Linh

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