June 28, 2024 | 21:38 GMT +7

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Wednesday- 09:30, 26/06/2024

Vietnam and Korea cooperate in green growth and emission reduction

(VAN) During the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2024, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received co-chair of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the Republic of Korea Kim Sang-Huyp.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the Republic of Korea Kim Sang-Huyp. Photo: VGP.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the Republic of Korea Kim Sang-Huyp. Photo: VGP.

At the meeting, both sides commented that Vietnam - Korea relations are at the best stage of development, political trust is constantly being strengthened; cooperation in fields of outstanding development. The two sides have much room and opportunities for cooperation, especially after upgrading relations to a "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" on the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations in December 2022.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the two countries' economies have the potential to cooperate and complement each other, especially in the field of green growth, to reduce greenhouse emissions, especially after having signed a Framework Convention on Climate Change in May 2021.

The Prime Minister proposed that Korea continue to support Vietnam in the fields of research, development, and innovation; Carry out strategic tasks on adaptation to climate change and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions based on implementing the Framework Convention on Climate Change between the Governments of the two countries and actively support and together with Vietnam successfully organize the fourth P4G Summit in 2025.

Expressing his honor to meet Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on the occasion of the Prime Minister's attendance at the WEF Annual Meeting 2024, President Kim Sang-Huyp said that Korea is very interested and determined to realize the carbon neutrality goal and green growth.

Mr. Kim Sang-Huyp shared with the Prime Minister the fiscal space to continue promoting bilateral cooperation in green economic development, reducing carbon emissions, and responding to climate change. He said that Vietnam and Korea could further vigorously promote cooperation on green growth with specific initiatives and plans.

As co-chair of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Kim Sang-Huyp affirmed that the Committee will support Vietnam in successfully organizing the P4G Summit in 2025 and implementing both sides' cooperation programs in this important field.

Author: Tung Dinh

Translated by Huong Giang

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