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Saturday- 01:17, 06/11/2021

Veterinary procedures implemented on the National Single Window

(VAN) To date, the Department of Animal Health has implemented administrative procedures on the Vietnam National Single Window and the electronic Single Window of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).
An official of the Veterinary Sub-Department of Region VII receives the quarantine request dossier from the enterprise. Photo: Huu Duc.

An official of the Veterinary Sub-Department of Region VII receives the quarantine request dossier from the enterprise. Photo: Huu Duc.

According to the Department of Animal Health under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the department built and connected 15 administrative procedures in the field of veterinary medicine on Vietnam National Single Window from 2016 to 2019, with the aim to implement the tasks of the National Single Window and create favorable conditions for relevant organizations and individuals. Among them are 13 administrative procedures for quarantine of animals, terrestrial animal products, aquatic products and 2 procedures in the field of veterinary drugs.

Specifically, administrative procedures being implemented on the Vietnam National Single Window in the field of quarantine of terrestrial animals and aquatic products include:

Issuance of Certificate of quarantine of terrestrial animals and animal products for export; Registration and procedures for granting the Certificate of quarantine of terrestrial animals and animal products temporarily imported for re-export, temporarily exported for re-import, transferred to border gates, bonded warehouses, transited through the territory of Vietnam; Registration and procedures for issuance of Quarantine Certificate of imported aquatic animals and animal products; Registration and procedures for issuance of Quarantine Certificate of imported terrestrial animals and animal products.

Next is registration for inspection and certification of quality of imported animal feed and aqua feed; Registration and procedures for granting the Certificate of quarantine of aquatic animals and animal products temporarily imported for re-export, temporarily exported for re-import, transferred to border gates, bonded warehouses, transited through the territory of Vietnam; Issuance of certificates of quarantine of exported aquatic animals and animal products that are not used as food.

In addition, there is a certificate of quarantine of aquatic animals and animal products imported and exported from bonded warehouses; Issuance of certificates of quarantine of terrestrial animals and animal products imported and exported from bonded warehouses; Declaration before docking for ships transporting aquatic products and aquatic products originating from fishing for import, temporary import, re-export, border-gate transfer or transit through the Vietnamese territory.

Administrative procedures in the field of veterinary drugs on the National Single Window include state inspection of the quality of imported veterinary drugs and issuance of permits to import veterinary drugs and veterinary drug ingredients.

In Circular No. 35/2018/TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Animal Health acts as the focal point to carry out the quarantine and quality inspection for the group of the animal feeds and aqua feeds of animal origin subject to both quarantine and quality inspection.

Accordingly, to the product that contains both animal products and plant products, enterprises can choose either the Department of Animal Health or the Department of Plant Protection to perform quality inspection and quarantine to avoid overlapping specialized inspection between units under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Previously, the implementation of quarantine was performed by the Department of Animal Health and the quality control of animal and aqua feeds was the responsibility of the Department of Livestock Production, the General Department of Fisheries.

Currently, enterprises only need to submit the Certificate of Quarantine Registration and Quality Inspection and Certification of imported animal and aquatic feeds of animal origin according to a form 20a of Circular No. 35/2018/TT-BNNPTNT to a specialized inspection agency that is the Department of Animal Health. The overlapping inspection criteria between quarantine and quality control of animal feed only have to be done once.

If the inspection results are unsatisfactory, the animal quarantine agency at the border gate shall make a record and send the dossier to the agency competent to sanction the quality of animal feed in accordance with the law.

The provisions of this Circular have created favorable conditions for enterprises as they do not have to submit dossiers at two different inspection agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Along with the implementation of 15 administrative procedures in the field of veterinary medicine on the National Public Service Portal, the Department of Animal Health has integrated 52 administrative procedures into the software of the Electronic One Window Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, officially using online public services at level 3 and 4 on the network at the address:

As of September 14, 2021, in the field of issuance of Certificate of circulation of veterinary drugs, 2,355/4,827 applications have been processed and resolved. The field of issuing certificates of veterinary hygiene conditions has handled and resolved 187/150 dossiers. All these records are done through public service software.

Meanwhile, 15 administrative procedures in the field of veterinary medicine have been connected and implemented on the National Single Window Portal.  As of September 14, 2021, 70,455/103,415 records have been completed, accounting for a rate of 68.12%, with procedures the rate reached 97.40%.

Up to now, enterprises conducting administrative procedures in the field of veterinary medicine under the National Single Window mechanism only need to log in to the website of the General Department of Customs to register an account, submit documents and receive online results without having to go to the Veterinary office to submit the dossiers and receive the results.

Author: Nam Khanh

Translated by Luong Huong

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