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Sunday- 10:09, 14/05/2023

Utilizing Japanese technology in natural disaster prevention and control

(VAN) The project aims to establish a management system in conjunction with natural disaster prevention for three major dams in the Huong River basin.
Inauguration ceremony for the Project for 'Emergency reservoir operation and effective flood management using water related disaster management information system'. Photo: Cong Dien.

Inauguration ceremony for the Project for "Emergency reservoir operation and effective flood management using water related disaster management information system". Photo: Cong Dien.

Thua Thien - Hue People's Committee in collaboration with the Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recently organized the inauguration ceremony for the project "Emergency reservoir operation and effective flood management using water related disaster management information system".

Over USD 18 million to mitigate damage caused by floods in Huong river basin

The project "Emergency reservoir operation and effective flood management using water related disaster management information system" has a total investment capital of USD 18.2 million (approximately VND 414 billion). Accordingly, the Japanese Government provided 1.8 billion yen (approximately USD 16.65 million) as non-refundable ODA fund.

The project aims to establish a management system in conjunction with natural disaster prevention for three major dams in the Huong River basin of Thua Thien - Hue province. Additionally, the project will create a comprehensive information network for natural disaster prevention and control as well as suitable emergency forecasting and warning systems on the Huong River, thereby mitigating damage caused by floods. The project will also improve the reservoir operation process in the Huong river basin, creating decision-making assistance tools for management agencies.

Xband T2 Radar station at Binh Dien hydroelectric dam, one of 31 locations where project equipment is installed. Photo: Cong Dien.

Xband T2 Radar station at Binh Dien hydroelectric dam, one of 31 locations where project equipment is installed. Photo: Cong Dien.

The completed project is expected to help mitigate damage caused by rain and floods to local people and properties. Furthermore, it will contribute to sustainable socio-economic development through a emergency reservoir operation framework, a forecasting and warning system for vulnerable areas in the Huong river basin of Thua Thien - Hue province. Consequently, a pilot model of emergency reservoir operation and effective flood management will be developed based on the project outputs.

Director of the Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority Pham Duc Luan said, "This is a pilot technical assistance project funded by the Japanese Government with the aim of preserving the Hue ancient capital historical site as well as reducing flood damage to the Huong River basin".

According to the original schedule, the project will be implemented within 36 months starting from the official signing date (from 2017 to 2020). However, the project faced several difficulties during its implementation process, including national security risks posed by the LiDAR remote sensing method, the Covid-19 pandemic, various technical issues, and so on.

"The Central Government, the General Department of Natural Disaster Prevention and Control (presently the Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority), Thua Thien - Hue Provincial People's Committee; the Central and Local Project Management Board; Japanese consultants and construction contractors have provided continuous and active support for the project. By December 2022, a finished equipment system was tested and handed over to the beneficiaries for management and operation. The product received a satisfactory rating based on the approved aid agreement," said Director General Pham Duc Luan.

Promoting the effectiveness of natural disaster prevention and reservoir operation

Although the project was not completed during the historic flood of October 2022, the project's items have been proven to be effective, not only in reservoir operation, flood regulation, and natural disaster prevention but also in other fields such as tourism, production organization, festivals and local socio-economic development activities.

Mr. Hoang Hai Minh, Vice Chairman of Thua Thien - Hue People's Committee affirmed that the project has effectively promoted natural disaster prevention and reservoir operation in the province. Photo: Cong Dien.

Mr. Hoang Hai Minh, Vice Chairman of Thua Thien - Hue People's Committee affirmed that the project has effectively promoted natural disaster prevention and reservoir operation in the province. Photo: Cong Dien.

The inauguration ceremony was a memorable milestone in the application of modern Japanese technology in natural disaster prevention and inter-reservoir operation.

Mr. Pham Duc Luan emphasized that the event reinforced the partnership between Vietnam and Japan. As a result, the relationship between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Thua Thien - Hue Provincial People's Committee, the Japanese Embassy and Jica Vietnam was strengthened. The parties recently commemorated the 50th anniversary (1973 - 2023) of diplomatic relations between Japan and Vietnam.

According to Mr. Hoang Hai Minh, the project "Emergency reservoir operation and effective flood management using water related disaster management information system" has had meaningful impact on Thua Thien - Hue.

Namely, the project promotes efficiency in natural disaster prevention and control, real-time operation of the reservoir, use of the community network system to aid in natural disaster prevention, support for people's livelihood, and economic development. The system is directly connected to the central government for administration purposes. 

Stakeholders visiting the Xband T2 Radar station at the Binh Dien hydroelectric dam. Photo: Cong Dien.

Stakeholders visiting the Xband T2 Radar station at the Binh Dien hydroelectric dam. Photo: Cong Dien.

Mr. Hoang Hai Minh added that the provincial Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control - Search and Rescue has utilized various software from the project such as Xband Radar imaging, river water level measuring, and rain forecasting. These softwares have assisted in the operation of water reservoirs, the monitor of rain and floods, and the information sharing between units in the province.

“Thua Thien - Hue  People's Committee has assigned the Sub-Department of Irrigation to manage and operate the technical infrastructure and equipment system. The province has advised various local People's Committees and relevant agencies to ensure the security and safety of the sponsored equipment system," said Mr. Hoang Hai Minh.

Within the framework of the inauguration ceremony, the participants visited the Xband T2 Radar station at the Binh Dien hydroelectric dam. This is one of 31 locations where project equipment is installed.

The station consists of a 30-meter antenna, equipped with a Xband radar. Information connection devices are located in the house next to the antenna. Various equipment is installed on Binh Dien dam to measure the opening of the dam and the water level upstream of the dam.

Authors: Cong Dien - Vo Dung

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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