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Friday- 21:25, 27/09/2024

Three strategies helping Vinh Hoan make an international mark in the pangasius sector

(VAN) A brand is not simply a name or logo but also the way that pangasius products are recognized and warmly received in the market.
Mrs. Truong Thi Le Khanh, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Vinh Hoan Joint Stock Company. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Mrs. Truong Thi Le Khanh, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Vinh Hoan Joint Stock Company. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Benefits of building a strong brand

Pangasius has become an important resource for Vietnam's fisheries industry in general and Vinh Hoan Joint Stock Company (Dong Thap) in particular. Building a strong brand for pangasius not only helps increase added value but is also a decisive factor in expanding export markets.

Mrs. Truong Thi Le Khanh, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Vinh Hoan Joint Stock Company, affirmed that the brand is not only a symbol of quality but also a bridge between consumers and products and a tool for Vietnamese pangasius to advance far in the international market.

According to Mrs. Truong Thi Le Khanh, the world has long known about Mekong pangasius for its good quality, delicious taste, and rich nutrition. With the gentle flow and abundant water source from the Mekong River, pangasius is raised in a clean, pollution-free environment, bringing characteristic flavor and outstanding quality. However, for these advantages to truly promote value in the market, building a strong brand is indispensable.

With the gentle flow and abundant water source from the Mekong River, pangasius is raised in a clean, pollution-free environment, bringing characteristic flavor and outstanding quality. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

With the gentle flow and abundant water source from the Mekong River, pangasius is raised in a clean, pollution-free environment, bringing characteristic flavor and outstanding quality. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Mrs. Khanh commented that a strong brand not only reflects product quality but also helps create a difference, affirming the business's reputation and value.

For Vinh Hoan Company, a strong pangasius brand is not only a testimony to its commitment to quality but also a tool to help products overcome trade barriers and meet strict standards of demanding markets such as the EU, US, Japan, etc.

Currently, Vinh Hoan's strategy has achieved success in the international market. The first is to increase added value. When the pangasius brand is built and developed strongly, the product will not only be recognized by quality but also by trust from consumers. This allows Vinh Hoan Company to sell products at higher prices than competitors without strong brands.

The second is to expand export markets. A strong brand will open up opportunities for Vietnamese pangasius to penetrate new markets, especially markets that require high quality and food safety standards. This helps Vinh Hoan Company not only increase sales but also minimize risks from dependence on certain markets. Expanding the market is also synonymous with diversifying income sources, ensuring sustainable development of the business.

Currently, Vinh Hoan's strategy is reaping success in the international market. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Currently, Vinh Hoan's strategy is reaping success in the international market. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

The third is to help increase recognition and reputation. When the Vinh Hoan Pangasius brand becomes famous, it will automatically create recognition and reputation not only in the fisheries industry but also for global consumers. This reputation helps the product easily penetrate and maintain a foothold in the market, even when facing fierce competition from international competitors.

Strategies to build a strong brand

To build a strong brand, Vinh Hoan has implemented many important strategies. First of all, the company focuses on quality control, from farming and harvesting to processing and packaging. Each exported pangasius product must undergo strict inspection procedures, ensuring it meets the highest standards of food safety and hygiene.

Second, Vinh Hoan pays attention to environmental protection and sustainable development, which not only contributes to building a positive brand image but also creates long-term value for the community. These activities include the use of advanced farming and processing technologies, minimizing negative impacts on the environment while improving working conditions and worker welfare.

Vinh Hoan Company owns six factories, located in Dong Thap province and operating in a closed model from farming to processing. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Vinh Hoan Company owns six factories, located in Dong Thap province and operating in a closed model from farming to processing. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Third, Vinh Hoan promotes the building of a global distribution network and the establishment of strategic partnerships with major importers, thereby creating favorable conditions for market penetration and expansion. The company also focuses on promoting the brand through international events, exhibitions, and multimedia communication campaigns to enhance the recognition and reputation of the Vinh Hoan Pangasius brand worldwide.

The company owns six factories, located in Dong Thap province and operating in a closed model from farming to processing. On average each year, the company produces over 300,000 tons of pangasius to serve domestic and foreign markets.

Besides, Vinh Hoan is famous in the world for its ability to provide frozen fillet products that meet international standards for sustainable aquaculture and environmental protection. Vinh Hoan's products are present in major supermarkets such as Walmart, Aldi, and famous restaurant chains in more than 30 countries around the world.

Along with exports, Vinh Hoan launches a domestic service program of 10–12 pangasius products. Vinh Hoan wishes to serve the best pangasius products to Vietnamese people because Vietnamese consumers deserve that. For export markets, the company builds a code for whitemeat pangasius products, targeting high-end export markets with a price of USD 4/kg of fish or more.

Along with exports, Vinh Hoan is launching a domestic service program of 10–12 pangasius products. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Along with exports, Vinh Hoan is launching a domestic service program of 10–12 pangasius products. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Currently, Vinh Hoan is implementing MARD's project on 3-level pangasius seed production with high technology applications. At the same time, build a farming process according to high-tech standards, choose the best breeds, and do not use antibiotics during the farming process. Vinh Hoan is determined to create a breakthrough for the pangasius industry, build a pangasius seed production center, apply high technology, and become an agricultural tourism stop for everyone to visit and research.

Vinh Hoan Joint Stock Company, established in 1997, is one of the leading enterprises in the pangasius and catfish export industry in Vietnam. This company operates in a value chain focusing on pangasius and catfish farming, including seed production, processing, and value addition facilities, as well as the production of collagen and pangasius by-products.

Author: Le Hoang Vu

Translated by Thu Huyen

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