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Thursday- 08:05, 08/08/2024

The Vietnam Rice Council's establishment is essential

(VAN) The Vietnam Rice Council is responsible for advising the Prime Minister on the research, direction, and coordination necessary to address critical, cross-sectoral issues in the rice industry.

Dr. Tran Cong Thang, Director of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD), asserted that the rice sector has significantly contributed to the economic and social stability of Vietnam and has enhanced the prestige of Vietnamese agricultural products through export activity.

Furthermore, rice cultivation guarantees national food security and functions as a critical soft power in national diplomacy, making a substantial contribution to food security in the region and globally.

Despite its strategic national role and successes, Mr. Thang maintains that the rice industry is confronted with numerous constraints, including unsustainable production, high input costs, and inadequate post-harvest technology. Price instability, inadequate export branding, and inadequate resources and policy coordination comprise market challenges.

On August 6th, the IPSARD Director underscored the necessity of a unique institution for the rice industry in the new context during a meeting between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade to debate the proposal to establish the Vietnam Rice Council. The industry is experiencing challenges due to domestic requirements for food security, income, and environmental factors.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan (right) and Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien chaired a working session on the proposal to establish a Vietnam Rice Council on the afternoon of August 6. Photo: Linh Linh.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan (right) and Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien chaired a working session on the proposal to establish a Vietnam Rice Council on the afternoon of August 6. Photo: Linh Linh.

The rice industry must have a comprehensive strategy and strategic advice to address the new trends in science and technology development, digitalization, green agriculture, circular economy, low-carbon rice, and carbon credit markets on a global scale.

"An institution is required to address cross-sectoral and extensive issues." The rice sector's main issues should be addressed and advised by this institution, which should also guide the industry's overall sustainable development. Mr. Tran Cong Thang declared that the Vietnam Rice Council is the appropriate institution.

The government does not engage in a significant degree of market intervention in this institution; rather, it guarantees guidance, regulates activities, and mobilizes public-private cooperation to generate additional resources through international cooperation and socialization. The institution is required to include the viewpoints of rice farmers, as well as representatives of businesses, localities, industry associations, and various ministries.

According to Mr. Nguyen Anh Son, Director of the Import-Export Department at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, agricultural producers continue to be among the most vulnerable and low-income groups, particularly in the face of market fluctuations, novel diseases, and climate change.

In addition, the market demand, price pressure, and Vietnam's rice export market are all adversely affected by the derisive impact of modifying rice import policies to diversify sources, limit imports, and enhance food self-sufficiency in rice-consuming countries.

In the current stage of rice production and export development, it is necessary to establish a close government direction, coordination, and effective linkage among all sectors, localities, and the entire political system to ensure food security, promote sustainable and safe production and export, and meet import market demands. 

Dr. Tran Cong Thang, Director of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD), proposed a coordination mechanism within the National Rice Council. Photo: Linh Linh.

Dr. Tran Cong Thang, Director of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD), proposed a coordination mechanism within the National Rice Council. Photo: Linh Linh.

The Party's policies and viewpoints regarding the role of rice in economic and social development, international experience, and recent practical realities all suggest the necessity of establishing the Vietnam Rice Council to provide the Prime Minister with guidance on research, direction, and coordination to address critical, cross-sectoral issues related to the development of the rice industry, from production to export.

According to Mr. Son, the Rice Council is responsible for establishing a consensus in the development and implementation of policies related to rice, which encompasses production, processing, and export, with the involvement of ministries, sectors, localities, and associations. The Council also monitors and encourages ministries and sectors to implement policies and programs within the rice industry, ensuring sustainable development, promoting green production, meeting market demands, balancing production and consumption, and balancing between export and domestic consumption, as well as import.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan recounted the story of how Thailand established the image of its rice industry with the slogan "Think rice, think Thailand" in response to the notion of collaborating with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to propose the establishment of a Vietnam Rice Council. According to the Minister, it is challenging to identify a slogan that is both straightforward and impactful.

Vietnamese ST 25 rice has been internationally recognized, and Vietnam's rice sector has achieved remarkable advancements in comparison to India and Thailand. Nevertheless, there are numerous uncertainties associated with the establishment of the Vietnamese rice industry.

The Party's viewpoints and policies on the role of rice in socio-economic development, international experience, and recent practice all point to the necessity of establishing a Vietnam Rice Council. Photo: LHV.

The Party's viewpoints and policies on the role of rice in socio-economic development, international experience, and recent practice all point to the necessity of establishing a Vietnam Rice Council. Photo: LHV.

Rice is not solely intended for exportation; it also serves domestic consumption, as per the Minister of Agriculture. This is a diplomatic and economic development issue that affects the livelihoods of tens of millions of rice farmers and millions of businesses. Consequently, it is imperative to adopt a distinct perspective on the rice industry.

According to Minister Le Minh Hoan, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Trade regarding the necessity of establishing a more comprehensive institution for the rice sector that is of a national policy nature.

Using the actual actions of the entire system, the Minister underscored the importance of enhancing the national image through rice. To establish an authentic brand for Vietnamese rice, "one Ministry is responsible for production, while another is responsible for the market, and there must be exchanges between Ministries."

Authors: Linh Linh - Phuong Linh

Translated by Linh Linh

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