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Saturday- 10:19, 03/08/2024

The US conducts a second evaluation of anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese honey

(VAN) This is the second administrative review of the anti-dumping duty order on this product that the US has conducted within five years, beginning in August 2023.
The United States will conduct an annual administrative review of anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese honey.

The United States will conduct an annual administrative review of anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese honey.

The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) started the second administrative review of the anti-dumping duty order on Vietnamese honey on July 29, as the Trade Remedies Authority (Ministry of Industry and Trade) reported.

The review period is June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024. Vietnamese honey exporting enterprises to the United States are anticipated to be included in the list.

According to the United States, enterprises on this list that did not export honey to the United States during the review period must notify the DOC within 30 days of the review initiation announcement (expected by August 28, 2024).

The resolution of enterprises in this category will be evaluated if their shipments are halted for liquidation.

Following U.S. regulations, the DOC will designate the mandatory respondents within 35 days of the initiation announcement (expected by September 2, 2024). The export volume of enterprises will determine the selection criteria, ranked from highest to lowest, as per U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

Parties can withdraw their review petitions within 90 days of the initiation announcement (anticipated to occur by October 27, 2024).

The Ministry of Industry and Trade further stated that enterprises must apply a separate rate within 30 days of the initiation announcement (expected by August 28, 2024) for countries that the United States considers non-market economies eligible for the separate rate.

Enterprises that fail to apply a distinct rate and are not designated as mandatory respondents will be subject to the nationwide rate in the United States.

The DOC will disclose its ultimate conclusion no later than June 30, 2025.

The Trade Remedies Authority advises that producers and exporters of the related products continue to monitor the case's developments, comply fully with the requirements of the U.S. investigating authorities, and closely coordinate with the Trade Remedies Authority throughout the process to ensure the legitimate interests of enterprises.

The DOC initiated the anti-dumping investigation into Vietnamese honey on May 14, 2021. By November 17, 2021, the DOC issued a preliminary conclusion and imposed duties on Vietnamese honey from 410.93% to 413.99%. This rate doubled the American Honey Producers Association's initial proposal (207%).

The DOC issued the conclusion on April 8, 2022, which reduced Vietnam's dumping margins to approximately seven times lower than the preliminary conclusion (from 58.74% to 61.27%). This reduction resulted from modifications to the calculation procedure made at Vietnam's request.

The DOC issued the official anti-dumping duty order in June 2022, effective from June 3, 2022, and subject to annual administrative reviews. The order is set at the aforementioned rates for five years.

The DOC announced the commencement of the initial administrative evaluation of anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese honey in August 2023.

Author: Bao Thang

Translated by Linh Linh

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