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Sunday- 23:03, 19/05/2024

The Perfect Shrimp - Highlight at Taste of Australia 2024 Event

(VAN) On May 11-12, 2024, the annual Taste of Australia (ToA) event organized by the Australian Consulate General took place at Le Van Tam Park in HCMC.
Leaders from the Viet Uc Group introduced the Perfect Shrimp product to the leaders of Ho Chi Minh City and the Australian Consulate General.

Leaders from the Viet Uc Group introduced the Perfect Shrimp product to the leaders of Ho Chi Minh City and the Australian Consulate General.

On this occasion, the Viet Uc Group showcased their Perfect Shrimp, produced through a completely clean process without using antibiotics throughout its lifecycle. The product's traceability spans from broodstock shrimp, shrimp larvae, and commercial shrimp, to processed products on consumers' tables.

The ToA event featured unique cuisine prepared in Australian flavours and, for the first time, was open to the public for free, attracting a large number of attendees.

A highlight of the event was the positive feedback from consumers about the quality of the dishes. At the Viet Uc booth, the fresh, eye-catching Perfect Shrimp were attractively displayed, drawing many visitors to try them.

Most visitors were initially impressed by the freshness, sweet flavour, and appealing colour of the shrimp. Many were surprised to learn that these were processed and frozen shrimp.

Especially, consumers who usually bought untraceable fresh shrimp from markets or supermarkets were inclined to change their purchasing habits after hearing the story of clean shrimp production in Viet Uc Group's closed-loop system.

Steamed shrimp made from frozen whole shrimp products amazed diners with their freshness and deliciousness.

Steamed shrimp made from frozen whole shrimp products amazed diners with their freshness and deliciousness.

"So, what’s the secret to keeping shrimp, even when frozen, as fresh as if they were just harvested?". This was a common question among attendees at the event.

The answer lies in two key factors.

First, minimizing the distance and time from the farm to the processing plant. All stages are executed very quickly because the Viet Uc Group has invested in building a complex where the high-tech shrimp farming model and the processing plant are located next to each other.

Fascinating Moments of Viet Uc shrimp at Taste of Australia 2024

Fascinating Moments of Viet Uc shrimp at Taste of Australia 2024

Second, Viet Uc employs ultra-fast freezing technology with the principle of "Quick - Clean - Cold": The shrimp are frozen using an ultra-fast IQF conveyor system, lowering the product's core temperature to below -18 degrees Celsius within 1-3 minutes, thus preserving the quality and structure as if they were freshly harvested from the pond.

This is the secret that keeps frozen shrimp surprisingly fresh, maintaining their original freshness, colour, and delicious flavour.

Moreover, after understanding the product’s origin, and the antibiotic-free production process throughout its lifecycle, ensuring quality, cleanliness, and food safety, consumers feel more secure in choosing The Perfect Shrimp as a healthy food choice for themselves and their families.

The two-day event was very successful, attracting thousands of attendees, spreading awareness, and receiving positive feedback on high-quality products that always focus on consumer satisfaction.

Author: PV

Translated by Hoang Duy

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