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Tuesday- 07:06, 27/08/2024

The MARD supports enjoying 'Chilean wine with Chilean beef in Vietnam'

(VAN) On August 26, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Phung Duc Tien met and worked with Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Van Klaveren.
On August 26, Deputy Minister of MARD Phung Duc Tien met and worked with Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Van Klaveren. Photo: Phuong Linh.

On August 26, Deputy Minister of MARD Phung Duc Tien met and worked with Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Van Klaveren. Photo: Phuong Linh.

During the meeting, the two leaders provided updates on the agricultural situation in their respective countries, discussed strategies and measures to enhance agricultural cooperation between Vietnam and Chile.

Welcoming Minister Alberto Van Klaveren to the MARD, Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien emphasized that Vietnam highly values its traditional friendly relations with Chile, the first South American country to establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam on March 25, 1971. "Chile is Vietnam's leading comprehensive partner in Latin America. Over the years, our two countries have consistently supported each other, organized numerous visits and continuously advanced our cooperative and trade relations”, Mr. Phung Duc Tien said.

Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Van Klaveren thanked Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien and the leaders of the MARD for their warm hospitality. He noted that the strong relationship between Vietnam and Chile serves as a foundation for enhancing cooperation not only in the economic sector but also in agriculture.

Currently, Chilean agricultural products, especially fruits such as apples, peaches and grapes, are increasingly appearing in the meals of Vietnamese people. Therefore, Minister Alberto Van Klaveren expressed his desire to continue exporting Chilean kiwifruit to Vietnam and to further increase the presence of Chilean fruits in the Vietnamese market.

At the meeting, Minister Alberto Van Klaveren also discussed the Memorandum of Understanding on Agricultural Cooperation. According to him, the MARD’s International Cooperation Department and the agricultural attaché office at the Chilean Embassy are working closely together. It is anticipated that this document could be signed in November 2024, during the high-level visit of Vietnamese leaders to Chile.

Regarding opening the market for Chilean meat products, specifically beef and pork, the Chilean Foreign Minister has proposed that the Vietnam Department of Animal Health organize technical inspection teams soon to assess the quality and processing procedures of Chilean meat.

Mr. Alberto Van Klaveren emphasized that the Chilean meat industry focuses highly on product quality and hygiene standards to meet international quarantine regulations. Chile has successfully exported to major markets, so Mr. Van Klaveren hopes to soon introduce Chile’s high-quality products to Vietnam.

Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien has committed to supporting the enjoyment of 'Chilean wine with Chilean beef in Vietnam'. Photo: Phuong Linh.

Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien has committed to supporting the enjoyment of "Chilean wine with Chilean beef in Vietnam". Photo: Phuong Linh.

Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien expressed support for the Chilean Foreign Minister’s working agenda and shared achievements of Vietnam’s agricultural sector in recent years. In the first seven months of 2024, Vietnam's agricultural exports reached 34.27 billion USD, a 20% increase. It is projected that by the end of 2024, Vietnam's agricultural export value will reach 56 to 59 billion USD. In 2023, trade in agricultural products between the two countries reached 264.7 million USD, with Chilean agricultural imports accounting for 217 million USD.

Currently, Vietnam has 16 agricultural trade agreements and its agricultural products are exported to over 200 countries and territories. Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien hopes that in the future, there will be a more balanced exchange of agricultural products between the two countries.

In response to the request for inspection of Chilean meat products, a representative from the Department of Animal Health stated that all documentation has been thoroughly reviewed. It is expected that in 2025, Vietnam will send an inspection team to Chile to conduct on-site checks and assess the quality of Chilean meat products. Additionally, Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien has committed to supporting the enjoyment of "Chilean wine with Chilean beef in Vietnam".

At the meeting, Minister Alberto Van Klaveren hoped that the agricultural sectors of both countries will continue to support each other. He also anticipated that Chileans will soon enjoy Vietnamese agricultural products, especially tropical fruits. In addition, the two sides are expected to further expand cooperation in other areas of agriculture in the near future.

Author: Phuong Linh

Translated by Phuong Linh

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