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Wednesday- 07:00, 07/08/2024

The government implements several policies to facilitate the development of livestock production

(VAN) Government Decree No. 106/2024/ND-CP specifies policies to promote the efficiency of livestock production.
Decree No. 106/2024/ND-CP introduced many policies to support livestock development. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Decree No. 106/2024/ND-CP introduced many policies to support livestock development. Photo: Tung Dinh.

The decree delineates several policies to promote the growth of animal husbandry, such as producing animal feed from domestically produced materials, developing the livestock product market, and providing relocation assistance for livestock facilities.

Furthermore, some policies are designed to promote and enhance livestock farming efficiency. These policies include the following: artificial insemination support for buffaloes, cows, and pigs; support for the acquisition of breeding males of buffaloes, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, and deer; support for the acquisition of parent breeding chickens, ducks, and geese; and advocacy for the treatment of livestock waste.

Support with the production of feed for animals

The decree establishes policies to facilitate the production, processing, preservation, and consumption of domestic materials for animal fodder production.

Organizations, individuals, cooperative groups, cooperatives, cooperative unions, and enterprises with investment projects in the production, processing, preservation, and consumption of domestic materials for animal feed production, as well as with livestock farms as specified in points a, b, and c, clause 2, Article 21 of Decree No. 13/2020/NĐ-CP dated January 21, 2020, of the Government guiding the Law on Livestock, are included in the beneficiaries of support.

Organizations and individuals are granted assistance in developing areas for the cultivation of feed crops. This encompasses infrastructure investment expenses such as irrigation systems, drainage systems, main in-field roads, electrification, and post-harvest product collection areas. The investment support rate is limited to a maximum of 5 billion VND per project and is not to exceed 50% of the total project implementation cost.

Furthermore, organizations and individuals are assisted in purchasing materials and equipment for the collection, packaging, transportation, preliminary processing, processing, and preservation of industrial and agricultural by-products as raw materials for animal feed. This support is available for projects with a minimum designed production capacity of 100,000 tons annually. The investment support rate is limited to a maximum of 1 billion VND per project and is not to exceed 50% of the total project implementation cost.

Organizations and individuals are assisted in purchasing equipment from abroad to produce single raw materials for supplementary animal feed in the country. This support is available for projects with a minimum specified production capacity of 30 tons/year. The investment support rate is limited to a maximum of 2 billion VND per project and is not to exceed 50% of the total project implementation cost.

Organizations and individuals are provided support for procuring technology licenses from abroad to produce single raw materials for supplementary animal feed in the country. This support is available for projects with a minimum designed production capacity of 30 tons/year. The investment support rate is limited to a maximum of 2 billion VND per project and is not to exceed 50% of the total project implementation cost.

Assistance for acquiring bulk feed storage containers on medium and large-scale livestock farms by organizations and individuals.

Purchasing bulk feed storage containers on medium and large-scale livestock farms is subsidized for organizations and individuals. The investment support rate is limited to a maximum of 100 million VND per project and is not to exceed 50% of the total project implementation cost.

Assistance is provided to organizations and individuals to acquire feed crop seeds for programs with a minimum planting area of 10 hectares per project.

The cost of purchasing feed crop seeds for initiatives with a minimum planting area of 10 ha/project is subsidized for organizations and individuals. The investment support rate is limited to a maximum of 200 million VND per project and is not to exceed 50% of the total project implementation cost.

Livestock products will be supported for market development. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Livestock products will be supported for market development. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Support in the expansion of the livestock product market

The decree assists organizations and individuals engaged in implementing market development initiatives for livestock products.

The maximum investment support is 3 billion VND per cold storage facility, and it is limited to no more than 50% of the total cost of constructing cold storage facilities for the preservation of livestock and poultry flesh products.

Support is provided for a maximum of 1 billion VND per project, with a limitation of 30% of the total cost of product brand promotion.

Support is provided for a maximum of 100 million VND per project, with a maximum of 30% of the total cost of training to develop market development strategies for livestock products.

The following conditions must be met by organizations and individuals who are implementing market development initiatives for livestock products to receive support:

- The local socio-economic development plan must follow the market development of livestock products.

The market development must be for livestock products with a value chain linking livestock farming to slaughtering and processing or from livestock farming to processing and consumption.

- The investment project must be executed in compliance with legal investment regulations, and the results must be approved for the support content associated with the construction of cold storage facilities to preserve poultry and livestock meat products.

- Invoices and documents concerning the implementation's cost elements are required.

Author: Tung Dinh

Translated by Linh Linh

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