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Monday- 09:52, 10/06/2024

The general survey of rural areas and agriculture for 2025

(VAN) Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai signed Decision No. 484/QD-TTg on June 7, 2024, regarding the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025.
General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 Nationwide on July 1, 2025

General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 Nationwide on July 1, 2025

The General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 collects the following groups of information:

1- Current state of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production:

  • Number of production units; the number of workers and labour structure; working hours;
  • Scale of production;
  • Production capacity;
  • Situation of industrialization, modernization, and application of scientific and technological advances in production, digital economy application;
  • The current state of information access of production units;
  • Implementation of product traceability, production linkage, and product consumption;
  • Impact of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production on the environment; information on the effects of climate change and sea-level rise;
  • The situation of farm economy development;
  • Development of effective and sustainable production;
  • Role of women in agricultural, forestry, and fishery production;
  • Results of self-production and self-consumption activities of households;
  • Situation of agricultural land use.

2- The current state of rural areas includes:

  • Current state and changes in rural socio-economic infrastructure, including information related to the implementation of national goals for new rural areas, advanced new rural areas for the period 2021-2025;
  • Forms of rural economic support (agricultural, forestry, and fishery extension systems; market access, etc.);
  • Rural environmental sanitation;
  • Development of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production linked with processing, services, and tourism;
  • Cooperatives and craft villages;
  • Facilities and working conditions of commune People's Committees.

3- Information about rural residents includes:

  • Ability to mobilize capital, loan situation, and credit access of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production households;
  • Vocational training for rural labour and results of implementing policies of the Party and State for rural residents;
  • The situation of electricity use, clean water use by rural residents; initial medical examination and healthcare.

The General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 collects information over 30 days, from July 1, 2025, to the end of July 30, 2025. Preliminary results are announced in December 2025. Official results are announced in March 2026. The thematic analysis reports will be published in July 2026.

Establishment of Steering Committees for General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture at All Levels

The decision establishes the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 Steering Committees at all levels. Specifically:

Decision on Establishing Steering Committees for the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 at All Levels


At the central level: The Prime Minister establishes the central the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 Steering Committee, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister.

The Minister of Planning and Investment serves as the Standing Vice Chair; the Director General of the General Statistics Office serves as Vice Chair.

Deputy Ministers from the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Finance, Natural Resources and Environment, Information and Communications, the Vice Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Farmers' Union, the Chairman of the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, and representatives from relevant ministries and agencies serve as members.

The central Steering Committee establishes a Standing Task Force to assist and uses the seal of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in directing the implementation of the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025.

At the local level: Chairpersons of People's Committees at all levels establish the corresponding the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 Steering Committees.

Provincial, district, and commune Steering Committees are responsible for organizing and directing the implementation of the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 locally.

Composition of provincial and district Steering Committees:

Chairperson (or Vice Chairperson) of the People's Committee serves as Chair; The head of the Statistics Office serves as the Standing Vice Chair;

Heads (or Deputy Heads) of the Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development, Planning and Investment, Finance, Natural Resources and Environment, Information and Communications, Cooperative Alliance, Farmers' Union, Deputy Head of the Statistics Office, and representatives of relevant departments and agencies serve as members.

Provincial and district Steering Committees establish Standing Task Forces.

Composition of commune Steering Committees:

The Chairperson (or Vice Chairperson) of the People's Committee serves as Chair; Office - Statistics officials serve as Standing Members; Officials from Land - Construction - Urban and Environment (for wards and towns) or Land - Agriculture - Construction and Environment (for communes), Chairman of the Vietnam Farmers' Union (applicable to communes, wards, and towns with Farmers' Union) and relevant officials and public servants serve as members.

The decision specifies that Steering Committees are only established for districts, towns, provincial cities, wards, and towns where agricultural, forestry, and fishery households account for over 30% of the total households.

For districts, towns, provincial cities, wards, and towns where Steering Committees are not established, the Chairperson of the People's Committee directly supervises; the Head of the district Statistics Office and commune-level Office - Statistics officials perform the standing duties.

Provincial, district, and commune Steering Committees use the seal of the corresponding People's Committee in directing and organizing the implementation of the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025.

The Steering Committees and Standing Task Forces at all levels dissolve after completing their tasks.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office) is responsible for leading the development, submission, and issuance of the the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 plan by the central Steering Committee; leading and coordinating with relevant ministries, agencies, and localities to organize and direct the implementation of the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 according to the plan; building the the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 database for connection and sharing with relevant ministries and agencies.

Additionally, the Ministry leads the development and approval of the budget for the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025 and includes it in the annual budget estimates of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (General Statistics Office) for submission to the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the Law on State Budget.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinates with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to finalize the plan and participate in implementing the General Survey of Rural Areas and Agriculture for 2025.

Author: Phuong Nhi

Translated by Hoang Duy

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