July 2, 2024 | 22:33 GMT +7

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Wednesday- 22:14, 20/03/2024

The Czech Republic expects to export breeding cow and livestock feed products to Vietnam

(VAN) On March 20, Deputy Minister of MARD Nguyen Quoc Tri met with Czech Republic's Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborný to discuss future collaboration.
Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri listens to various proposals from the Czech Republic. Photo: Linh Linh.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri listens to various proposals from the Czech Republic. Photo: Linh Linh.

Over the last 70 years, Vietnam and the Czech Republic have continually built and extended their connection. Bilateral agricultural cooperation has experienced numerous beneficial achievements, with both governments' leaders paying close attention and providing direction.

The Czech Republic's Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborný, remarked that the two nations have a long history of excellent collaboration. During previous working visits, Vietnam and the Czech Republic reached an agreement on a number of important issues, including economic cooperation, tourism, enhanced agricultural cooperation, and so on, as reflected in a joint statement aimed at elevating the relationship to a Strategic Partnership.

Mr. Výborný hailed increased collaboration in agriculture, food industry, and water resource management.

The Czech Republic also aims to improve agricultural education and skills. During their tour, officials from the Czech University of Life Sciences will be able to link with educational institutions to teach in sustainable agriculture and forestry, as well as the use of sustainable agricultural products in Vietnam.

The overall bilateral commerce between the two nations reached 2.7 billion USD in 2023, with bilateral agriculture exports accounting for a modest percentage.

During his visits, Výborný observed Vietnamese partners expressing interest in traditional Czech industries, including beer, meat, spirits, confectionery, agricultural technology, food industry, animal husbandry technology, and veterinary products.

Vietnam's exports to the Czech Republic are almost ten times more than the reverse flow. As a result, the Czech Republic believes that Vietnam would assist the Czech Republic in exporting meat products, and that both sides will soon establish an agreement on veterinary criteria, food safety, and cleanliness for Czech Republic-produced goods.

Mr. Výborný recommended that the MARD send a working mission to the Czech Republic to examine cattle production and epidemiology as soon as feasible.

Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Marek Výborný, hopes that Vietnam will open its market to more products such as bull semen, breeding cattle, and livestock feed products from the Czech Republic. Photo: Linh Linh.

Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Marek Výborný, hopes that Vietnam will open its market to more products such as bull semen, breeding cattle, and livestock feed products from the Czech Republic. Photo: Linh Linh.

Regarding meat imports into Vietnam, Mr. Nguyen Van Long, Director of the Department of Animal Health, noted that Vietnam has committed to expand exports of milk and feed products for animal production from the Czech Republic by approximately 52% over 2022.

In terms of document evaluation for Czech Republic products, the Department of Animal Health has essentially completed the process and reported to MARD leadership, as well as proposed organizing a working delegation to the Czech Republic as soon as possible in accordance with procedure.

Mr. Long also asked early reaction from Czech veterinary authorities after Vietnam's Department of Animal Health sent a paper to the Czech side seeking mutual consent on the export of animal protein meal to Vietnam for livestock feed production.

Regarding the import of meat from the Czech Republic to Vietnam, the Department of Animal Health is certain that with the attention and direction of both sides' leadership, work toward exporting goods to Vietnam will be accomplished shortly.

Czech Agriculture Minister Marek Výborný discussed shipping bull semen and chicken feet to Vietnam. The Czech Republic is currently compiling documentation for submission to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for review.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri presenting Vietnamese OCOP (One Commune, One Product) products as a gift to Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborný. Photo: Linh Linh.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri presenting Vietnamese OCOP (One Commune, One Product) products as a gift to Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborný. Photo: Linh Linh.

In agriculture, the Czech Republic boasts some of the world's most recognized enterprises exporting grass seeds, vegetables, and novel crop kinds, which provide great earnings for producers. This is an area that the Czech Republic hopes to boost with Vietnam.

Minister Výborný wishes to share Vietnam's expertise in preventing and controlling avian influenza and African swine fever. He suggests collaborative research and manufacture of vaccinations for disease prevention and control. The Czech Republic is willing to exchange technologies with Vietnam to prevent and manage avian flu in poultry, as well as gene-editing technology for chickens.

In response to Vietnam's proposals, Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri stated that bull semen, breeding cattle, and livestock feed are products that Vietnam prioritizes, and he requested that the Czech Republic promptly submit documents for the Department of Animal Health to review and report to the Ministry.

The Czech Republic is one of 27 European Union nations involved in the Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (VPA/FLEGT) with Vietnam. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hopes that the Czech Republic will assist Vietnam in implementing the VPA/FLEGT agreement, improving cooperation in sustainable forest resource management and CITES implementation, promoting legal timber and forestry trade, and creating conditions for both countries' businesses to operate in accordance with the current legal regulations of both parties.

The EU has established new standards for deforestation-free products (EUDR). The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development believes that the Czech Republic would give further information and assistance to Vietnam in carrying out plans to adapt to the EUDR.

In October 2017, the European Commission (EC) issued Vietnam a "yellow card" for illicit, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Combating IUU fishing is a high priority for Vietnam, not only to create sustainable aquaculture and fisheries, but also to demonstrate the country's accountability and credibility on a global scale. Following the EC's recommendations, Vietnam has adopted a number of robust actions to rectify infringement.

As a result, the MARD genuinely wishes that the Czech Republic recognizes Vietnam's efforts and expresses support for the EC's decision to lift Vietnam's IUU "yellow card" soon.

Author: Linh Linh

Translated by Dieu Linh

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