February 6, 2025 | 07:40 GMT +7

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Monday- 15:09, 30/10/2023

Thac Ba Lake to supply 20,000 tons of fish annually

(VAN) Thanks to advantageous water resources and scientific advancements in aquaculture, the production of various fish species such as Hemibagrus, Siluridae, and Cranoglanis bouderius at Thac Ba Lake has increased rapidly over the years.
The Hemibagrus fish species is quite commonly farmed in cage fish farming facilities on Thac Ba Lake. Photo: Thanh Tien.

The Hemibagrus fish species is quite commonly farmed in cage fish farming facilities on Thac Ba Lake. Photo: Thanh Tien.

Thac Ba was the first artificial hydroelectric reservoir to be established in Vietnam since 1971. It is the largest lake in Yen Bai province, covering an area of over 19,000 hectares. In addition to its potential for tourism development, the aquatic resources on Thac Ba Lake currently provide livelihoods for numerous households in the region.

Mr. Le Van Thu, who resides in Vinh Kien commune, Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province, has been involved in aquaculture and fishing activities on Thac Ba Lake for several years. By utilizing the available water surface to conduct cage fish farming, his family's income has significantly improved. Mr. Kien's fish farming facility currently consists of 66 cages containing various species such as Hemibagrus, red tilapia, tilapia, black carp, among others. With an average sale of 20 to 25 tons of fish every year, his family earns several hundred million Vietnamese dong in revenue.

Mr. Thu shared that he primarily relied on natural fishing for a living in the past. After being encouraged by the local governments to engage in cage fish farming on Thac Ba Lake, he visited and learned from various farms. Subsequently, he invested in a system of cages and rafts for fish farming. The process of cage fish farming is not demanding owing to the presence of naturally clean water sources and the utilization of locally available agricultural produce as fish feed, such as cassava leaves, banana leaves, and corn. Consequently, the initial investment capital is moderate, whereas the return on investment is expeditious.

Communities residing around Thac Ba Lake in Yen Binh district are fostering fish farming through two principal methods: cage fish farming and net cage fish farming nestled within the lake's alcoves. Thanks to advantageous water resources and scientific progress, fish production on Thac Ba Lake has sustained a consistent upward trajectory over the years. Notably, the production of high-quality, smooth-skinned fish within cages such as Hemibagrus, Siluridae, and Cranoglanis bouderius experienced a pronounced increase in both 2021 and 2022.

The cage fish farming profession on Thac Ba Lake has provided livelihoods for numerous households in Yen Bai province. Photo: Thanh Tien.

The cage fish farming profession on Thac Ba Lake has provided livelihoods for numerous households in Yen Bai province. Photo: Thanh Tien.

Within the vicinity of Thac Ba Lake, there are 2 businesses, 5 cooperatives, 13 cooperative groups, and over 300 households currently engaged in cage fish farming and net cage fish farming. The majority of these fish farming facilities have expanded their operations to encompass a diverse range of specialty fish, with a focus on indigenous smooth-skinned fish breeds.

In an effort to enhance the value of fish products derived from Thac Ba Lake, T&T Science and Technology Application Research Service Joint Stock Company and individual small-scale farming households have made significant investments in a high-quality cage fish farming system. Accordingly, they actively employ advanced scientific and technological advancements to rear high-value specialty fish, which exhibit a strong market demand. On the other hand, they strictly adhere to VietGAP-compliant farming processes, thereby significantly boosting productivity and yielding economic benefits several times higher than those from traditional fish farming methods.

With a scale of over 100 cages, the company introduced over 400 tons of fish to the market in 2022, primarily encompassing American Siluridae, Hemibagrus, black carp, and red tilapia. This production yielded a revenue of over 15 billion Vietnamese dong. The company's products are widely distributed through various chains of clean food stores within and beyond the province.

Hoang Kim aquacultural cooperative in Yen Binh district manages 300 fish cages on Thac Ba Lake. Photo: Thanh Tien.

Hoang Kim aquacultural cooperative in Yen Binh district manages 300 fish cages on Thac Ba Lake. Photo: Thanh Tien.

Hoang Kim aquacultural cooperative has established a partnership with the Hai Ha Clean Aquatic Product Processing Limited Company to create a closed production chain aimed at delivering specialty dried fish products from Thac Ba Lake to consumers.

Mr. Nguyen Quyet, Director of Hai Ha Clean Aquatic Product Processing Limited Company, stated, "The company has created employment opportunities and provided stable income for approximately 5 to 7 local workers, with an average income of 8 million Vietnamese dong per month. The company is currently manufacturing products processed from Hemibagrus and has obtained OCOP recognition for various items such as fish cake, fish bologna, fish sausage, and shredded fish. In order to meet consumer demands, the company has trained a skilled workforce and implemented modern machinery on its production line. Additionally, we prioritize food safety and hygiene criteria throughout the production processes."

Hoang Kim aquatic products processed from Hemibagrus have received OCOP recognition. Photo: Thanh Tien.

Hoang Kim aquatic products processed from Hemibagrus have received OCOP recognition. Photo: Thanh Tien.

Mr. Hoang Ngoc Dai, Deputy Director of Yen Bai province's Sub-Department of Fisheries, further stated, "To achieve the goal of establishing 3,000 fish cages and reaching an annual yield of 20,000 tons at Thac Ba Lake by 2025, Yen Bai province has issued supportive policies for stakeholders engaged in cage fish farming and net cage fish farming within the lake's alcoves. Furthermore, the province will continue to encourage businesses to collaborate with cooperatives, cooperative groups, and local residents to utilize the region's advantages in establishing the Thac Ba Lake fish brand and expanding its reach.

There are 2 enterprises and 5 cooperatives currently engaged in aquaculture activities on Thac Ba Lake, along with over 300 households engaged in cage fish farming and net cage fish farming. With over 2,200 fish cages and 230 hectares of net cage fish farming area, the total aquatic product yield in Yen Binh district is estimated to surpass 9,000 tons in 2022. Accordingly, approximately 6,500 tons will be produced from cage fish farming, and the remaining 2,500 tons will be produced through natural fishing activities. Yen Binh district aims to reach an aquatic product yield of at least 20,000 tons by 2025. Businesses are encouraged to establish aquatic product processing plants within the district to export fish products to various markets around the world such as the United States, Japan, Thailand, and African nations."

Author: Thanh Tien

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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