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Friday- 10:14, 10/09/2021

Two pangolins rescued in Dien Bien

(VAN) Cuc Phuong National Park and Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) have just received two pangolin individuals in Dien Bien.
Cuc Phuong National Park and Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) have just received two pangolins from the Economic Police Office, Dien Bien Police Department. Photo: SVW.

Cuc Phuong National Park and Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) have just received two pangolins from the Economic Police Office, Dien Bien Police Department. Photo: SVW.

After more than 10 hours on the road from Cuc Phuong (Ninh Binh) to Dien Bien, having encountered many transport hardships in the context of the pandemic, on September 8th the rescue team of Cuc Phuong National Park and Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) received two pangolins from the Economic Police Office of Dien Bien Police Department.

These two individuals were previously confiscated from an illegal wildlife trade in Dien Bien Phu city. According to initial records, both individuals are Javan pangolins. They are in a state of psychological stress and have sustained some physical damage.

On September 8th, as soon as they arrived at the Carnivore and Pangolins Conservation Program (Cuc Phuong National Park), the two pangolins were taken to a special treatment area for examination and care in order to soon have their mental and physical state stabilized.

Pangolins belong to "Group 1B" - a group of rare and endangered animals which are prioritized for protection according to Decree No. 06/2019/ND-CP 06/2019/ND-CP, dated January 22nd, 2019 on the management of forest plants, rare and endangered forest animals. This decree implements the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

According to Mr. Le Trong Dat, Deputy Director of the Center for Rescue, Conservation and Development of Organisms (Cuc Phuong National Park), despite the complicated development of the Covid-19 pandemic, wild animal rescue, care, and release activities in Cuc Phuong National Park are still maintained according to principles of safe pandemic prevention. Accordingly, many individuals of species have been rescued as well as released into the wild.

Some photos of the two pangolins being received:

Author: Hoang Thai

Translated by Samuel Pham

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