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Sunday- 09:22, 30/05/2021

Republish 'Common weeds in Vietnam' for the third time

(VAN) Weeds have many types, with different characteristics in each region. Therefore, agrostology is very necessary, especially for scientists...

In order to meet this demand, Saigon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company (SPC Company), has recently held a seminar on re-publishing the book "Common weeds in Vietnam" for the third time with the participation of reputable experts and scientists across the country, both live and online.

Seminar on republishing the book 'Common Weeds in Vietnam' for the third time, organized by SPC Company. Photo: Quoc Thi.

Seminar on republishing the book “Common Weeds in Vietnam” for the third time, organized by SPC Company. Photo: Quoc Thi.

Upon attending the seminar, there are Mr. Le Van Thiet, Deputy Director of Plant Protection Department; Mr. Nguyen Van Son, Acting Chairman and General Secretary of Vietnam Association of Pesticide Manufacturing and Trading Enterprises (ViPa); Dr. Phung Ha, General Secretary of Vietnam Fertilizer Association; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Director of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences... and many scientists from other institutes and academies.

At the seminar, Ms. Le Thi Phuong, Chairman of SPC Company’s Board of Directors, gave the opening speech, commented on the importance of the book “Common Weeds in Vietnam” for the country's agriculture and good service for teaching and research work of domestic and foreign readers. Moreover, she also mentioned some issues that the company will have to take care of to accomplish the supplement and completion of the book’s content in the third edition. 

Ms. Le Thi Phuong, Chairman of SPC Company’s Board of Directors, giving the speech at the seminar. Photo: Quoc Thi.

Ms. Le Thi Phuong, Chairman of SPC Company’s Board of Directors, giving the speech at the seminar. Photo: Quoc Thi.

In the third edition, “Common Weeds in Vietnam” will add more names of grasses according to each region, clearer detailed pictures as well as their features and biological characteristics.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quoc Dung, CEO of SPC Company, has presented some documents about the copyright of the book “Common Weeds in Vietnam”. Accordingly, he provided the legal basis, ensuring the strict optimization of the Copyright Law as well as the full right to use this book in the future.

Mr. Le Van Thiet, Deputy Director of Plant Protection Department, also shared some thoughts about the first and second publishing of  “Common Weeds in Vietnam”. In accordance with Mr. Thiet, SPC Company’s release of the book is very useful for lecturers' research and teaching work and effectively supportive for graduate students in finding references.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Dung, CEO of SPC Company has committed to best implement the book’s third publishment. Photo: Quoc Thi.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Dung, CEO of SPC Company has committed to best implement the book’s third publishment. Photo: Quoc Thi.

Furthermore, Mr. Thiet also highly appreciated the third edition of this book, especially the addition of information on existing grasses as well as the update on some new grasses in the present situation.

After the first publication in 2000, the book was re-published for the second time in 2005 and presented at the international conference on weeds taking place in Ho Chi Minh City with the participation of more than 200 scientists worldwide.

The book has captured massive attention and has great significance for Vietnam's agricultural industry, well serving the teaching and research of scientists, domestic and foreign readers. At present, in order to adjust and supplement more thoroughly and in line with the current state, SPC Company has decided to carry out the project about the third publishing of the book “Common Weeds in Vietnam”.

Mr. Le Van Thiet, Deputy Director of Plant Protection Department, sharing at the seminar. Photo: Quoc Thi.

Mr. Le Van Thiet, Deputy Director of Plant Protection Department, sharing at the seminar. Photo: Quoc Thi.

This third edition continues to receive contributions of scientists, professors, associate professors from universities, experts and weed researchers in Vietnam; along with the publication by Agricultural Publishing House. The expected print volume is over 10,000 copies, which will be circulated domestically and worldwide.

The third publication’s launching ceremony for the book “Common Weeds in Vietnam” will be held on a large scale in March 2022 with the participation of representatives from state management agencies, Plant Protection Department, Plant Protection Sub-Departments, enterprises, associations of pesticide production and trading, experts and scientists at institutes, academies, Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper, Agriculture Publishing House...

The media for the launching ceremony will also be carried out systematically on television channels, traditional newspapers and SPC's intranet websites.

Author: Minh Duc

Translated by Samuel Pham

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