September 19, 2024 | 16:53 GMT +7

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Thursday- 08:46, 19/09/2024

Receiving 13 million USD in emergency aid for people affected by storm No.3

(VAN) MARD has received over 200 tons of products and 13 million USD from embassies and international organizations to assist people who have been affected by storms and floods.
On the morning of September 18, MARD received emergency aid from the embassies of various countries to support those affected by Typhoon No. 3 (Yagi). Photo: Linh Linh.

On the morning of September 18, MARD received emergency aid from the embassies of various countries to support those affected by Typhoon No. 3 (Yagi). Photo: Linh Linh.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep, on behalf of MARD, conveyed his appreciation to the embassies and international organizations for their timely and precise assistance. In particular, he underscored the sentimental significance of the assistance and the necessity of support from international organizations, ambassadors, and nations.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep disclosed that MARD had been engaged in disaster response partnerships with numerous international organizations prior to the coming of Typhoon No. 3.

In the immediate aftermath, the parties collaborated to evaluate the extent of the damage and attained preliminary outcomes. The leadership of MARD observed that although Vietnam is frequently affected by natural disasters, the country rarely experiences severe cyclones. The winds of the strongest cyclones are typically at level 12. Nevertheless, Typhoon No. 3 was a historic typhoon, exceeding the infrastructure's capacity to withstand with level 15 winds that struck the mainland.

On behalf of MARD, Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep once again thanked the embassies and international organizations for their swift and accurate assistance. Photo: Linh Linh.

On behalf of MARD, Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep once again thanked the embassies and international organizations for their swift and accurate assistance. Photo: Linh Linh.

13 people were killed when the storm made landfall, according to reports. However, the floods and landslides that followed the storm resulted in over 300 fatalities and missing persons.

The Vietnamese government had made substantial efforts, as demonstrated by the direct deployment of MARD leaders to the field and the implementation of forceful directives from the outset, according to Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep. Nevertheless, the storm caused a catastrophic level of destruction in the northern mountainous region, leading to a significant loss of life and property.

The initial estimates suggest that the economic impact is approximately 2 billion USD, with the possibility of an increase to 2.5 billion USD. The long-term effects of the storm are not entirely captured by this figure. Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep underscored that the infrastructure will require a substantial investment of time and resources to be repaired, as well as the stabilization of the lives of the populace.

"There are certain issues that money cannot resolve. For instance, the 300 fatalities and missing persons, as well as the trauma that children endure as a result of witnessing the loss of their loved ones. The storm will have enduring emotional and material consequences, particularly for families that had recently escaped destitution but are now re-entering it as a result of the storm", according to Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep. 

Consequently, the leadership of MARD underscored the crucial importance of the support provided by countries and organizations at this juncture. MARD believes that accurate damage assessment, understanding needs, and precisely coordinating support are decisive factors in avoiding inaccurate evaluations, which could hinder relief efforts.

In addition to the 13 million USD in cash, MARD has received over 200 tons of products through emergency airlifts from countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, and India, etc. according to Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep. These shipments have been promptly disseminated to the affected regions and include essential items such as kitchen equipment, medical supplies, school materials, and emergency relief equipment, including clean water, tents, and repair tools.

The current priority of the agricultural sector, as emphasized by Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Hiep, is to accelerate the restoration of production in order to guarantee the livelihoods of the populace. Additionally, he advocated for the sustained assistance of international organizations and embassies in the areas of information sharing, agricultural production, forecasting, livelihood development, and consultancy to avert the recurrence of comparable catastrophes.

Ms. Pauline Tamesis - UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam - represents and delivers support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). Photo: Linh Linh.

Ms. Pauline Tamesis - UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam - represents and delivers support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). Photo: Linh Linh.

UK Ambassador to Vietnam, Iain Frew, represents and delivers £1 million (1.3 million USD). Photo: Linh Linh.

UK Ambassador to Vietnam, Iain Frew, represents and delivers £1 million (1.3 million USD). Photo: Linh Linh.

US Ambassador to Vietnam, Marc E. Knapper, represents and delivers 1 million USD. Photo: Linh Linh.

US Ambassador to Vietnam, Marc E. Knapper, represents and delivers 1 million USD. Photo: Linh Linh.

Indian Ambassador to Vietnam, Sandeep Arya, represents and delivers 1 million USD in emergency aid to support those affected by Typhoon No. 3. Photo: Linh Linh.

Indian Ambassador to Vietnam, Sandeep Arya, represents and delivers 1 million USD in emergency aid to support those affected by Typhoon No. 3. Photo: Linh Linh.

New Zealand Ambassador to Vietnam, Ginny Chapman, represents and delivers 1 million New Zealand dollars (approximately 620,000 USD). Photo: Linh Linh.

New Zealand Ambassador to Vietnam, Ginny Chapman, represents and delivers 1 million New Zealand dollars (approximately 620,000 USD). Photo: Linh Linh.

Ms. Cherie Russell, Development Counselor at the Australian Embassy, represents and delivers 3 million AUD (approximately 2 million USD). Photo: Linh Linh.

Ms. Cherie Russell, Development Counselor at the Australian Embassy, represents and delivers 3 million AUD (approximately 2 million USD). Photo: Linh Linh.

Ms. Pauline Tamesis, UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam and Co-Partner for Disaster Risk Reduction, underscored the importance of this partnership as the primary mechanism for coordinating between the UN and other key partners. She underscored that the UN does not act independently, but rather mobilizes and coordinates support in collaboration with governments. The United Nations led the activation of eight sectors within the disaster risk reduction partnership in response to Typhoon No. 3 and its aftermath. UN agencies are responsible for the majority of these sectors, which include health, education, nutritional support, shelter, early recovery, and protection, as well as WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene).

"We are entirely dedicated to the mobilization of the requisite technical expertise and capabilities to facilitate a unified response among donors. The UN, as the leader of these sectors, is prepared to execute a joint response plan, as we reiterated during our most recent meeting with MARD. This strategy will guarantee that donor support is efficiently coordinated, thereby enabling us to prioritize aid for the most vulnerable and impacted populations", Ms. Pauline underscored. 

Additionally, the United Nations is currently in the process of mobilizing resources from emergency response funds, with a particular emphasis on sectors such as education, shelter, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). In the WASH sector, the United Nations will prioritize central healthcare facilities, while child protection will be a primary concern in the education sector. The United Nations is currently in the process of rapidly mobilizing these resources to ensure that information and data are widely disseminated, thereby enabling donors and partners to make informed and expedient decisions.

Mr. Iain Frew, the UK Ambassador to Vietnam, acknowledged that the current period is particularly difficult for the communities that have been impacted. The UK anticipates that MARD will persist in its coordination of recovery efforts, as the requirements of these communities are anticipated to rise in the upcoming weeks and months. "With more rain and storms expected, we understand that the impact will persist, and we remain committed to providing support wherever possible," the United Kingdom Ambassador stated.

The US Ambassador to Vietnam, Marc E. Knapper, expressed his support for the individuals who have been impacted by the storm and floods, as they have experienced significant economic losses, lost acquaintances and family members.

"The Deputy Minister's leadership is greatly appreciated, and we are grateful for the diligent efforts of the Vietnamese government, police officers, and military personnel in addressing the needs of the affected. We are eager to continue our collaboration with the Deputy Minister, MARD, and all stakeholders to guarantee that the communities, individuals, and families impacted by the storm and flooding have their needs met. We are dedicated to listening to your needs and responding to them to the best of our ability during these challenging times",  the US Ambassador stated. 

On August 1, the Indian Ambassador to Vietnam, Sandeep Arya, announced that Vietnam had formally joined the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure. India is the driving force behind this initiative, which spans 40 countries and is headquartered in New Delhi. The coalition engages in a variety of activities, such as technology transfer, knowledge exchange, financial mobilization, and risk estimation, to support Vietnam's long-term capacity-building initiatives.

The ambassadors of Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland also conveyed their support for the efforts to assist those affected by Typhoon No. 3 in Vietnam at the donation reception.

Author: Linh Linh

Translated by Dieu Linh

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