July 6, 2024 | 07:26 GMT +7

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Tuesday- 15:30, 14/05/2024

Prosecution for deliberately violating IUU Fishing Regulations

(VAN) That is the decisive directive of the Chairman of the People's Committee of Vung Tau City in preventing IUU fishing violations in the locality.
The border guard force regularly inspects the entry and exit of fishing boats and educates boat owners about IUU regulations. Photo: Le Binh.

The border guard force regularly inspects the entry and exit of fishing boats and educates boat owners about IUU regulations. Photo: Le Binh.

On May 13, Vung Tau City held a conference with nearly 200 individuals and organizations involved in the fisheries sector, including representatives from 17 wards and communes. These participants included fishermen and owners of offshore fishing boats longer than 15 m.

Currently, Vung Tau City has 1,353 fishing boats, with 819 boats over 15 m operating in offshore areas, 82 boats between 12-15 meters operating in inshore areas, and 452 boats between 6-12 meters operating near the shore. In 2023, the city's fishery production value reached VND 12,691 billion, a 2.5% increase from 2022.

Ms Tran Thi Thu Huong, Head of the Economic Department of Vung Tau City, stated that the city has completed the temporary registration and numbering for 88 “3-no” fishing boats (no registration, no permit, and no inspection). The installation of Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) on fishing boats over 15 meters has reached 98.4%. There are still 13 boats without VMS, primarily because they are docked or have been sold.

"The authorities have also identified an additional 14 '3-no' fishing boats in Wards 5, Thang Nhi, and 12. All these boats will be registered and numbered temporarily by the end of May 2024", Ms Huong added.

During the 4th inspection by the European Commission (EC) in October 2023, Vung Tau City had 181 fishing boats not meeting the conditions to go offshore. The city has since assisted fishermen in completing the necessary paperwork for 141 boats, with 7 boats still finalizing their documents.

"Of the remaining 33 boats, 19 are docked due to damage, 3 have changed their profession, 9 have been sold or lost, and 2 have sunk", Ms Huong further explained.

In recent times, particularly during the peak period of Ba Ria - Vung Tau’s efforts to lift the "yellow card" imposed by the EC for IUU fishing, the provincial Border Guard has implemented several stringent measures to control offshore fishing boats.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Khanh, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Provincial Border Guard Command, confirmed that fishing boats without proper documentation will not be allowed to go offshore. The Border Guard closely inspects the entry and exit of fishing boats. The unit has collaborated to verify and handle 15 out of 21 cases of fishing boats losing VMS connection for over 10 days in the province, leftover from 2023. The remaining 6 cases will be resolved by the end of May 2024.

Vung Tau City has been a leading locality in effectively implementing measures against IUU fishing. As a region with numerous fishing boats, supporting units, and seafood processing and export businesses, lifting the EC's "yellow card" will significantly contribute to building a sustainable and responsible fishery sector, directly impacting the city's economy.

The city of Vung Tau has organized a commitment signing event to strictly enforce IUU fishing regulations in 2024 among various units and fishermen. Photo: TH.

The city of Vung Tau has organized a commitment signing event to strictly enforce IUU fishing regulations in 2024 among various units and fishermen. Photo: TH.

Mr Hoang Vu Thanh, Chairman of the Vung Tau City People's Committee, emphasized the city's firm stance on strictly handling and denying related support policies to fishing boat owners who violate IUU regulations, especially those engaging in illegal fishing activities in foreign waters.

In recent times, functional forces have detected some fishing boats from Vung Tau showing signs of violating IUU regulations. The provincial People's Committee has also issued a directive to the provincial police to investigate and criminally prosecute these boats if criminal signs are found.

"Therefore, the city will direct functional forces to strictly handle violations, with no exceptions, and criminally prosecute serious IUU fishing violations. Officials, civil servants, and leaders who fail to fulfil their duties related to preventing IUU fishing will also be held accountable and penalized",  Mr Hoang Vu Thanh affirmed.

The directive from the Chairman of the Vung Tau City People's Committee has received unanimous support from the fishermen. For them, this is a strong measure aimed at thoroughly addressing cases of violations destroying the collaborated effort.

Mr. Do Dinh Minh, Director of the Sub-Department of Fisheries (Quang Ninh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development), said that the installation of equipment to connect the offshore vessel monitoring system aims to carry out cruise monitoring so that the functional agency can inspect and trace whether the fishing vessels' seafood exploitation at sea is in the right area and whether they have crossed the maritime boundary or not.

Author: Le Binh

Translated by Hoang Duy

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