October 19, 2024 | 10:22 GMT +7

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Saturday- 10:22, 19/10/2024

Prompting a sustainable and responsible argiculture for both nature and human

(VAN) Vietnam is determined to develop sustainable and responsible agriculture for both nature and humans, which is also in line with the general development trend of the world.
The theme of this year's World Food Day is 'Access to food for a better life and future'. Photo: Linh Linh.

The theme of this year's World Food Day is "Access to food for a better life and future". Photo: Linh Linh.

On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and millions of farmers in Vietnam, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam conveyed his wishes to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the 44th anniversary of World Food Day and the 79th celebration of the founding of the FAO.

As reported by FAO, as many as 733 million people in the world suffered hunger in 2023; 2.8 billion people still cannot afford a healthy diet; every year, more than 600 million people suffer food poisoning and 420,000 people die each year from eating dirty food. Therefore, the United Nations has chosen to celebrate this year's World Food Day with theme “Right to access food for a better life and future”.

The above theme of the World Food Day this year emphasizes that the food demands must be diversified, nutritious, affordable, accessible, safe and sustainable for all. The diversity of nutritious foods must be ensured right in each growing field, each fishing ground, each market and each dining table, for the benefit of all. Unhealthy diets are the main causes of all forms of malnutrition – including undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency and obesity which are still present in most countries, affecting all walks of life. We together need to cultivate each field, each garden, each product and share our hearts with farmers as well as consumers in particular and the whole food systems in general.

According to Minister Le Minh Hoan Vietnam's agriculture plays a particularly important role in ensuring food security, social stability and livelihoods for more than 60% of the population in rural areas, contributing 12% of the country's GDP (in 2023), creating jobs for nearly 40% of labor force and also making an important contribution to poverty reduction.

However, the agriculture is facing several big challenges, from internal problems to objective factors: small-size farming households accounting for the majority, resource depletion, climate change, market fluctuation and changes in consumption trends in the world. Producers have little access to the market and often only stop at supplying raw materials. The awareness and behavior of consumers – who are the subjects of the food system – remain limited in terms of nutrition, green consumption and responsible consumption. In addition, Vietnam is one of the countries most affected by climate change. Typhoon Yagi and typhoon circulation have recently caused severe damages to human and property.

The Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, and the National Action Plan for Transforming a Transparent, Responsible and Sustainable Food System in Vietnam to 2030 promulgated by the Government have proved the determination of the Government in developing a sustainable and responsible agriculture for both nature and humans, which is also in line with the general development trend of the world.

Throughout the development process of Vietnam's agriculture, we have witnessed the companionship and active contribution of international partners and friends. In the current context, our agriculture needs more concrete actions to intensify the cooperation, create more external forces to support and promote the achievement of sectoral development goals as well as international commitments to which Vietnam adheres. With the goal to participate actively and responsibly in the globalization process; address the challenges of global agriculture; bring Vietnam's agriculture into the world; mobilize human resources, technology, finance; attract investment to serve the rapid and sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas, MARD has just issued a decision approving the " Plan for International Cooperation Promotion in Agriculture and Rural Development to 2030 and vision to 2050".

Minister Le Minh Hoan speaks at the event. Photo: Linh Linh.

Minister Le Minh Hoan speaks at the event. Photo: Linh Linh.

The Plan sets out specific objectives, solutions and priority tasks in which the Ministry's international cooperation units need to closely coordinate with international partners, relevant ministries and agencies for implementation from now to 2030 and orientation to 2050, aiming at contributing to the implementation of strategies, plans and commitments assigned by the Government to the sector. We are willing to join hands with international partners in a comprehensive manner in the areas of trade, investment, technical assistance, science, technology, training and communication in the spirit of diversifying partners, being friends with all and promoting international cooperation into practical and effective initiatives. Vietnam's agriculture and rural development sector needs to encourage the diplomacy and the diplomacy can also take advantage of the potential advantages of agriculture and rural areas, boosting Vietnam's image to the world. Agricultural diplomacy has been and will be promoted by the Government of Vietnam for practical and effective results.

“I am very pleased that the Decision to approve the International Cooperation Plan was announced to you, and it is also the time when one of the tasks set out has come to fruition. That is the task of "Building a transparent, sustainable and responsible food system partnership", the Minister stated.

Same day, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministries of Health, Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment and more than 30 domestic and international partners jointly signed the agreement "Transparent, responsibile and sustainabile FST Partnership in Vietnam" and the launch of the United Nations Joint Programme in Vietnam on " Promoting innovation in partnership and finance for FST in Vietnam", the initiative to establish the Partnership and finance for system transformation. This program is the first brick to lay the foundation for the Partnership’s activities with financial support from the United Nations Sustainable Development Fund (SDG Funds) and technical support from 3 UN agencies namely FAO, UNDP and IFAD.

The Minister believed that with the efforts of the Government, the initiative of the whole sector, the close coordination of ministries, departments, localities, the companionship of international partners, the private sector and the business community at home and abroad, the contributions of districts and all people. Vietnam will achieve the goal of becoming a country with modern, transparent, responsible and sustainable agriculture, making a positive contribution to the global food security and sustainable development.

“Together, we will create new values for "the right to access food for a better life and future". The future is not something we predict, but something we build together, and act for our good future. Don't hesitate when faced with an opportunity. The future always belongs to those who dare to face challenges”, he appealed.

Author: Linh Linh

Translated by Linh Linh

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