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Tuesday- 18:29, 02/07/2024

Promoting cooperation with CropLife on crop gene editing technology

VAN) Mr. Hoang Trung - Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development discussed with representatives of CropLife Vietnam and pertinent Ministry units on July 2.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and CropLife Vietnam discussed cooperation in the production of genetically edited crop varieties and new-generation plant protection products. Photo: Linh Linh.

Ms. Dao Thu Vinh, Coordinator of CropLife Vietnam, reported at the meeting that CropLife has implemented numerous cooperation initiatives with Ministry entities since 2015. The dissemination of technical advancements and new products for agricultural production, such as the research and production of genetically edited maize varieties, has been facilitated by these initiatives. This effort seeks to promote ecological agriculture, which aims to reduce crop yield losses caused by parasites, increase the incomes of farmers, and contribute to environmental protection.

Ms. Vinh shared that CropLife Asia executed a five-year memorandum of understanding (2023-2028) with the Department of Science, Technology, and Environment (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) to advance the utilization of biotechnology in agriculture, which encompasses gene editing.

In particular, CropLife has participated in a variety of activities over the past year to debate the legal advancements of countries worldwide in relation to genetically edited crops, share scientific information, and access new technologies. CropLife anticipates that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Science, Technology, and Environment will continue to provide assistance in the implementation of these initiatives in light of the successes it has achieved. This would facilitate the rapid commercialization of genetically modified varieties in the market and the delivery of these varieties to producers, thereby addressing climate change and ensuring food security.

CropLife Vietnam representatives also expressed their desire to further enhance their collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the areas of science and technology, as well as new-generation plant protection products.

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development expressed his profound appreciation for CropLife's responsible and effective collaboration with the agricultural sector, particularly in the promotion of the adoption of new crop varieties that possess enhanced characteristics, including pest resistance, tolerance to adverse environmental conditions, and quality enhancement.

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung highly appreciated CropLife's effective and responsible cooperation with the agricultural sector, especially in encouraging the application of new crop varieties. Photo: Linh Linh.

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung requested that CropLife continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to implement the following specific cooperation contents: the development and completion of the legal framework and technical standards for the trial and evaluation of genetically edited varieties for production and business in Vietnam; the construction of models and the dissemination of technical advancements in new crop varieties and new-generation plant protection products in localities; and the coordination with the Ministry's units to disseminate and popularize legal documents in the fields of crop production and plant protection.

Author: Linh Linh

Translated by Dieu Linh

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