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Sunday- 22:10, 31/03/2024

Phu Quoc strives to become an economic center for marine and island eco-tourism

(VAN) On March 31, the People's Committee of Kien Giang province held a conference to summarize 20 years of implementing Decision 178/2004/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister on the comprehensive development project Phu Quoc Island.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh spoke at the conference. Photo: Trung Chanh.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh spoke at the conference. Photo: Trung Chanh.

Many outstanding achievements

Mr. Do Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee, said that Phu Quoc's economic growth rate is always high, reaching nearly 19.6% per year, is stable and sustainable, and next year will be higher than last year.

Most socio-economic indicators increased, and the economic structure shifted in the right direction, rapidly increasing the proportion of trade services in the construction industry and decreasing the proportion of agriculture.

Total state budget revenue has increased over the years, significantly contributing to the province's general budget. In 2004, total budget revenue reached VND 38.59 billion, but more was needed to cover expenses. In 2020, Phu Quoc accounted for 51.6% of the total budget revenue of Kien Giang province and contributed 5.4% of the budget revenue of the Mekong Delta region, 0.35% of the total budget revenue of the country.

By 2023, Phu Quoc's budget revenue will reach VND 7,812.7 billion, an increase of over 113 times compared to 2004. In the past five years, Phu Quoc has not only had budget autonomy but also regulated the provincial budget.

From a locality with "no investment projects," by 2023, Phu Quoc has attracted 321 investment projects with a land use area of about 10,652ha and a total registered investment capital of over VND 412 trillion, accounting for 42.8% of the total number of projects in the province. Of these, 312 projects have been granted Investment Registration Certificates and investment policy decisions with a total area of 10,111ha.

Phu Quoc has 4,404 enterprises with registered capital of over VND 142 trillion, an increase of 17 times in number and 383 times of registered capital compared to 2004.

The total investment capital for the basic construction of the whole society continues to increase year by year, reaching VND 21,615 billion by 2023, an increase of nearly 64 times compared to 2004.

The Prime Minister visited the Phu Quoc traditional products booth. Photo: Trung Chanh.

The Prime Minister visited the Phu Quoc traditional products booth. Photo: Trung Chanh.

Phu Quoc's outstanding achievements are in tourism development. From a little-known island district that in 2004 attracted just over 130 thousand tourists, by 2020, Phu Quoc will reach over 3.5 million tourists, an increase of nearly 27 times compared to 2004 and almost 17% higher compared to the target in Decision 178/2004/QD-TTg.

By the end of 2023, Phu Quoc will welcome about 5.57 million tourists, an increase of 42.7 times in 2004, of which international visitors are over 560 thousand, accounting for 4.48% of the country (by 2023, the government will welcome 12.8 million international visitors).

Phu Quoc has affirmed its brand on the world tourism map with many regional and international products. In 2023, the world's leading travel magazine, Travel + Leisure, honored Phu Quoc island as "One of the new stars of Vietnamese tourism."

Up to now, Phu Quoc's infrastructure system meets development requirements. In 2014, Phu Quoc officially joined the national power grid. In the same year, Phu Quoc International Airport welcomed its first flight. Up to now, domestic flights have been connected to all airports and international flights have been linked to 10 countries and territories.

The socio-cultural field is given proper attention and direction, traditional local cultural values continue to be preserved and promoted, and people's income and living standards continuously improve. In 2004, there were only two kindergartens and 24 high schools; currently, the city has 106 schools at all levels. People's health care is paid attention to, and the medical profession is enhanced in the number of medical staff and facilities.

"The four main goals of Phu Quoc's overall development according to the project were all achieved and exceeded. Phu Quoc has grown to become one of the regional and international tourist attractions. Economic infrastructure - society and people's lives have changed drastically. In particular, Phu Quoc has become one of the main growth engines of Kien Giang province," Mr. Binh shared.

Phu Quoc has a strategic location in economy, culture, trade, tourism, defense, and security. It is also the most significant fishing ground in the south, with a potential marine farming area of nearly 1,400km2 with marine ecosystems. Aquatic resources are diverse and extensive, many of which have high value.

Secretary of the Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee affirmed that four main goals for the development of Phu Quoc island were achieved and exceeded, with many outstanding results. Photo: Trung Chanh.

Secretary of the Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee affirmed that four main goals for the development of Phu Quoc island were achieved and exceeded, with many outstanding results. Photo: Trung Chanh.

"6 points scored" after 20 years of development

In conclusion, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assessed that Phu Quoc has an essential and particular role and position in socio-economic development, ensuring national defense, security, cultural development, tourism, and improving the material and spiritual lives of the people.

"Phu Quoc has many potentials, outstanding opportunities, and competitive advantages. The Party and State have many guidelines, mechanisms, and policies to promote Phu Quoc's development. The attention of the Party and State is thorough, and it has focus, key points, and priorities in terms of policies, resources, and potential to protect national security and defense," the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister assessed that after 20 years, Phu Quoc had achieved the goals of the Phu Quoc Overall Development Project according to Decision No. 178/2004/QD-TTg. Notably, the growth rate reached 19.6% per year; the economic structure shifted positively, tourism activities in 2011-2023 grew six times higher than the national average, and budget revenue increased 113 times. , investment attraction increased 64 times after 20 years, etc.

Phu Quoc island district has been officially a class II city-urban area under Kien Giang province since 2020.

Prime Minister summarizes '6 more points' after 20 years of Phu Quoc development: Potential is enhanced; Strategic infrastructure is more synchronized; Greater attention, support, and assistance from the Party, State, people, and international friends; Phu Quoc's prestige, role and position increased; Contribution to GDP, budget revenue, and higher material and spiritual life of the people; Opportunities and advantages are more, although difficulties and challenges are no less.

A corner of Phu Quoc City was viewed from the sea after 20 years of implementing the project. Photo: Trung Chanh.

A corner of Phu Quoc City was viewed from the sea after 20 years of implementing the project. Photo: Trung Chanh.

The head of the government also pointed out that Phu Quoc still has some limitations, such as ensuring clean water and environmental sanitation (there are no factories or waste treatment centers appropriate to the population size). Digital transformation infrastructure still needs to keep pace with the pace of development; there are inadequacies related to land management, some people's lives still need to be improved, etc.

In the coming time, the Prime Minister requests strict implementation of plans, including the approved Phu Quoc general planning project until 2040; develop Phu Quoc according to a multi-center, green, and intelligent city model; Forming a concentrated urban chain, including tourism, service and entertainment centers; airports and seaports; nature reserve.

Vigorously develop the marine economy, closely combining effective utilization of potentials and advantages and ensuring national defense and security, protecting sovereignty over seas and islands, protecting resources and the aquatic environment, preventing and combating natural disasters and climate change response. Continue to focus on creating qualitative changes, ensuring sustainability in Phu Quoc tourism development.

The Prime Minister emphasized six critical groups of tasks, which perfected market-oriented mechanisms and policies to promote distinct potential.

With the view that Phu Quoc development is not a separate task for Kien Giang province, the Prime Minister directed the promotion of synchronous strategic infrastructure development and paid more attention to social security issues for the people.

Author: Dao Trung Chanh

Translated by Tuan Huy

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