September 19, 2024 | 19:30 GMT +7

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Saturday- 22:44, 03/08/2024

Over 5,000 community agricultural extension groups, over 45,000 bridges of knowledge

(VAN) Community agricultural extension has a strong presence across various provinces and cities and develops in-depth, integrating multi-value to help develop sustainable raw material regions.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinated with the Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee to organize a conference to review two years of implementing the Project and improve the effectiveness of agricultural extension activities by perfecting the community agricultural extension team model. Photo: Tuan Anh.

MARD organized the "Conference to review two years of implementing the project to enhance the effectiveness of agricultural extension activities based on consolidating the community agricultural extension model" on August 2 in Pleiku City in collaboration with the People's Committee of Gia Lai province.

Progression toward deeper understanding

The MARD issued a Decision on March 25, 2022, that approved the pilot project "Consolidating the community agricultural extension model to enhance the effectiveness of agricultural extension activities." The project was executed in 13 provinces across five critical agricultural, forestry, and fishery material regions to bolster and integrate the grassroots agricultural extension system following the community agricultural extension model.

After two years of piloting, the community agricultural extension model has demonstrated positive results, garnering support and response from farmers, local authorities, and Party committees. The initiative has established an additional 1,000 expanded community agricultural extension teams with over 9,600 members, in addition to the 26 pilot community agricultural extension teams in 13 provinces with 156 members.

Mr. Le Quoc Thanh, Director of the National Agricultural Extension Center (middle) and the community agricultural extension team visited the wood material area in Quang Tri province. Photo: AT.

Simultaneously, 44 provinces and cities nationwide have established community agricultural extension teams, comprising over 4,000 teams and over 37,300 members, to support agricultural development and new rural construction in their respective localities. This initiative is part of the national target program for new rural development for 2021-2025.

The core function of the community agricultural extension force in the project's implementation process is to assist farmers in reorganizing production, provide training to enhance capacity and serve as a liaison between farmers and enterprises.

Hai Phong City has the most effective community agricultural extension model. The city has 139 teams with more than 1,000 members.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuat, the Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hai Phong City, stated that community agricultural extension teams have been present in all communes in the region for the past three years. Initially, the agricultural extension teams have provided advice and guidance to cooperatives regarding central and city policies. Additionally, the community agricultural extension teams provide highly efficient guidance on quality management, traceability, production linkages, and market connections.

Ha Mon commune's community agricultural extension team (Dak Ha district, Kon Tum province) guides people on sustainable coffee cultivation. Photo: Tuan Anh.

From the business perspective, the community agricultural extension teams have mutually benefited both parties. Mr. Phan Phan Van Tam, Deputy General Director of Binh Dien Fertilizer Joint Stock Company, stated that the MARD has established the community agricultural extension force to facilitate the deployment of technical advancements and connections between individuals and businesses.

"The community agricultural extension force has significantly aided businesses and established connections to individuals to establish sustainable raw material regions.This also enables businesses to establish connections with individuals to introduce new products and technological advancements that align with the agricultural sector's objectives", Mr. Tam disclosed.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development delegation led by Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam visited the community agricultural extension model in Dak Mar commune (Dak Ha district, Kon Tum province). Photo: Tuan Anh.

Aiding in the further development of consolidation

Additionally, numerous localities have candidly identified the challenges the community agricultural extension system is encountering and the benefits. According to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuat, the Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hai Phong City, the community agricultural extension model is a novel concept currently encountering numerous obstacles, including a lack of equipment, perception and actions from certain grassroots government levels. Furthermore, the agricultural extension work has encountered substantial challenges due to supply chain disruptions and instability in agricultural production.

MARD has not yet summarized the initiative, so localities have no unified criteria or strong messages to issue specific policies for the community agricultural extension teams.

"It is suggested that MARD publish general guidelines on technical, economic norms, policy mechanisms, functions, tasks, and regulations for community agricultural extension teams to ensure that localities have a foundation for implementation." Additionally, Mr. Tuat recommended that Hai Phong City establish robust policies to promote the development of agriculture, farmers, and rural areas, as well as policies that specifically address the activities of community agricultural extension teams.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam chaired the conference. Photo: Tuan Anh.

Mr. Doi Van Cuong, Head of the Community Agricultural Extension Team in Ha Mon commune (Kon Tum province), stated that the community agricultural extension teams are encountering challenges, including a lack of knowledge and skills in agricultural extension activities and other consulting services, as he directly visits the grassroots. Additionally, certain team members are employed concurrently and allocate minimal time to agricultural extension activities. The community agricultural extension teams cannot sign consulting contracts or employ services from enterprises due to their lack of legal status. Additionally, cooperatives are still scarce, and the revenue generated by activities is minimal.

According to Tran Thanh Nam, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, community agricultural extension has emerged as a pressing matter relevant to the entire community. The initiative has garnered the attention, support, and active involvement of the entire political system, from the central to local levels.

The initiative has yielded highly encouraging outcomes after two years of implementation. In the past, 26 pilot community agricultural extension teams were established nationwide. 57 provinces have established over 5,000 community agricultural extension teams, with over 45,500 members partaking. This force will serve as the primary actors at the local level, assisting farmers in the reorganization of production following quality standards and market demands. It will also facilitate the connection between farmers and businesses in the value chain.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam stated that community agricultural extension officers of today are multi-valued, as they not only offer agricultural guidance but also address market issues, connect individuals with businesses, and contribute to new rural development.

In light of the obtained results, Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam suggested that the National Agricultural Extension Center expedite the completion of the sample regulations on the activities of community agricultural extension teams and the development of guidance documents for provinces and cities to expand the model.

Additionally, it is imperative to continue building and completing sets of materials to support community agricultural extension activities, with a particular emphasis on the materials required to implement the 1 million hectares of high-quality, low-emission rice development project.

The Deputy Minister also encouraged provinces and cities to prioritize establishing and consolidating community agricultural extension teams by providing them with conducive working environments and equipment. In the interim, cooperatives and enterprises should proactively collaborate with community agricultural extension teams to establish raw material regions, implement new technologies, produce following standards, and connect the value chain.

Authors: Tuan Anh - Phuong Chi

Translated by Linh Linh

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